So far, he's checked that he still had his writing chops. Still subpar as it had been, but it is something.
Then again, this shop was a semi-public setting, so writing up timelines and incriminating stories here was not to be.
Which is why while he's here, Pedomaru figured that he'd try to hone a different skill.
A skill that he wanted to have, yet haven't had the motivation to improve upon before.
Previously and foolishly thinking that it was all about talent. Only to realize too late that it was a 'skill' that could be honed.
Had he known and had he had this in his old life, then maybe everything could have gone differently
As for the 'this' in the equation... it's actually just the ability to draw. Or sketch, or something along those lines.
Something that ties back to the manga-making business thought that he had earlier. And part of the reason why he had written Alexander Creed to be prodigious at this art.
Because he himself wanted to be.
Had he been good at drawing, then he probably wouldn't have relegated his creativity to just typing up literature in Webnovel, RoyalRoad, Scribblehub, and the like.
He could've gone on to be some webcomic, making up webtoons.
Which is all just wishful thinking, but he's allowed to wish and think, isn't he?
It's also part of the reason why he made a character that made big bucks through comic-making.
In any case, he was Pedomaru now. A young toddler at the age of 3.
At an ultra opportune period of development when anything is possible with childish wonder and curiosity. Minus the matured hesitation and pessimism.
Granted, he didn't know if that still applied to an old soul-ed him, but what's the harm in trying?
So, try he did.
With a simple dot, he started.
Then, with a stroke, he made a line.
And it was kind of straightforward from there.
Until he finally made the most basic but quintessential... stick figure.
It had its circle for a head, and angled lines for limbs as opposed to its vertically straight torso.
Sure enough, it really wasn't anything special... yet it had a unique tinge to it.
Barely noticeable but Pedomaru can actually say that he is slightly better than he was... at drawing.
A bold claim but he already had an inkling that this was the case from how much better he was when it came to writing.
Just in factors of penmanship, of course.
As someone whose written words and letterings almost rival the unreadability of a doctor's note, he certainly can tell when he's improved.
It was subtle but it clearly translated to sketching as well.
But, maybe all of this is just under the umbrella of better hand maneuverability, due to his shinobi genes.
Then again, if his assumption is correct... then it all boils down to the fact that he had Kurama blood in him as well.
Obviously, not courtesy of the Nine Tails, but it should connect to the Kurama clan and their aforementioned ties to painting and art.
Regardless, Pedomaru now realized the value of talent. Something that was barely perceptible to him before, given that he had none.
Yet, as they say, talent is only 1 percent of what makes one a genius. There's still the remaining 99 percent to compensate with hard work.
And worked hard, that's what Pedomaru did.
So much so that his efforts were actually quite noticeable... for himself and to others around him.
It can't be helped when he's doing most of his practice in a semi-public setting... for almost every second of the day.
This may be an exaggeration but not too far from the truth.
In the first week, he scribbled and scribbled a lot.
Prompting a fiery red-headed customer to ask. "What's going on with little Pedomaru, Maru-san?"
"Well..." Maru could only say. "He's just turned three and he might just be too excited with the new thing he's finally able to do."
The redhead nodded in half-understanding. Not really sure of what to make of the situation.
But, oh well. She's only here to purchase some inks for seal study. She's got her whole heritage to preserve, after all.
It also didn't take long for a charming blonde to walk in and buy some stuff. Of course, in conjunction with the girl he's attracted to.
A strange couple, they were... but Pedomaru didn't care for much and just drew and drew.
A week after that, a white-haired lecher shopped. For some empty parchment to write his manuscripts on.
Noting of the lady proprietor's toddler's incessant drawing, only for the man to just use it as small talk to failingly flirt with the lady proprietor herself.
Laughingly, the lecher went away. While Pedomaru had actually drawn a portrait of the Toad Sage while he's at it.
It was a barely passable one. Even considered ugly... but the man deserved such crappy representation for shamelessly flirting with his mother.
Around the same week, another white-haired customer came in to replenish his paper bombing supplies, bringing with him his young and also white-haired son.
Masked around the lower face, for some reason.
Around the same age as Pedomaru but both boys seemed to not really care for the other.
One was engrossed with papers while the other was aloof and just wanted to understand the logistics of why his hero of a father brought supplies here.
Of course, it didn't take long for the great and little fangs to head out. For different ninja-based purchases, as their father and son bonding perhaps.
Pedomaru didn't really know the what's what and just wanted to think about what he wanted to draw next.
As such, in another week, Pedomaru had drawn more... earning the attention of a weary man who was silently curious.
He didn't ask though and just bought what he wanted to buy.
Then again, he wasn't the only one who reacted the same way, as pretty much most customers found Pedomaru's actions to be a tad interesting.
It's not every day that one sees a youngling sketching so passionately.
Some might even consider it to be a bit mad and crazy.
Granted, the boy is a Kurama, is he not?
He's bound to have the drawing talent for it... and possibly draw in something a whole lot more.