Interestingly, that did spark up some lightbulbs in Pedomaru's mind.
Since it's quite an intriguing idea, it truly is.
Making Pedomaru ponder on what his actual ultimate goal should actually be, on this re-life of his.
Well, for the most part, it's just to survive but having an overarching goal would be nice. Like how it is with Naruto, aiming to become the Hokage.
Unfortunately, Pedomaru didn't have as grand of an aspiration as that. At least, not yet.
Even in his old life, he didn't have much purpose. Mostly adrift in life, stuck even.
Still, there's that intriguing option.
Remaking the Naruto manga... publishing it... and just sitting back to watch as the chaos ensue...
Maybe things will be for the better, or maybe it won't. That's just how life and chaos are.
Which really just reminds Pedomaru of his old fanfic, about re-life and chaos.
Now that he was in a fanfictionalized situation, he could follow the same route as his prized main character. Plundering manga, Americanizing it, then profit.
Not really the true essence of Alexander Creed's re-life but eh... close enough.
Anyway, in this case, Pedomaru could just straight-plunder manga... then profit.
Not too far off from the earlier option of Kishimoto manga-ception, isn't it?
However, it's doubtful that these feudal folks will appreciate the likes of Dragon Ball and other contemporaries. Perhaps, but Pedomaru wasn't too sure.
So... what to do?
Oh... what to do?
Maybe he'll figure it out later.
He's already an established procrastinator, anyways.
In any case, Pedomaru can worry about potential business endeavors later.
He has present business to take care of, after all.
With this business being the family business. Of papers and ink. With brushes and whatnot for complementary accessories. Pencils as well.
Almost a Dunder Mifflin type of bleakness but it's actually quite profitable in this day and age. In this world of shinobis.
So much so, that this industry is what kept up the clan.
If the Leaf Village clans were tied to certain trades in the economy, then the Kurama clan would be considered locked towards inks and papers.
Apparently, aside from being Genjutsu masters that bring illusion to reality... Kuramas are also known for propping imagination into visual form.
The visual form of art.
Paintings, mostly.
Essentially, Kuramas are known to be renowned artists as well.
Unfortunately, the esteemed art trade was left for the main family... and the bunch of the branch could only settle for supplying and selling the materials that make them possible.
This is why Pengu, his father, had a shop like this set-up. In a shinobi-catering shopping district, which is a leg-up.
A prime location, actually.
In any case, whilst he was away for missions, it was always mother Maru who would shopkeep.
Of course, Pedomaru wasn't one to be left behind.
Since it's one of the more interesting things that one could do, in this feudal setting.
The buy-and-sell may be dull but the customers were intriguing, at least.
As a sit-in employee through nepotism, he also got the best seat in the establishment.
Just behind the counter, or actually just behind the displays.
Where he could meet the old fogeys or the young fools that want to dabble in drawing.
Mostly a mix of war veterans and peaceful civilians.
Then there's the actual artists, the calligraphists, the cartographers, and seal masters as well.
Given that this was a specialty store, it just had those special papers and inks that they needed.
Pedomaru, in his toddler facade, interacted with them as could.
When in actuality, he was just silently observing. As an introvert in his past life, he wasn't about to change in this one.
Though, he still lapped up the praising of his cuteness that came his way.
Of course, all of this wasn't for naught since he still had certain customers that he had his eye on.
And as a bonus, he's now allowed to dabble in scribbling, sketching, and the like... to make the passage of time even more passable.
Which really made him remember how much of an unfortunate sap he was for being surrounded by the tools, yet not allowed to fiddle with them.
Until now.
Where he's finally able to dive into his own busyness while in his parent's place of business.