He lied to me! I couldn't believe it. The look in my father's eyes when I turned the corner told it all. I didn't even want an explanation, I just ran out the door. He ran after me with all his might but I didn't look back. I just kept running, and running, till suddenly, I couldn't anymore and fell into the grass.
Dad finally caught up. He didn't say anything, he just sat down next to me. He shifted his body until I found myself laying on his lap, looking into the stars, staring at the mother planet our moon orbits as it shines down on us. Its blue and yellow bands of alternating clouds stretch across its sky, allowing us to witness its full beauty. I reminisced on the nights we would have together. When the skies were clear and the stars were bright, we'd travel to the most remote part of the yard and stargaze to our heart's content. I loved it. It was the first thing I looked forward to as the night began. Today was different however. The entire mood was soured as I laid there. I couldn't hold back my tears. I held on to him as tight as I could, hoping my grip could be enough to keep him from moving.
"Please don't go! Don't leave again!" I begged.
"Oh, Demi," he said as he looked into the sky. "My sweet little girl. My little white light. It's going to be ok."
He tried to be gentle to help ease the tension, but I could feel rain over the back of my neck as I bury myself into his chest. I could tell by the clear night that it wasn't rain and he took a long deep breath, trying as hard as he could to compose himself as he pushed me away at arm's length, looking at me eye to eye. His body language was stern and composed. His movement was calculated and controlled, like any army man. But his eyes told a different story. They were sad and weeping. They told of how heartbroken he was and how much he really wanted to stay. As I look back on it now, I think he knew he had no choice and I think deep down, I knew too. Trying as hard as he could to hold in his thoughts, he said, "I will never leave you, but I have to do this one last mission, and I will be done. I promise."
"You promise?" I asked.
He reaches over and presses against my chest with his finger. As I looked onto him, the sadness had spread throughout his entire body. He couldn't hide it anymore.
"Demi…" he whispered.
He gently stands me back up and walks me home. A house in the middle of long flat planes stretching into the distance. The duo set of moons could be seen along the horizon ready to greet the early night. Our house is modest. It was simple for a family of three, but it was enough. Greeting us at the door were two gentlemen in suits. They could be seen quite a distance away as the outfits glow along the seams. The suits were black but the glow was a bright blue. As my father greets them, I stood next to my mother, who held me in her arms. She seems to have no emotion, like she was preparing for this moment from the beginning. Father reaches over and gives her a final kiss. She whispers something to him, though I was unsure what she said, then he kneels to me. I was trying my best to hold my tears again. He reaches into his pocket and pulls out a ring. It was old and looked kind of rusted, but the rock on top shined like no other. It was shaped in a small cube and bounced the light off one of the gentlemen's suits, glowing so bright it was almost blinding. He reaches for my hand and gently opens it, placing the ring inside.
"What is it?" I asked.
"This…is very important to me. It has been in my family for generations. I was going to give it to you on your 25th birthday but…"
"Why are you giving it to me now?"
He looks at me and smiles. I could tell he was lying. I didn't know about what, but something didn't sit right.
"As insurance and a promise."
"Of what?"
Before he could answer, one of the men calls out to him. "Burk, it's time to go." He said.
Ignoring them, he looks me dead in the eyes. The pain he was feeling at the moment was as clear as day. The tears had taken over again. He quickly reaches over and kneels down to me.
"Do you remember what the head of the family named you?"
"The star?"
"That's right. The star of Nassa. I need you to be that star today, Demi. For your mother and for the family. Shine a light forward and be the future of the Clan."
"Dad, you're talking like I'll never see you again-."
"-No!" He yells suddenly. "No, we will. Cross my heart…"
He hugs me one last time and leaves with the men as they follow behind him. I screamed as loud as I could, hoping he could hear, hoping he would change his mind and that he's making a mistake, but it was all in vain. The ship lifts off the ground, sending huge plumes of dirt into the air and throwing it into my eyes. As I wipe away the dust, I can make out the white light soaring away into the sky, never to be seen again.