First Day

The sun crept into his room and yet Kai still hadn't gotten any sleep even after staying up all night. He sighed as its light illuminated the room, a few rays of warmth at first but quickly growing into a radiant light. Within 10 minutes, the sun's attack filled the entire room.

Kai's new roommates–an Orc and a human–were still sleeping.

'Lucky.' Kai thought.

They were pretty lazy too. When the whisp had shown him to his room, they were already sleeping even though it was still daytime. On his way to his room, he had been told by some passing teacher that dorms weren't separated by years, so it's possible one of them was a 5th year. Though judging by their weak auras, Kai couldn't believe they even passed the aptitude test.

The dragon should've gulped them right up, honestly.

Kai chuckled to himself as the Orc sat up, rubbing his eyes and yawning. He took instant note of Kai's laugh and sulked.