Another Way Out Pt.2

Kai gave the river one last look before he left. If he followed the river, he'd be led straight to civilization, to Rose. Instead, he entered the dark forest again, leading Amyla.

Emmanuel was the last to leave the stream, watching his reflection dance as he hugged a broken mirror. Then he threw it in the river and followed his new group.


It didn't take them long to find another team. This one was black. Judging by their auras, they were a bit stronger than the previous team. 2 guys were at least A-Rank and the last guy was still a B-Rank. They weren't close to the upper echelon, but they also weren't all that weak either.

Still, they would be nothing next to the Klagorn. Nothing more than torn meat.

Kai felt his chest heat as he sent out small strands of his own fire. Small enough so that they couldn't see it, but big enough to affect them. It turned out that the nights he spent playing with his fire turned out very well.