A night to remember..?

As the Pale moon ascended the sky it cast an eerie light over New York, it was calm.. too calm!

Peter finally worked up the courage to go out and practice his web swinging, as he steps out of the house he notices that abnormally large moon in the sky but besides looking pretty it was nothing new to Peter.

"Peter- it's a lil creepy but better not to be seen in these pajamas.

He looks down at his hand stitched hero suit

The world goes quiet as if taking in how embarrassing the outfit looked

"Peter- sigh.. beggers can be choosers I guess

He heads out not knowing that his Uncle Ben had been woken by Peter's movement

"Ben- sigh kids.." a light smile forming on his wrinkled mouth.

"Ben- it's about time he started acting like a child but I should probably keep an eye on him"

It takes about 20 minutes to get ready for the aging man but soon he is out the door and driving in his old car when he turns on the radio and a famous blue oyster cult lightly sounded from the speakers.

He doesn't know why but he felt something was wrong.. probably his parental instincts right?

He shivers..

Peter is seen "stalking" a group of 3 criminals was at ground level in the alley attempting to break into the door of a business that was doing a lil too well lately..

"Criminal #1- hurry up man, we can't be out in the open like this!"

He looks around with clear paranoia radiating from his eyes.

"Criminal #2- seriously man, I've got a bad feeling about this

The mans superstitious upbringing was showing and the full moon wasn't helping

The man at the door sneered and whispered in a distinct Cajun accent

"Gambit- bah curses, I am beset by fools and the infirm"

He said as a red/purple glow started to appear on the lock and suddenly

"Gambit- Bang"

The lock exploded in a contained manner as Gambit put extra effort into not making alit of noise!

"Gambit- Any questions?"

The guards pause noticable more pale than before

"Criminal #1 to Criminal #2 - I thought he was picking the lock i didn't see him bring explosives, what kind of freak did boss hire"

Gambit overhead the last part and paused before looking back at the man who said it.

The man stiffened he could swear that Gambits eyes were glowing but that couldn't be a thing right?

Gambit looked back into the store and commanded

"Gambit- move out fools, we have money to make tonight!"

The group regained focus and entered the store, but they were completely unaware of a silent red/blue silhouette entering the same building from an access point on the roof

Gambit and the two criminals separate once inside in order to finish sweeping the place for anything worth stealing

Gambit is at the main office charging the lock for another stealthy explosion

The hairs on the back of his neck were standing on end, he didn't know why but he felt that haste was necessary so he did his best to speed up the process.


The glows intensity increased quickly

He doesn't notice that his men have been restrained with webs and could only wriggle on the cold linoleum floor.

Suddenly webs shoot from the ceiling and incapacitated Gambits hands

"Gambit- what.. webs? I HATE WEBS!"

He roars the webs glow with explosive power, however instead of exploding they disintegrated!

A burning purple rage can be seen in Gambits eyes.


He noticed his men who stopped wriggling to see why he was yelling

"Spider-Man - I don't suppose you could come up here and fight like a spider"

Somehow Gambit can sense the smarmy smile on Spiderman's face..

Gambits eyes twitch and suddenly he pulls a deck of cards from his jacket pocket

"Gambit- do you want to play a game little spider?"

The cards begin to glow softly.

"Spider-Man - What you thinking fifty two pickup?"

He says barely holding in a laugh.

Gambit closes his eyes and breaths in deep

"Gambit - Noooo?! More like fifty two FUCKUP!!!"


The glows in the cards intensified and began to glow as they float around Gambit!

Spiderman paused, his spidey senses were going haywire!

he knew that he would be seriously injured if one of those hits him as they seem to radiate explosive energy.

Gambit threw the cards but in Spiderman's perspective they were quite slow, like it was an undertossed ball..

"Spider-Man thinks- Oh that's cool, reminds me of that movie with that guy who played John wick"

The card is getting close, by the time Spider-Man refocused on the current situation it was getting dangerous.

Spider-Man jumps to a different set of beams as the ones he was on previously exploded

Sweat formed on Spiderman's head,

"Spider-Man - ok Peter focus you need to be quick before you run out of things to jump on"

Suddenly his spidey senses trigger again

"Gambit - you forgot I can hear you jackass!!"

Gambit unloaded the rest of the cards but as spiderman was doing his best to avoid the explosions suddenly Gambit reached behind his back and pulled out a collapsible staff!

He rushes at Spider-Man and spins the staff to perform a downward swing planning to finish the spider in one vicious swing.

Spider-Man shoots his webs on both sides of Gambit and pulls himself in for a sliding kick!



Gambit ends up missing the swing and falling forward on his face as both his feet were swept out from him, he crashes through a few shelves and a window as he tumbles!




Suddenly blaring noises appeared catching Spider-Man off guard disorienting him after he was heavily focused.

"Gambit snaps his fingers"


A card that was inconspicuously left at Gambits previous position finally went off sending Peter flying through a window on the opposite side!

"Spider-Man - Ahhhhhhhh!"

He yells.

The explosion was close enough to injure the poor spider

"Gambit - I should take this chance to untie the men and get out of here"

He does so.

The three go their separate ways to go report to their boss individually, after all why wouldn't a criminal take every opportunity to get a leg up on the competition!

They disappear...


Spider-Man is seen panting and clutching his rubs in an alleyway

"Spider-Man - that's definitely a couple ribs"

The moon has reached it's zenith and spidey spends a moment catching his breath before attempting to stand weakly.



A roar of ungodly rage and power swept over the city of New York

Car alarms went off, people were startled awake and police were mobilized en mass looking for the cause!

A sudden sense of dread took over spideys mind

"Spider-Man - this feels different, my spidey senses are begging me to run but...

"Spider-Man - I have a bad feeling about this!"

He launched his web unto a high building and took off looking for the cause of the dreadful roar!