
Perhaps It Is Fate?

Several days passed, and Chase was finally allowed to leave the healer's ward. 

He was nearly silent when he left, and just gave Anna a simple wave as he left. 

Walking through the halls, he passed the noticed board of the academy once more, but this time he couldn't give a care in the world at what the students were talking about this time.

Chase kept his empty gaze on the floor, he had been given far too much to think about in the past days, and he just wanted to bury himself in a silent corner of his room for a while.

One student spoke loudly; however, and the words were overheard by the boy passing by.

"Did you hear, the captain of the team was injured pretty bad in the opener..."

Another boy spoke even louder, with a lot of worry in his voice. 

"They said he might not be able to come back this season, and it's Reinhart's last year at the academy... They also said that without him the team doesn't stand a chance against Orion Academy, or even Frostfang..."

Chase's attention quietly drifted to the conversation for a split second. 


The words echoed in his head, as he walked past the boys. 

Eventually, he made his way to the class he was supposed to be attending at this time.

It was his Primis Insight class, and he was about to open the door, until a girl's voice sounded from behind him.

She cleared her throat then spoke, as Chase kept his gaze at the door, with a frown appearing on his face. 

"Headmaster Leander wishes to see you..."

Chase turned slowly, as the familiar girl with Ivory hair, and crimson eyes was standing unbothered a few meters behind him.

Rolling his eyes, he spoke with a tone of annoyance. 


Poppy shrugged, and rolled her eyes.

"Beats me."

She said, walking past him, opening the door, and walking into the classroom. 

With a sigh, Chase turned around, and made his way through the grand academy halls, and down the vast staircases that followed. 

Standing on what he had assumed was the lowest floor of the academy, he gave a quick glance at the receptionist on the far side of the large room, who had fallen asleep at her desk. 

He blinked a couple of times, and stepped toward the dark hallway underneath the first set of stairs. 

Walking toward the hallway, he had felt it once again.

The immense power hidden beyond the old wooden door...

He wondered if it was truly Leander's room that lie behind the door, or if some sort of spacial magic was at play, and maybe something even much more terrifying was hidden behind it.

He figured it was best not to get to curious, and stepped in front of the door.

Obviously, he had no clue what the faceless knight had spoken into the wooden entrance on his first day at the academy. So, he just decided to walk up and knock.

As his fist was about to gently meet the wooden surface, a gust of wind hit him violently, and he fell forward without any sort of warning.

'I hate this place!'

He thought, as he caught himself from landing face first on the carpet floor in front of Headmaster Leander's desk. 

Pushing himself off the ground, he took a heavy breath, and went to say something, but was of course interrupted by the frail old man.

"Boy, I'm sure you have questions, and frankly I have mine as well, but there are far more important matters to discuss."

Chase suddenly felt a lot smaller then he truly was.

Questions flooded his mind, as he naturally started to assume the worst. 

However, instead of just asking, he nodded and gave the old man his full attention. He was already aware of the power the headmaster was capable of, and could get his way if he really wanted to. 

Leander sighed, and looked at the boy with a somber expression.

"I have a proposal, and I am quite sure you will take what is offered..."

Chase raised an eyebrow, and cleared his throat.

"What is your proposal sir?"

He asked, already as nervous as he could possibly get.

Leander stood, and cleared his throat.

He was a lot taller than he had previously appeared, and possibly looked even younger, as yellow streaks had somehow made their way into his long white hair. 

His eye that was usually hidden was still closed, but you could clearly see that he was purposely keeping that eye shut.

Several theories were thought of by Chase on why that was, but he was probably never going to ask about them.

"I am fully aware of your goal for revenge, and while I don't condone it, I can offer you a very pleasing deal that could pave the way for that inevitable goal."

Chase's heart skipped a beat, as he immediately took a step forward, but hesitated to step any closer. 

"What do you mean?"

Leander closed his other eye for a moment, and then opened it again, showing a hidden sense of determination. Although, Chase had no clue as to what he could be so determined about.

"The peace the three kingdom alliance has with the Frostfang kingdom has been threatened several times in recent history, and our bond has been ever so slowly severed over time..." 

He paused, taking a deep breath.

"The years are long, and the future is still far from here; however, I am offering you- when the time comes of course: Your own task force, set on the assassination of the man they call The Wendigo..."

Chase raised an eyebrow.

"Who is The Wendigo?"

He asked in an almost mocking tone.

Leander sighed, looking reluctant to give the boy anymore information.

"His real name, is Sazir of the great house of Frostfang... He was also one of two people involved in the death of your father..."

Chase clenched his fists together, nearly drawing blood, at the mention of his father.

'Then the woman who resembled the rhino, is not the only person that I have to kill.'

His mind was enraged, but he stayed quiet, just nodding at the old headmaster.

Leander cleared his throat, making quite a raspy noise, as he continued.

"He is the lead general of the Frostfang kingdom, and has made his opinion on The City of The Sun quite public..."

He took another slow breath.

"He had grown quite strong over the last year, after nearly falling to your father's axe... It would also not be until a war breaks out, and you are of legal age to participate in one."

Chase nodded, knowing that the age he was required to be is fifteen and a half.

"What's the catch?"

Leander nodded, expecting the inevitable question.

"I'm sure you have heard that the star player for The Phoenix Academy aetherball team will not be returning for the year, and they are in desperate need for both leadership, and a talented player."

Chase shook his head.

"I have no clue what an Aetherball is... Nor do I have the talent for such a thing, and I certainly don't have what it takes to lead people."

He paused, and quickly spoke again.

"I am sure that I could convince someone I know to join the team though."

Immediately, Leander spoke in a powerful tone.

"No, I want you..."

Chase's eyes widened, as he realized that this was no offer, it was a demand, with a very very intriguing benefit at the end of it all.

Before he could try protesting, the man spoke again, this time in a much softer voice.

"You will dawn the jersey of the Phoenix, and you will take the field with your peers, but what you will also do..."

He paused, and a wicked grin twisted onto his wrinkled face.

"You will lead the team into the playoffs, where you will most likely face Orion Academy, or even our rival school: Frostfang Academy, and you will defeat them, bringing glory to both our school, and your name."

Chase stood in silence, at the man's statement.

"Why me...?"

He asked, hoping to find the answers he had been for searching for, for so so long. 

However, the grin on Leander's face only grew wider.

A single sentence escaped the man's lips, as the room quickly grew distorted, and the words game out barely audible.

"Perhaps it is fate, boy..."

Without any warning, Chase was standing in the grand hall of the academy once more, this time with a bewildered expression sitting on his face.