Another World..?

Thor was still clutching the corpse of the Jane as lightning charged tears fell from his eyes, The Warriors Three and Lady Sif were watching from nearby each with a unique look of despair on their face seeing their friend and prince like this and they didn't notice William in the distance being swept up in a red mist while the Aether was merging with his suit and suddenly he just simply wasn't there.

Thor looked up due to suddenly feeling a burst of chaotic energy, "Hmm? William?" he looked around and couldn't find the young Saiyan and after searching for a few minutes simply returned to Asgard to ask for assistance from Heimdall.

"Hmmm... I cannot see him how vexing." Heimdall stated with a look of utter confusion in his eyes as he glared into the void.

He turns to Thor who was placing the body of Jane on a nearby table, "I cannot locate William, it appears that after the battle with Malekith his soul simply vanished, I even checked the underworld!" Thor looked at him with a dumbfounded expression, "If he isn't here then where... where is he?"

William was floating helplessly through a cloud of red mist with a force pulling him into a certain direction and although he initially tried to resist after a few attempts he gave up and just went along for the ride, "Well it seems my compliance isn't a factor!" he began accelerating as it was all he could do! the red mist intensified to the point that he had trouble seeing in front of him and before he could react, he felt his hand come into contact with a body of water and suddenly William was plunged several meters deep and when he finally opened his eyes the first thing he saw was a corpse in a formerly white uniform a woman of middle age, he looked at her closely and noticed through the murky and somewhat red water that she was missing half her face and she appeared to be torn in half as her intestines were floating several feet below and even had some aquatic life feeding off of it.

he looked around and noticed that the water was a graveyard as there were hundreds of similarly dead and brutalized corpses of whoever these people were, their organs, blood and viscera all floating in one giant corpse soup, "Oh hell no!" William thought as he began charging his ki and with a "WOOOOSH!" a blast of energy created a large empty space inside the water where he could see the reddened sky and what appeared to be several spaceships hovering in orbit all bombarding areas on the surface with an audible but muffled from the distance, "BOOM!" "BOOM!" "BOOM!" 

William floated above the surface of the water and stared with his mouth agape at the sheer number of corpses bother piled high within the cities and floating in the water, it was a nightmare scene of utter apocalyptic proportions, "I've got to get my bearings!" he begins ascending to the sky as he gets a better view and decides to land on one of the nearby skyscrapers still standing as he stared over a once brilliant, ruined city, "Where the hell am I?"

"THE CORRECT QUESTION IS, WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?" A sudden kick sends William flying through several fallen buildings and crashes into a pile of corpses sending blood, organs and body parts flying in every direction.

William lying in a blood-filled crater got up with a sneer as he brushed his chest, "Pure physical force huh!" he took a step forward when he heard the rush of air as someone was moving quickly toward him and William reached up and grabbed a female fist and proceeded to squeeze to the point of causing her to groan in pain before William started swinging the woman and sent her crashing into a building, "BOOOOM!" the woman was sprawled within the crater as she shot up with ferocity and swung a right hook towards the Saiyan's head which he didn't even bother blocking, "Crack...!" her fist struck Williams face and caused him to have a bloody cheek, "Take that you bastard hahahaha!" she laughed and flexed her muscular arm in a pose as she felt like having first blood meant victory.

William swiped his thumb over the wound on his face which healed almost as soon as he did so and the blood which on his thumb seemed to be absorbed by his suit, "You know, you really shouldn't celebrate until it's over!" he throws a green ball of energy toward her which she tries punching, "BOOM!" as her fist collided with the ki blast it exploded and sent her arm flying back behind her from the recoil, William rushed her with a jab, "Snap!" the punch connected with her face and sent her into the rubble of the city and proceeded to fly down to meet her on her level!

"Are you done already?" he says as his feet finally connect with the city floor as he beholds the admittedly attractive woman struggling to get up after the blow rocked her brain, she looks William in his eyes and with a mischievous glare she charges in what appears to be a normal punch but as William goes to block she shifts her stance and proceeds to kick him in his gut causing William to fold like a chair as he flies across the street and collides with building where he smashed through violently and crashed into the ground!

the woman flew in and proceeded to lift her foot and attempt a hard stomp on William's head, "BOOOOM!" his head smashed into the cement as she twisted her foot, "You were saying?" 

She would have continued to twist but a hand gripped her shin and began to burn William channeled his lightning and called forth a bolt from the skies, "RUMBLE!" the green bolt struck down like an artillery shell from the heavens and smashed her into the ground next to William as arcs of green lightning continued to circulate throughout her body!

