
A boy was born...

Blaze sat impatiently on a small wooden chair, one of many in a long quiet hallway. It was quite late at night now, and the young handsome man with long hair the same color as the fire that burned on the surface of the sun looked down at the tiny cracks in the wooden floor. 

"Sir, you will be able to see your wife and newly born child shorty, if you will just give me about ten minutes, then you should be good to see them". Said a young nurse with brunette hair and a tired look on her face.

"Thank you". Blaze responded in a thankful manner as he looked up at her.

His bright orange eyes met the nurse's, which must have caused her to recoil a bit, because she quickly looked away as if frightened slightly, Blaze paid no attention to it however and returned to his thoughts, causing the nurse to quickly excuse herself.

'This is too much', Blaze said as he nervously scratched the tattoo on his shoulder that resembled a beautiful bird with flames dancing around it's feathers.

Blaze was wearing an oversized white hoodie made of ancient but rich silk, and a pair of black ragged sweatpants. It was an odd combo considering Blaze's confusing royal status at the moment.

The man with hair the color of flame, quietly considered entering the room early, however he hesitated and once again returned to his own thoughts. 

He knew what was too come later that night, and knew that he had a job to do once the time came, or else Lilith's plan would fail.

Just as Blaze was starting to reconsider everything he had done up until now, the door opened and a doctor walked out and smiled at the younger man sitting down. 

"Your wife and child are waiting for you Sir Alexander."

The Doctor was wearing a grey tunic, with a green robe tied loosely over his shoulder, and a pair of black wool trousers. The doctor also wore a leather tool belt on his waist and a pair teal rubber gloves on his small hands. 

Blaze nodded and stood up, taking a deep breath he pushed the already slightly opened door.

Blaze walked into the tiny room to see a beautiful pale woman lying in a small bed with white sheets.

She wore a white patient gown that hung over her left shoulder, and had raven-black hair. The woman who resembled that of a goddess also had bright mesmerizing emerald green eyes that met Blaze's.

A soft laugh escaped her lips as tears began to gather but not escape her eyes, sparkling like tiny gems.

"It's a boy..." Lilith said happily looking down at the baby in her tiny tattoo covered arms.

Blaze tried not to look at the child, it was too much to know the kind of future that they had burdened this boy with, however even knowing all the things that Blaze knew he still couldn't look away from his son.

He tried to speak but nothing came out the first try, causing Lilith to giggle slightly.

"What?" Blaze asked regaining his composure, "Your crying." Lilith told him while giving him a tired but elegant smile.

It was true, Blaze had not had any composure since the moment he walked into the room and first laid eyes on his first and most likely only son. 

"I see... Wha- *Blaze cleared his throat and then spoke* what would you like to name him?" 

Lilith just smiled, slowly returning to her usual carefree and confident mood. "I was going to ask you." 

Blaze shook his head, "No, I cannot name him, I do not deserve to be the one to give him the name that he will have to bare with for an eternity." 

She looked away and tried to hold in a laugh but failed, bursting into a laughing fit while still gently holding the baby. 

"I do not understand how this is a laughing matter Lilith". 

Lilith just sighed at his response and met his eyes, she just shrugged happily and looked down at the baby boy that she had brought into this world moments ago.

"You act as if we have created a monster who will destroy humanity and bring forth Ragnarök or something." She said jokingly while stroking the boy's cheek with her finger.

The phoenix feather haired man just sighed and walked over to sit down next to his wife. 

The boy was quite skinny even for just being a newborn, he had bright blonde strands of hair resting still on his tiny head. The boy also had piercing bright green eyes, as if they were cut from ancient emerald from the dwarf mines of the north.

Suddenly as if reacting on impulse, black markings started to grow from the small of the boy's back, terrifying demonic signs and ancient phrases that have never even been translated by humans before started to cover his small body like fire spreading in a wooden house. 

"I see". Lilith said as she studied the boy curiously, as small green sparks ignited in the baby's eyes causing him to giggle at the sight of his near combustion. 

Lilith smiled and looked at Blaze as she pressed her finger gently to the baby's chest and whispered a chant. At that exact moment the markings were chased away back into their son's newborn body. 


"Pardon?" Lilith responded to the random word spoken by her husband.

"His name is Chase." Blaze said quietly while looking at his son.

"Chase" Lilith pondered for a second before kissing the child's head. "I like it." 

A week later in a dark throne room deep in the heart of a fiery mountain surrounded by the smell of death...

Lilith walked through the large doors unbothered, she was wearing elegant skin tight, but very revealing onyx armor. "My lady, you have returned?" 

The man who spoke was an older but extremely muscular man, he had long ivory white hair and bright red eyes. He wore a silver and black steel suit of heavy armor, with a long white spear strapped to his back. 

"Yes Zeroth, I have returned two months early; however, we still do not have enough time..." Lilith said slowly walking toward the throne. 

"So you are saying he knows already?" Zeroth asked impatiently.

Lilith nodded sadly as her beautiful midnight black horns sparkled in the red hazy lights of the large room. 

"The time is soon near, but I have done all that I can for them. The rest is up to him now." Lilith smiled as she sat upon the throne and drew a long great onyx great sword out of the stone floor of the castle, the sword had red flames dancing across the blade like thousands of elegant dancers of the imperial king.

"All we can do now is wait for that false god to come forth and let his presence be known to us Primordials. Lilith said while gently setting her sword on the arm rest of her black throne. 

"You had a daughter recently Zareth, correct?" Lilith asked her private guard and close friend. 

"Yes My lady, her name is Poppy of House Nether." He answered with pride.

"I do wonder if she and Chase will ever meet, but Zareth if you want to leave Morvandral and return to the land of the living to watch your daughter grow up, I won't hold it against you." Lilith said kindly.

Zareth thought for a moment and then shook his head, "I cannot leave you to die here alone Lilith, and you know of my curse, I would not be accepted in the land of the living once my form is revealed by the light, and I am being hunted by humans and gods alike. trust me, that is no way to raise a little girl."

Lilith laughed and nodded, as a loud crashing sound could be heard coming from the hallway outside of the doors.

Far off in the land of the heavens...

A beautiful man made of stars and the night sky itself, reached his hand outward to grab hold of the magical book he had spent his life writing and manipulating, as it crumbled to dust in his gentle hands.

He looked down with a sad expression on his unfathomably godly face and whispered to himself quietly. 

"So it has begun..."