Welcome back, Ms. Nassa pt. 2

Under normal circumstances, this would be the day that I greet and introduce myself to the new recruits but today was different though. The Boseman was being sent to investigate a distress call on the moon Dekara along the border. Something was really off about it. Rumors were going around at headquarters that it's related to the strange attacks that have been going on recently. People are disappearing, outposts are being wiped out and it feels like whoever has been planning this has been two steps ahead. So, the captain's been a little on edge. Phoenix is known on the ship to always be found staring off into space when he is thinking, so it would make sense for him to be in the observation deck of his ship, alone, contemplating whatever comes to mind at that moment. The doors open as I quietly approach him, as if not to disturb him too much. He looks to be in such bliss. He wore a tight black uniform, decorated with service medals on both his chests. The seams of his uniform glowed white like mine, though his were a bit more pronounced. His dark complexion and nearly balding hairline fought hard against the white sun as it beamed intense sun rays into the room. He was much older than me, about somewhere in his mid 40s to 50s. Anyways, I try as hard as I can to not make a sound as I enter the room.

"-Kid, what are you doing?" He asked sternly, still staring out the window.

"Oh, sorry." I said nervously, "I didn't know you were watching."

"I can see your reflection in the window, kid."

Of course he did…


He notices the paperwork in my hand as I approach him and perks up in curiosity.

"Orders from the council?"

"Yes sir." I say as he grabs them off me.

"Perfect. Have you taken the full tour of the ship yet?"

"I have been completely briefed on all the ships systems but I have yet to see the upgrades first hand."

"Hmm, strange."


"Nothing." He says staring hard into a particular piece of paper. "I'll notify the C.E. to schedule that for you. There must have been a mix up."

Phoenix continues through the paperwork, leaving me there, staring out the window into space, watching the planet below. The dead silence between the Phoenix and I made every beat inside me more intense than it ever was before. Phoenix notices my nervous attitude and nudges me on the side

"Are you holding up okay?" He asked.

"Oh, uh, yeah."


"I am fine, really."

"Commander is a huge responsibility. These people here, they are a part of you now. Every decision we make will affect thousands of crew members. I've known you since forever Demi, you can't hide that look from me."

I took a deep sigh.

"You really think I can do this?"

"You think you can't?"

"What if I fail?"

"Failure is a part of life, Demi. You're my number two. People will be looking up to us for guidance and leadership. I don't think you can, I expect you to because someone will die on your watch."


"What is it Demi?"

"Nothing, I just…You really think I can?"

"Why do you think so low of yourself Demi? I sent you to that training course before because I know you can. You'll be fine. Your father thought the same thing about you."

"He never did get to see me here."

"He doesn't need to. A man will always have pride for his children. It is one of his greatest accomplishments. You grew up to be a fine and beautiful woman."

He smiles with pride as he finishes that sentence before continuing one under his breath, "Even if you have a short fuse."


Phoenix tries to hold back his smile as he continues through the papers like I didn't notice. I try to get his attention again.

"What did you say?"

How's your mother holding up?" He asks, ignoring me.

"You…I don't know."

"What? You two still aren't talking?"

"No…I guess not."

"That's not cool, Demi. You can't just keep her in the dark like this. You need to call her."

"What? Are you ordering me to do so?"

"No, but when your father and I last spoke, he made me promise to keep you safe. I should have been more clear. This is not Captain Phoenix asking, this is Irving Phoenix."

"I know…I'm just so…sorry."

"That's fine. I won't pry any further. I just need to hear from you that this won't be an issue going forward. And if it is, I am here. Ok?"

"Why would my relationship with my mother cause an issue?"

"The answer is different for everyone. I won't go further for now. We'll talk about it later."

Phoenix returns to reading the paperwork as a large shuttle flies by us. It was civilian, considering that it wasn't armed to the teeth, but I could see children through the windows, staring in awe at our ship. Their imagination had to have been running wild. I think I understand why he comes up here, it's almost soothing. The moment is broken, however, as Phoenix was reading through the paperwork and shuffling through it as loud as he can...like he's doing it on purpose, to break tension of course.

"RNS Bluford's in trouble?" he asks.

"Yes sir."


"Do you really think this is another incident?"


"Like Dorria?"

"What makes you think that?"

"A distress signal with massive volumes of static. Mysterious disappearances."

"I highly doubt that."

"I think this is the same person who attacked the military base a few months back."

Phoenix was left distraught, staring at me with a look of confusion, like I said something stupid.

"The missing planet theory?"

"Yeah, it's this feeling I have. It kinda just leads me to things, you know?"

"What? Like a gut feeling?"

"I guess."

"And your gut says that something is making planets disappear?"

"We already have the ability to shift orbits, what's to say there isn't more we couldn't do."

"You're talking about Starfire."


Phoenix shakes his head.

"The starfire engines can only shift an orbit a few million miles. You also run the risk of destabilizing a planet from planetary shift. The whole thing can collapse."


"And you know the 'Rules of Jump Transport'. You studied it in school, correct?"

"Yes." I said timidly, knowing full well where he is taking this conversation. 

"Then you know full well, moving a planet out of the system is impossible. I think you have been watching too much news again."

"Or you haven't been paying attention enough, technology has advanced you know. We are sitting on the most advanced ship in the Rose fleet."

Phoenix takes a deep breath.

"Okay, fine. Say you're right, explain to me then how-."

-A ping sounds off on the observation deck. It came from the bridge, and they were requesting Phoenix. The pilot, Marcus, was the one speaking on the other end.

"Go ahead."

"Captain, I have been trying to hail Bluford but I am getting no response."

"Nothing? Did you try again?"

"I have been trying for the last hour, sir."

"That doesn't make any sense. Patch me through, I'll try myself."

"Yes, Captain."

Phoenix turned toward the massive observation window as I follow right behind him. His voice was shaky as he talked through the comms.

"RNS Bluford! This is Captain Phoenix of the RNS Boseman. We are responding to your distress call, does anyone copy over."


"RNS Bluford! This is Captain Phoenix of the RNS Boseman, does anyone copy?"


"That's strange." I said, "There's like 10,000 people on that ship, right?"

"Yeah, that's what's gotten me nervous, sorry to cut this reunion short, get to the bridge!"

"Yes sir."

"Marcus, prepare to jump!"

"Aye sir."