Brothers Being Brothers

After the interview, NTJ walks out of the building to his car.

NTJ Tank: What a waste of time! I definitely could've done something way more important than that lame behind interview. Wanna talk about how he gets paid 9 dollars a hour it's not my fault you're broke. I'm not the one writing your checks your boss is.

NTJ Tank goes into his Tesla and sits down for a little bit.

NTJ Tank: Well, I guess I can relax for a while.

NTJ Tank thinks about what he should do for the rest of the day

NTJ Tank: Me and the kids could have a family dinner. It has been a while since we did that. So I guess imma go home to the kids. I should probably call Jinaro in advance.


Back at the NTJ Mansion, NTJ kids….wait hold on can we talk about this mansion really quick? Oh my goodness! This is a big behind Mansion right here!

Look at the front of it man! Look at this walkway it's beautiful! When you're walking up, you can see NTJ's Garden from left to right. Oh my goodness! All these beautiful Haitian plants.

This tropical behind Garden! We got the snake plants over there, the golden pothos over there, and right when you get closer to the door, that's when you see all the colorful plants. We got the Flame of the woods plants, The crown the thorns and a big behind mango tree. Y'all know Haitians love mangos. It's like the more you walk the more beautiful the plants get.

We got the garage on the left and dang…..the garage is about the size of a regular house. I bet they got some lambos, Ferraris, Teslas, Rolls-Royce, Mercedes, Bmws…..Toyotas.

But yeah let's look at the back of this jawn OH MY GOODNESS THAT BIG BEHIND POOL! THEY GOTTA WHOLE BEACH OUT HERE, GOLLY!!!

But yeah let me stop. Uh what was I talking about? Oh yeah um in the living room, we see NTJ's Kids Jinaro, Kage, and Shaqkeem watching the interview. Jinaro and Kage are up close to the tv while Shaqkeem is just laying on the couch in the corner just trying to hear the interview.

Kage gets up from his chair all hype because his dad was talking about him

Kage: Yeahhhh y'all saw my pops talkin bout me in that interview!

Jinaro: "Our" Pops. And your hype as s**t, n***a like god d***m. Like you was not the only one he was talking about, he was talking about me too. He called me an all A Harvard student and a businessman and all that. You barely made it out of highschool with any As. B plus s** n***a.

Kage: I still passed tho, n***a! I was one of Child Support Academy High School's top students! Calm that s**t down. Watch me blow up, twin!

Jinaro: When's that gonna happen youngbull? Do you even know what college you going to?

Kage: Aye! We figuring that out ok?! This online college jawn can keep me good for a while!

Jinaro: Ain't you supposed to have a online class right now?

Kage pauses and realizes that he has a online class happening right now.

Kage: Aye man, I can skip one class!

Jinaro rolls is eyes

Jinaro: Oh you gonna say that and then you finna skip the whole semester.

Kage shakes his head

Kage: Naw that ain't me…..that's probably gonna be me, but it's cool I ain't gonna be online forever. Some colleges wanted me in there school, like Temple University.

Jinaro looks at Kage in shock.

Jinaro: Temple? Man you trying get shot? Black a** campus ain't that jawn in the hood?

Kage: I ain't neva said I was actually going there man. That jawn all the way down there in the other reality in Philly I think. I ain't trynna dorm with them. They probably gonna drop some lame behind trap music or whatever they call that s**t.

Jinaro: Yeah, at least you ain't trippin bout that, I wouldn't want my lil bro in that lame ahh campus or in a college down there. You better off around here lowkey.

Kage: I don't know probably, but still man I still might go down there.

Jinaro: For what?

Kage: Bro, Harvard sounding like the move.

Jinaro: Man you not going to Harvard, you gotta be locked in for that jawn.

Kage: Naw, I feel like I can pull it off.

Jinaro: Bro I'm not talking about no Fortnite game lock in, I'm talking about LOCK IN LOCK IN like the final round of the boxing match lock in, like the final quarter of a football game lock in!

Kage: Like f**king a bad b***h and you trynna last over 15 minutes lock in!

Jinaro and Kage look at each other in silence

Jinaro: You horny a** n***a.

Kage: I'm wrong?