William and the woman started standing at nearly the same time and the two finally got a good look at each other and she soon began to have a mischievous smile on her face as she closed the distance with a punch which William blocked with one hand and slammed her into a tree which she used as a launch pad for a kick that hit William square in the stomach sending him skidding along the ground with her surfing on top of him until he stopped and she hopped off and began celebrating her victory with a cheer.

As William lied there, he was having an internal conversation with his symbiote Phage, "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING WILLIAM! you are holding back your attacks, you haven't even used your weapon yet! what's going on?" Phage asked in concern.

William who was pretending to be unconscious was internally struggling, "She smells really nice!" he thought as he struggled to hide a certain body part of his and stood up abruptly with a red face, his posture awkward as he slowly backed away from the woman who was standing there awkwardly mid celebration.

"I... Imma go now!" he says as his form seems to vanish leaving her both furious and curious she flies up and begins searching for the strange man.

William managed to find a cave by the water that was relatively empty and stripped off his symbiote suit as his body was feeling hot and sweat had begun to form over his body before turning into steam as all he could think about were the woman and her curves, he decided to sleep it off and start again in the morning.

Back on earth a news story was playing on the tv.

"I've seen it all, folks, but this? This is the last straw!" Jameson raged, his voice growing louder with each word. "You've got Thor, a literal god, and a guy named Viridian, who just shows up out of nowhere and takes part in a cosmic battle. Fine, I get it, whoever he is, he helped take down Malekith. Great. But let's get one thing straight: this 'Viridian' character is no hero. He's a mystery, and I don't trust mysteries."

Jameson went on to criticize the entire situation, focusing on what he sees as a troubling lack of transparency about Viridian's true identity.

"He shows up, helps Thor with some magical nonsense, and then, poof! he vanishes into thin air, surrounded by some red mist. Red mist! What is this, some kind of low-budget science fiction movie? Do we have any idea where this guy went? Do we know who he really is? No! He just disappears, and no one seems to care. They're all too busy praising him like he's some kind of superhero. Well, I'm not buying it!"

Jameson's critical take doesn't end there. He raised concerns over the strange phenomenon that accompanied Viridian's disappearance, particularly the connection to the red mist, which many believe to be linked to the powerful and unstable forces of the Aether.

"This red mist, this so-called 'Aether,' is what you're all calling 'magic.' But what is it really? I say it's a dangerous, untested force, and we've got no idea what it really does. So, here's my question: What happens if this guy shows up again and decides to take over? We're going to be stuck with some rogue, possibly alien-powered freak who just appears and disappears at will? What kind of security is that for this planet?"

Jameson didn't shy away from pointing the finger at the media's obsession with Viridian's supposed heroism. He criticized both the press and public opinion for elevating a mystery man to the status of a hero without asking the tough questions.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm glad Malekith's gone, and London is safe, for now, but the real question here is: why isn't anyone asking about the guy who disappeared? Did anyone bother to ask what his motives were? Who is he working for? How do we know he's on our side? We have to ask these questions before we start handing out medals!"

Jameson's tirade concluded with an ominous warning:

"I'm telling you right now, folks: we need answers. And we need them fast. Because if we don't get to the bottom of this 'Viridian' situation, we could be in a lot more trouble than you think. Sure, he helped today, but who's to say he won't show up tomorrow and do something we'll all regret? Don't trust a disappearing act."

As Jameson's broadcast concluded, his words hung in the air: Will Viridian be the hero he's made out to be, or is there something darker at play? With his mysterious powers and disappearance into the red mist of the Aether, the only thing certain is that this is far from the end of the story.

Stay tuned for further updates on Viridian, the Aether, and what Jameson believes may be the beginning of an even greater mystery, and perhaps a much larger threat.


Back on an unknown planet William was just waking up from a nap to the sound of battle going on above him as spaceships fired on each other causing some to begin falling into the planet and hundreds of men and women in white uniforms were in battle with some missing entire limbs as they were slain by others of their kind, a blonde man in white seemed to notice William watching from his cave and began flying towards the strange man, "I am Vidor and this is Planet Viltrum surrender to the might of the viltrumite empire or die I don't really care either way, you are all so squishy after all!" he throws a punch at full power hoping to pop the head of the person in front of him when a hand with arcs of lightning flowing over it grabbed the fist in midair and pulled Vidor down by his arm with a sickening, "Squelch!" as the arm dislocated and William threw a punch straight to the face of Vidor, "Crack!" his fist smashed through Vidor's visor and smashed cleanly into his face causing his face to deform inward as the bones in his face collapsed.

