20 years would pass since that day and I am left staring into a wall, emotionless. I have only just returned from leave to honor him yet it felt like too short of time has gone by. The room gently rocks back and forth and the taste of recycled air fills my lungs. As I look into my faded reflection on the wall, I notice a faint blue hue in my short silver hair. It was cut low to my shoulders and the light came from the window next to me facing out into the blue folded space. The same color reflects off my purple eyes, the result of rare family genetics, and brown skin. My height is pretty average though I am very small in body build and stature compared to my peers. My black military outfit tried its best to absorb the light. The suit was a culmination of a buttoned shirt inside of a heavy suit and a black custom skirt to match. All that was left was dad's ring as it started to glow a bright blue. I wore on my left hand for good luck, not that I believed it though.
A folder sat in my hand and my new orders were contained inside. I've been promoted to commander and have been ordered to investigate a distress signal. First, I have to return back to the RNS Boseman. A large battleship, part of the Rose fleet in low orbit around a joint military planet near the border of Sulis, our neighboring country. I used to be on that ship before I got reassigned. The shuttle I am on is on its way back. I exit the restroom in the rear of the ship and make my way forward toward my seat. The other passengers on the shuttle were extremely eager soldiers, ready to make their mark on the universe. Most were confused as they sat in their seats. Some blankly stare out the window and the rest shiver in their seats. As I sit down, a gentleman walks through the sliding metal doors in the ship's front. He whispers into the ear of a man in front of me and exits back through that same door. The other man then stands up and walks into the aisle. He had this presence about him that made your skin crawl, and I almost wanted to back away further into my seat.
"Good afternoon, stargazers." He yells, "My name is Harrin Burlocke. I will be your head of security for as long as you are here. Welcome to hell!"
A light chuckle flutters throughout the ship. The man walks up and down the aisles, staring into everyone's eyes.
"The republic has called for troops and you have answered that call. Congratulations on your training. In approximately one minute, we will arrive at our destination, the RNS Boseman. The newest ship in the Rose fleet. You will serve it and his capital ship, the Rosa. You will give him your everything! Is that understood?"
"Yes sir!" Everyone yelled in unison.
"When the ship lands, everyone is to stand in a single file line and are to exit only when I tell you to! You will split into two groups on the ground. Officers to my right, everyone else to my left, is that understood?"
"Yes sir!" Everyone yelled in unison.
The man makes eye contact with me and smirks before returning back to his seat. I didn't know what that was for, but I didn't find out either as the ship began to violently shake.
"Ladies and Gentleman, hell awaits. Welcome to Elara!"
Space begins to warp and bend around us until it eventually returns to its original form. The rattling around me grew louder and louder until it was unbearable then…silence. A deafening silence at that. The ship violently exits jump space. The sheer force from the jump flung everyone forward before immediately being yanked back. There is some slight commotion and shock from the jump as I look down onto our destination, the planet Elara. Its rings soaring high into the sky, gracing us with its beautiful blue colors and bands. The planet itself was full of clouds and wonder.
It's strange though, I couldn't tell at first glance that this was a military planet, but it isn't until we get closer we can see the thousands of ships entering and exiting the atmosphere. High above the clouds, the Rose fleet could be seen. A culmination of eight ships, including the massive one in the center. Its hull stretched so far into the horizon that you would almost lose sight of it. Its cannons line across the top and sides of the ship and its cannons were the width of the entire shuttle. I am able to spot my ship in the distance. It sat slightly above the rear of the Rosa and was incredibly small in comparison. The shuttle accelerates toward the hanger, slightly above the top of the ship. The name 'Boseman' could be seen written along the back wall of the hanger but I lost sight of it as the shuttle spins around to land. The gentleman stood up first, followed by everyone else. The door opens toward the ground like a ramp and everyone exits the ship, standing in the two lines like we were told. The gentleman then walks along the center, handing what looks to be paperwork to everyone that didn't have any.
"Alright people let's go." He says. "Follow the sheet you have been given and report to your commanding officer for further instructions."
He then stops me before I am about to continue forward and he smiles as he looks me in the face.
"Commander Demi Nassa. Well burn me with nebula's light! What brings you back here so soon?"
"Got orders from the higher ups to return from leave."
"The day was this past week, wasn't it. Well shit, my condolences."
"Thanks, but that's no way to talk to your commanding officer. Who's your superior?"
"Ha, ha." He sarcastically laughs. "Very funny. Why were you even on the recruit's ship anyways?"
"I wanted to see what the new recruits were like."
"Demi. I mean…Commander, we have processes for these things."
"We do?"
He shakes his head in disappointment.
"What's happened to Faraday?" I ask. "He was the last chief of security. I'd thought he'd be here."
"He got reassigned."
"No idea. So you got me now. A lot of moving parts today, it seems."
"Fun. Where's Captain Phoenix? I need to talk to him."
"He's in the usual spot, top of the ship. Take the elevator in the back."
"Thank you."
"And Commander Demi, congrats on the promotion."
I smile and nod, heading for the elevator doors and ordering it to the private observation deck at the top of the ship. The elevator requires a special key that I have within my identification card. I scan it and the doors shut.