Jinaro: There was so many better examples!

Kage: But am I wrong?

Jinaro:…..naw since you wanna talk about bad b***hes, you definitely not gonna like Harvard. Ain't no baddies over there, just smart women with no a**.

Kage lays back down in the chair

Kage: Oh naw I'm cool, wait ain't you meet your girl in college?

Jinaro: DURING college. Not in college dummy.

Kage: Oh my fault. Shii I don't know about you, but I'm in love with my shawty

Jinaro: Talking stage.

Kage: AYE. We getting there.

After hearing all of this, Shaqkeem finally speaks.

Shaqkeem: Aye.

Kage: huh?

Jinaro: What's good?

Shaqkeem: Can y'all shut the f**k up? I'm tryna listen to our pops interview.

Kage: Oh yeah my fault Shaqkeem.

Jinaro: Yeah you know this lil n***a likes yapping.

Kage: Who like yapping?

Jinaro: You n***a!

Kage: Aye what you—-

Shaqkeem: Shut the f**k up! D**M!

Kage: my bad Shaqkeem.

Jinaro: Yeah we gonna chill.

By the time they chilled out, the interview was over.

Shaqkeem: Never f**king mind the interview is f**king over. Could barely hear anything cause of you loud a** n***as

Kage: Aw s**t, it's over.

Jinaro: See when he said loud a** n***as, he meant you.

Kage: He meant you!

Shaqkeem gets up and starts walking to his room.

Shaqkeem: I'm going to my room. Tell me when Grandmother makes the rice and chicken.

Kage: Oh snap, Grandma awake?

Jinaro: She been awake.

Kage: I ain't know that.

Shaqkeem keeps on walking.

Kage: Matter of fact, ayo Shaqkeem.

Shaqkeem: The f**k you want?

Kage: Oh, well dang my fault I was just asking if you had any girls in mind, cause you be barely talking about girls I'm starting to think you gay.

After hearing that, Shaqkeem almost instantly turns his head towards Kage.


Kage struck a nerve

Kage: I'M SORRY! I'm sorry.

Shaqkeem: Yeah you sorry! Tryna call me gay and s**t! Like what you trynna say?!?You tryna say I'm one of them n***as who likes walking around with skirts and s**t?!? You tryna say I suck d**k is that what you tryna say? WHO THE F**K YOU THINK I AM?

Jinaro: Shaqkeem.

Shaqkeem: What you talkin for?

Jinaro: Kage is just playing with you. No one here thinks you're gay. If any of us were, our dad would kick us out the house.

Kage's Yea man, I was just trolling man.

Shaqkeem: Oh ok, but as for them h*es don't nobody wanna cuff any of these wh**es. All they are is some big a** sex toys. When it comes to relationships, they lame as s**t. If there's a shawty that actually tryna lock in with me, she gonna have to find me cause I ain't bouta go waste my time looking for some lame a** dry fishes.

Kage: Preach king!

Shaqkeem: Shut the f**k up. I'm going to my room now. Don't do anything that'll piss me off.

Shaqkeem walks away.

Kage: You sure Shaqkeem loves us Jinaro?

Jinaro: Yes Kage, he just got his own way of showing it man.

Jinaro's phone starts ringing.

Jinaro: Who the fu- oh it's pops.

Kage: You should probably go head and answer that and while you doing that, imma text my wife.

Jinaro: Talking stage.


Jinaro: I don't want you to get delusional that's all.

Kage walks away as Jinaro answers the phone.

Jinaro: Hello Dad?

NTJ Tank: Aye what's up son. I just got finished with this interview and I'm just calling to let you know that I'mma be home in about 30 or so minutes. You think your grandma gonna get done cooking by then?

Jinaro: Uhhh probably. She's been cooking for a while.

NTJ Tank: Ok that's good, yeah we gonna have a family dinner. We ain't have those in a while now did we?

Jinaro: You right, it has been a while.

NTJ Tank: Yeah, we probably gonna start doing that again. Alright tell the others so they can be prepared alright?

Jinaro: Ok I gotchu.

NTJ Tank: Alright I'll see you when I get home.

Jinaro: Alright, see ya pops.

Jinaro hangs up.