He lifted the limp body of the unconscious Viltrumite and noticing the lack of activity tossed him into the bloodied water down below where he floated like so many other corpses.

William looked up at the battlefield and had a wicked smile on his face as his Saiyan instincts flared up, "TIME TO EAT!" his aura flared up to the max. 

"I'm need to stop being so reliant on protective suits so I'm going to go out without you for a bit!" he says as he layed down his symbiote suit back in the cave and put on a his old Saiyan unitard that he pulled from the system space, "Be safe William I'll keep the connection open should you need me!"

William blasted off into the sky where dozens of viltrumites were fighting each other and began to create a series of ki blasts that all orbited around him as he charged forward, a large Viltrumite was tearing a smaller male in half when he suddenly felt a threat, "CRACKK!" a punch unlike any other struck the larger Viltrumite in the face which sent him plummeting to the planet below and caught the attention of the Viltrumites still fighting who all turned to face William, "Who the hell is this guy?" one of them asked before they all as if by prior agreement charged at the Saiyan who immediately defended against the closest enemy with an axe kick that shattered smashed the woman into the ground who spat up blood from the force of the strike.

A large older Viltrumite grabbed William from behind and smashed him into the ground with a powerful Supplex effectively planting William into the ground, "Ey from this angle this guy reminds me of a plant hahahahahaha!" he roared with laughter as he picked said vegetable and looked it in the eyes only to get blasted in the face with a lightning infused blast of ki, "BOOOM!" the blast blinded the giant Viltrumite and he didn't notice his opponent approaching and punch him in his gut which left a bloody mark where the flesh collapsed as he flew off in a folded position.

the other Viltrumites attempted to attack all at once but when they thought they were about to hit him simultaneously his form seemed to shimmer and vanish before a foot smashed the skull of one of the attackers and sent his limp body slamming into the ground with William staring up at them from the crater causing the Viltrumites to collectively float back before charging once again, "SNAP!" William snapped his fingers and the orbiting ki blast around him all barreled toward an opponent and before they could react, "BOOOOOM!" "BOOOOOM!" "BOOOOOM!" "BOOOOOM!" "BOOOOOM!" "BOOOOOM!" the charging Viltrumites began falling out of the sky with burns on their faces and arms as well as electricity arcing through their bodies and they all fell to the ground below unmoving.

"CRASH!" a wall next to him crumbled as the Large Viltrumite from before grabbed William by the side of his head and attempted to smash him into the ground but after the initial surprise WIlliam slid to a stop and grabbed the hand before pulling the hand off with some effort, and kicking the old Viltrumite away with a kick to the gut sending him crashing into the ground as he held his stomach.

William charges a ki blast with a dangerous amount of lightning infused within and begins to focus to ball into a point on his finger which began to warp the air around his finger he points the finger toward the Viltrumite and says, "DO YOU YIELD?" he questioned the old warrior who merely sneered in defiance fully trusting his natural defenses and spat on the ground in front of William who merely sighed in response before looking the warrior in the eye, "Woooosh!" the beam cut through the Viltrumites skull and penetrated out the other side faster than the man could react the lightning within the ki attack turning his brain into charcoal as it passed through, "Sizzle!" a gaping bloody hole was cleary visible after the beam passed through!

The old viltrumite was stunned in place his eyes rolled up into his head and his mouth frothing with saliva as he finally collapsed like a puppet with no strings the blood and brain matter pouring from the wound leaving little to the imagination as to what happened, a few younger Viltrumites saw this and began to fly away to report what happened but in one corner a certain female Viltrumite was hiding behind a pillar with a flushed and maddened expression as she struggled within her own outfit to deal with how she is feeling when suddenly a shadow appeared in front of her, "GASP!" she attempted to say something before a hand gripped her by the throat and press her against the pillar she was hiding behind.

William was holding her by her throat and noticing it was the Viltrumite from before he asked the same question, "DO YOU YIELD!" he says while charging a deadly ki blast in his other hand, the Viltrumite woman glared at me for a moment before a glint appeared in her eyes and with her free hand, she reached for Williams lower torso and found the dragon, "RIPPPP" surprising William who immediately flew back in response with a reddened face as he attempted to hide his exposed pelvic region after she literally ripped the fabric from his unitard causing his dragon to stand in the wind like a flag pole.

