PROLOGUE: Empty Promises


"We have yet to receive our pay, Questoar¹ Melinos. When will we get it, I ask?"

The man, clad in mail armor, asked in an accented voice to the man before him, a skinny man wearing robes lined with gold, with jewelry adorning his fingers.

"Now, now, my dear commander. You will get it soon. Your pay may have to be delayed, for another.. couple of cycles², as we have to fund our efforts against the Vraekkir menace and the constant raids on the eastern provinces by the Khraks. As compensation, we will give you more land charters on... the Isle, yes. That place."

The man, Melinos, spoke hastily as he saw the look on the commander's face.

"You, and your fellows have said the same thing for years, Melinos. We have asked for years, for our just pay, for our fair service, yet we get nothing?"

The man said, cold fury rising as he spoke, spooking Melinos.

"I-i ask for you to calm down, Commander H-Hruthrik. A-as I have said, you and your fellow commanders will get your pay, by Pater, you will get it."

The commander, Hruthrik, narrowed his eyes at Melinos' response.

"You speak of lies, Carrian. You have led us around, like dogs on a tight leash. Empty promises that you cannot even accomplish."

Hruthrik moved to grab Melinos by the collar of his robes, only to be stopped by the Questoar's guards, equally heavily armored as the mercenary.

"You dare to try and harm one of the Emperor's servants? Why, you savage beast!"

Melinos, emboldened by his guard's protection, spoke loudly at Hruthrik, who grit his teeth in disdain.

"You have dared to wrong us, Melinos. A Maerkenien never forgets, especially with betrayal like this. By the Season³ of Fall of this year, you will get our pay."

Hruthrik declared to the Carrian, as his fury piqued, and walked

"Away with you, savage! Never return to this place, lest you get skewered by the Emperor's finest!"

Melinos arrogantly exclaimed as Hruthrik exited through the entrance.

Hruthrik soon met up with two other men younger than himself.

"The talks did not go well, did it, Hruthrik?"

One of the two, a handsome young man rhetorically question Hruthrik, as he sighed.

"Unfortunately so, Aelyas. That craven fool still has not given our pay yet. The Carrians have been playing this game with us for a long time now, I am tired of it."

Hruthrik spoke as he led the other two men to a thaermupoliom⁴.

"Here we are. Get us some seats, Maekas."

"Right.." Maekas muttered as he found an empty table with three seats freed up. "Oi! Here are some seats."

Maekas exclaimed to the other two, as thy finally reached the seats and sat. As they made more small talk, a serving girl came up to them.

"Good day, milords. Can I get you something to fill your bellies up?" The girl smiled as she asked the mercenaries.

"Why, I could have some of yo-" Aelyas tried to flirt with the girl before being bonked in the head by Hruthrik. "Shut it, boy. I apologize, my.. friend here tends to think with his coc.. manhood more than his brains. Could we all have some porridge, and some pusca⁵?"

"I-I would be most happy to do so, milords."

The girl cheerfully said, as she giggled at Aelyas' attempt at flirting. As she went to the other side of the food place, the men soon spoke once more.

"What in Kregnorr's grace were you thinking, Aelyas?"

Hruthrik asked the young man exasperatedly, as Aelyas rubbed his head, muttering curses.

"Oh, come on! She was a pretty little thing, was she not, Maekas?"

The young man asked Maekas, who was just fiddling around with his dagger, and shrugged.

"I hate to say it, but I agree with Aelyas."

Hruthrik just had a dry look at the two young men, and sighed, palming his face.

"You two..."

The three men finally got their meals, as Aelyas winked at the girl, who blushed at the young man's action.

"Right... Aelyas, how is the situation at the Isle?"

Hruthrik asked the young man seriously, as he ate the porridge.

"Not good, Hruthrik. Those damned Baumaenschaen⁶ have been raiding settlers in the north, and the Vraekkir have been raiding up and down the coasts that border the Nord Seas, with some even spilling to the Channel.

The young man said as he took a swig of the wine.

"Maekas? How are our coffers faring?"

The older man questioned, sighing at what Aelyas said.

"As Aelyas has said, we have enemies on multiple fronts. We have spent a substantial amount of our coin on building fortifications in the north, while we send in more men to guard our coasts from raids from the Vraekkir. A very expensive venture, might I add."

Maekas said as he finished his bowl of porridge, and gulping down his drink.

"And to top this mess, the Imperials have not given us a even single bronze coin. Gaerun⁷ strike me down..."

Hruthrik sighed as he finished his meal.

"We need to tell our good friend Mathius of this. Maekas, you go. How long do you think the travel will take?"

The older man asked Maekas, as the latter listened in.

"Several cycles at the very most, I will likely reach him by the Summer Season."

Hruthrik sighed in relief.

"Then, you shall go the next day, then. Mathius needs to hear of this."

The serving girl soon came up to the mens' table, looking as cheerful as ever.

"I hope you had a great experience, milords."

Aelyas grinned at the sight of the girl, with Hruthrik groaning and Maekas smirking.

"The food was great, but you are a sight for sore ey...-"

The young man was dragged off by Hruthrik, with Maekas following along.

"Alright, that is enough. The meal was excellent, young lady. My regards to the cook. We will go now."

The two men left the thaermupoliom, and went to their lodgings to rest

The next day, Maekas left at dawn and went to the stables, riding out of Carra on horseback northward to a port that can take him to the Isle.


After several cycles of riding, Maekas finally reached Phrestiom, and went to the city's harbor after stabling his horse.

"Good day, sir. May I ask if there is a ship that is available and can go to Peluspidam⁹ in the Isle?"

Maekas spoke to one of the captains that were monitoring their crews working on the ship.

"That ship to the left, friend. Reckon that takes ya' to the Isle, methinks."

The captain responded to Maekas' question, pointing to another ship.

"I thank you, friend. May Hollmuer¹⁰ calm the seas just for you."

Soon, after paying off the captain of the ship, Maekas managed to hitch a ride to the Isle.

After landing in Peluspidam, he managed to ride with caravan that was going to Flomanpelas.

After another several days, Maekas finally reached the city, going to the fortress that Mathius inhabited.


After hearing a knock on the door, Mathius opened it to Maekas holding a letter in his hand.

"Good day, Maekas. I did not expect to see you so soon. Come in."

The young man soon came in, sitting on one of the chairs.

"I- we have a serious problem, Mathius."

Maekas said, intriguing Mathius, who asked a question.

"Really? What is it, if I may ask?"

"The Carrians... They won't pay us again..."