Chase is born of no house or family to speak of, except for a sickly father, and his mother who vanished the day he was born, however years after the birth of Chase, his father still often speaks of her as if she was a true goddess. One day the story will begin, when Chase finds himself waking to the smell of embers, the screams of agony, and the beginning of chaos. For on that day, a Boy was Born...
So far this novel shows great promise, and im super excited to read as new chapters drop, but I do feel like something big is coming, yeah? Definitely going to be some big deaths coming up, if I am wrong I am just plain stupid tho lol.
This good, Like really good! I've been nonstop reading ever since I opened this novel, and I havn't been on such a reading binge since lotm! So that should show just how good this has been. Super fun read so far and I can't wait to read more!!! 👏
Great start!! Reels ya right in found it very easy to read very well explained very much enjoyed it. I’m exited for some more to released , keep up the good work
I like how the characters have different povs, specially from the eyes of Michael and Equan. It's nice to see how other people think of our main character during his time here. Like how Michael questioned how chase killed the Naga but he lost easily in his fight.
Alright, who in the world is this guy 😭👏, E4 shows up out of no where and decides to write 55 chapters if straight fire. Why is UNITY not published yet? I don't know but it better be soon. The Panda and Neo fight had me genuinely tweaking.... Love the work, keep at it, this is going to be top of the rankings in no time!