I fucked up.
I knew it the moment I walked away that night, leaving him alone in the dark. I knew it when I heard his soft, broken sobs through the door before silence swallowed them whole.
I knew it, and yet I still left.
I had to leave because he was hurt from my actions and I didn't want to downplay it for him. He was drunk and in no right sense to demand such things.
It was like I had disappointed him, betrayed him even. I knew how much he valued loyalty and how much it would hurt him if someone he considered close to him would betray him.
I didn't betray him but I wish he would let me explain that to him.
And now, a week had passed. Seven days of silence, of cold indifference. Soren wouldn't look at me, wouldn't acknowledge me beyond what was necessary for business. He had always been good at cutting people off, at pretending they didn't exist.
Now, I was on the receiving end of it this time.