She looks at his dragon with a look of satisfaction and immediately charges William with what he thinks is an attack and he takes a defensive pose in preparation, but she suddenly shifts her stance to a tackle and takes him to the ground where she attempts to hold his hands down as her lips graze Williams but before she can press the advantage William flips over on top of her, "MOAN!" she bites her lips as she wraps her legs around Williams hips and pulls him in close, "My name is Anissa!" she said before planting a kiss on William catching him off guard, she takes advantage of his momentary daze and violently throwing him into a nearby wall and began to stand up and stare at William, "Ive chosen you!" she states as she grabs the fabric of her uniform, "RIPPP!" she tore the uniform from her body and exposed her voluptuous assets for William to see and the young Saiyan immediately turned beat red.

Anissa was standing there looking beat red, her muscular and well-built frame did nothing to hide her feminine curves, her wide hips that connected beautifully to a set of beautifully sculpted abs, her large, firm breast bounced as she stood there with her small pink nipples fully erect she took in the moment before suddenly flying to William with manic speed and before he knew it she had his dragon in her hand as her breasts pressed up against him and he pressed against the wall, his inexperience and lack of sexual confidence showing, Anissa smiles seeing this and presses her soft lips against his stealing his first kiss.

"BACK ON ASGARD Lady Sif was training with a few Asgardians when suddenly she felt an inexplicable rage and began going extra hard on the warriors who after a few minutes were leaving on stretchers, she had no idea why, but she felt she had lost in some way!"

Anissa finally released the young Saiyan from her kiss leaving only a singular line of shared saliva between them, she begins moving her hand up and down as she felt his dragon pulse with life her breasts pressing him against the still crumbling wall and after a few seconds she begins to lower her head and begin wrapping her lips around his hardened dragon, "AHHHHH!" he moaned which caused a bit of red to form on her cheek as she begins bobbing up and down as William began turning in the air and beheld her beautiful pink flower and began moving up and down her petals with his tongue causing Anissa to begin shaking as a soft moan escaped her mouth!

She began cupping his dragon balls as she increased the pace her mouth becoming sore from the effort when suddenly she begins seeing stars, "AHHHHHHHHHH!" she moans as a liquid sprayed William in his face as he continued penetrating her flower with his tongue, his mouth dripping by the time she finished shaking, "UUUUUGNNNN!" William's dragon released its bounty into her mouth causing her to suddenly begin coughing, "COUGH, COUGH, COUGH, what was that?" she asked as she panted her face next to his dragon as it continued to pulse with life.

William held her close and began floating off the surface of the wall and positioned her hips above his dragon, "That was just the beginning!" He thrust his dragon into her flower, "AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" she moans so loudly that its echo's throughout the city and her legs wrap around his hips as he thrusts again and again floating up and down with each thrust and soon the two crash onto the ground with his latest mighty pump leaving a crater on the ground where the two collided, a burst of ki clears the dust and William has her bent over in front of him her back arced in a sensual way and red in the face as she looked William in the eye her eyes shimmering with newfound feeling, "BOOOM!" he presses his dragon deep into her flower so hard that the ground shakes, "BOOOM!" he does so again and by this time her tongue is hanging from her mouth with a silly grin on her face, "BOOOM!" once more he slams his dragon inside her flower this time with a grunt, "AAAAAHHHHHHHH!" his dragon sprays inside of her flower painting her womb white as they both lay there twitching in the aftermath.

She looks over to see William panting with his arms and legs spread out in exhaustion and smiles, "You didn't think you were done, did you?" she asks as she climbs on top of him with her large breasts pressed against his face and with her hands guides his dragon to her flower, "AYYYYYYAHHHH!" with an echoing moan she plunged the dragon deep, "BOOOM! the crater became sank deeper from the impact and all William could do was take it, "BOOOM!" the ground shook and so did her breasts, he grabs one of her nipples and begins to lightly pinch while sending a small amount of electricity through his fingers, "AAHHHHHHHHHHHHOOOOOOOOOOOOooooooo" she moaned loudly before ending on a high note and once again her flower sprayed his dragon with her nectar and with a final grunt he thrust his dragon as deep as it could go and painted her flower white, just when she thought she would be getting a break a tail suddenly wrapped around her neck and squeezed lightly clearly not trying to hurt her as he picked her up and cupped her large breast as he moved her back and forth with his tail causing her dripping flower to once again be assaulted by his ravenous dragon, "AHHHHHH!" she moaned as her flower was penetrated again and again throughout the night and after a few hours neither of the two could move and could only lay there naked against the smoldering ruins of the once tall building they tore down during and fall asleep in each other's arms with a satisfied expression on their faces