An Empty Grove

Kai felt Axel's gaze, already knowing that the hunt was beginning. 2 beasts with unfathomable bloodlust for those they hate. The only difference was that only one of them had infinite potential.

Kai smiled at his new prey as he summoned his fire, this time making it a little bigger. Enough so that Axel would see, but small enough so that the other contestants wouldn't.

'I'm going to corrupt you.'

Axel watched his new prey with unabated desire. 'I'm going to kill you.'

Then Etyrion snapped his fingers, flinging Axel back to where he was before, beside his teammates. Some guy and girl. Enemies.

Turning his attention back to the rest of the students, he clapped his hands again, raising everyone in the air.

Then Kai was flying through the woods at an unfathomable speed. The trees around him turned into a blur of green and brown. Even with his heightened senses, he was far too fast to truly perceive anything.