PROLOGUE: The Frontiers II - The Battle of Reihau


(First Person Perspective)

In the midst of burning huts, and bloodied corpses, were two young men, sprinting as if their lives depended on it. But, they encountered a foe on the way to their destination.

"Caersun! Distract the savage!"

Tsk, piece of scum. I thought as I parried the one of the savage's blows, while holding out for Aeraeck's attack against them. I had picked up a seax from one of the bodies along the way, and I used it to get a quick stab at the savage, who staggered back in pain before finally being finished off by Aeraeck.

"Great work, Aeraeck. We should be getting close to where Lutnant Felip's group, let's continue." I said as I had taken a bite out of a piece of bread I had taken with me.

"For sure, Caersun." Aeraeck said as he grinned

Me and him continued to sprint, and we finally saw folk that looked to be friendly.

"Oi! Who goes there?" A man exclaimed, weapon at the ready. "We are not enemies! We are from Lutnant Arnauldt's group!" exclaimed to the man. "We have an important message for Lutnant Felip!" I finished.

"Let them in, soldier." A calm voice said beside the man, and the latter bowed. "Commander." He said. "Go with the rest of the men, I shall converse with them myself."

Felip looked at the two. "Lutnant Felip fon Laegensbirg. Do speak quickly, we are in the midst of a battle."

"We have an important message for you, Lutnant Felip. Lutnant Arnauldt plans to trap the savages in the town, and he needs your

cooperation to execute the plan properly." I said hastily, the Lutnant humming in thought.

"Is that so, huh? If it is cooperation he needs, he will get it. Is Lutnant Arnauldt's plan already in action?" Felip asked Caersun. "I believe so, sir. I say we move quickly to not fall behind and let the savages escape." I answered his question. "Duly noted." He said.

"Men! We will go north and link up with Lutnant Arnauldt's men in the east! Lutnant Zigmond's men are likely pushing the savages northward! March!" He ordered the men loudly, as they scrambled to get ready. "You two, you will go with us. Understood?" He asked. ""Yes, sir!"" Me and Aeraeck answered.

"Good. I believe we have a battle to win, and large number of savages to kill. Let us go." Felip said to us as he went to his men. Me and Aeraeck looked at each other and nodded.

Soon, we set off, marching to the north to complete the trap. We encountered resistance along the way, with scattered savages that got separated from their ilk, but we managed to dispatch them easily, though some of the others were wounded.

Soon, we finally managed to link up with Lutnant Arnauldt's forces, after fighting our way through to them. The two leaders met up and talked.

(Third Person Perspective)

"Felip! My good friend!"

Arnauldt exclaimed as he saw Felip. The latter only smiled as he saw the man.

"I assume you got the message from one of the runners I sent, yes?" Arnauldt asked as he looked over his men.

"Yes. A fine way to about this. I would be quick, though. Lutnant Zigmond's men continue to push the savages northward to our location right now. We need to stretch our lines so the savages are fully enveloped and left with naught a chance to escape."

Felipe said seriously to Arnauldt, who thought of his fellow Lutnant's words.

"I agree. Let us move southward to finally end this warband the savages scraped up."

"Men! Rally on me!" Arnauldt called out to the soldiers, who gathered around the two commanders. "Me and Lutnant Felip here have decided to merge you lot in to one force. Form a group of four men, no more, no less. We shall move south to finally end this farce and link up with Lutnant Zigmond's men. Is that clear?"

"Yes, commander!" The men echoed out. Both Felip and Arnauldt grinned. "Good. Now, group up and march!"

(First Person Perspective)

Me and Aeraeck teamed up, obviously, along with two others: Jaenik and Normunn. They both seem to be good enough at fighting, I suppose I'll see it when we march.

But, we needed to march now. Lutnant Felip and Arnauldt led at the front, while all the other groups were behind them, spread out at almost the entire length of the town.

While we were walking around near a ruined section of the town's markets, we camp upon a group of the savages.

"Enemies. Me and Normunn will distract them, while you and Jaenik will strike at them from the sides, got it?" I said to Aeraeck and Jaenik, who both nodded.

When the two were in their positions, I and Normunn came out from our covers. "Oi! Come at me, you bastards!" I shouted at the savages, who looked at me confusedly. "You hear me, you sons of whores?! I will make your faces ugly as your mother's mug when I kill you lot, you savage dogs!" I exclaimed loudly, trying to rile them up.

