If The Man Had Lived Pt.3

Amyla was forced to grow up fast–extremely fast. Within the first day, she knew what extreme hunger was. Weakly clutching her stomach, she wished that she could have any kind of food. It was her first wish for herself, and nothing happened. No sandwich fell into her lap, no ice cream cone. No stranger came offering any food.She was a lonely, cold, scared rat that was tossed to the street.Several hours later, the pain was far too much to bear, and even though she couldn't see she crawled through the streets. Some people took pity and tried to help her, but when they saw her vacant eyes they screamed and ran away.Amyla knew then that her kindness wasn't rewarded. She was just a piece of junk. There was one purpose in her life, to provide wishes for people she loved. And if no one loved her...She cried in what she supposed was a back alley. She couldn't hear anyone walking, so she knew she was alone at least.