This worked, as the group of four men charged at me and Normunn. One tried to slash at me, but I managed to parry the blow, before getting a stab on their belly with my seax, making them stagger back in pain. "Now!" I said loudly, seeing Normunn get overwhelmed, as he managed to barely dodge and parry attacks coming from both savages.

Aeraeck and Jaenik came out of their hiding spots, charging at the savages from behind. Jaenik stabbed one of the savages attacking Normunn with his spear, and brandished his own seax, lodging it in the savage's neck, dead instantly.

Normunn finally managed to fight back, slashing at the other savage's face, making it stagger back in pain as he lodged his seax in the savage's chest, killing him instantly.

With me and Aeraeck, with one of the savages incapacitated, we attacked remaining one with a flurry of attacks, felling the savage quickly. After that, I put the last savage alive out of his misery, slashing his throat with my seax.

"Normunn, you fine there?" I asked as I panted, tired from the fight. "Damn... Just a scratch.. nothin' to worry about, Caersun." He reassured me as he wrapped around some bandages on his arm, which was slashed at during the fighting. "I will live, that's for sure." I chuckled at his comment. "I am sure you will."

"Let's get ready to move out. We will aid the other groups in closing the trap." I said to the other three, getting my weapons ready.

Soon, we continued forward with nothing too interesting, as there was a lack of savages to fight. We managed to meet some of the other groups, who had been fighting the savages, and it seemed the battle was over.

We all met at what remained of the town square, where all the Lutnants, and Kummandaent Maenlich were together.

"Gather 'round, men!"

Maenlich loudly announced, as all of the soldiers gathered around the commanders.

"We have one a great victory, a costly one though. We have managed to wipe out the warband of the savages, too blind in greed that they did not notice our trap, killing most of them, while capturing those who remain alive. A whole hundred, our head-counters estimate."

"Unfortunately, twenty-five men have fallen in battle, as they have made the ultimate sacrifice. They shall dine in realms higher than that of ours. To victory, men!"

The crowd and I cheered, raising our arms. As we celebrated, I was pulled aside by Lutnant Arnauldt. "Thank you, Caersun, for the great work you have done today. Kregnorr knows how many loves would have been lost if my plan failed. I shudder at the thought." The man thanked me profusely. "It is a soldier's duty to follow what his betters tell of him to do, I have just done that simple obligation, Lutnant." I told him plainly, and he smiled.

"Good man. Kummandaent Maenlich would like to speak to you about your deeds here. A rise in the ranks, I would presume myself." Lutnant Arnauldt told me, a sudden spike of nervousness meeting the Kummandaent taking over me.

"Oh, do not look so worried. Kummandaent Maenlich is a fair and just man, if you are not on his bad side, at least. He is always ready to award any good and gallant deed a soldier does." The Lutnant reassured me with an easy smile. "If you say so, Lutnant." I returned the smile, as I said my farewells and went to the largest tent in our camp near Reihau.

I steeled my nerves, and announced myself before coming in. "E-ehm.. Kummandaent Maenlich, I am Niuwesuldaet Caersun Faelmunt, and one of your honorable Lutnants have told me that you have a need of me." It took a couple seconds for the man to respond. "Ah, you may come inside, soldier." He said as I went inside the tent.

"You are the fine young man that both Lutnant Felip and Lutnant Arnauldt have been talking about, yes?" Kummandaent Maenlich asked as he looked at me, stopping with doing some paperwork.

"That is the case, Kummandaent." I answered, my nerves calming as he smiled.

"Both have vouchd for you, for apparently helping to keep Lutnant Arnauldt's plan to trap and wipe out the savage warband, and some of the other Niuwesuldaet who have fought with you, and I cannot just let such a valorous deed with so much people endorsing you." Kummandaent said, shocking me. Was.. I really significant? To have such a number of people supporting me?

"I, Maenlich fon Evrersein, grant you, Caersun Faelmunt, the position of Klienilutnant . Be proud, soldier, for your service." The man before me said. "T-thank you for this honor, Kummandaent. You will be forever in my good graces." Kummandaent Maenlich only smiled. "As I have said, I never let good deeds be fruitless, young man. It is already night now, and I am planning to return to Fortress-Gonthir and organize drills for the rest of you lot the next day. Rest now, soldier."

"Yes, Kummandaent." I saluted as I exited the tent. It seemed the rest of the soldiers were asleep.

Caersun soon went into his tent to sleep, to get rest for the next day..."