Chase stepped into the quiet classroom, casually walking over to his seat in the back of the classroom.
Opening one of the books he had found about the magic that was apart of the everyday life on the continent, he sighed.
Primis was the base form of energy, that manipulated the elements that filled the world.
There were several others as well, Axis was the energy built up within the body. Nexus was the energy stored inside of the mind.
He looked up from the book, and gazed at the far off mountains, that lined the horizon.
Stratos was the combination of skill and talent, which Chase struggled understanding how it formed energy, until he realized what the term he had originally used for it was...
'Martial Energy...'
A small smile appeared on his face. It was a simple thing, but it made him happy nonetheless. Originally he had assumed that his Stratos affinity was swordsmanship, but after his first duel he scratched that off.
However, after his sparring match with Michael he wasn't so sure if it wasn't swordsmanship anymore.
Chase looked back down at the book, and turned the page.
As he read, he figured out that Axis, and Stratos abilities were the weakest of the bunch. While Primis was the middle ground, and most common in battles.
Nexus however, was considered much stronger than Primis, while the latter is focused on the manipulation of the elements- Nexus was the manipulation of space, time, and the laws of physics.
It was simply comprehendible to him. The examples of Nexus were nothing short of breathtaking.
But, there were several other energy types that made it look like parlor tricks.
There was Cryptis, otherwise known as cursed energy, that was drawn out from forbidden origins. Apex was known as the divine energy that the gods were said to use.
Vertex was simply raw energy that existed outside of the concepts of everything that humans could understand, and the origin of all energy.
Finally Astralis, which was the energy of the soul, also known as spiritual energy.
Chase took a deep breath, and rubbed his eyes.
Suddenly, someone cleared their throat behind him, causing him to nearly jump out of his seat, and summon Hero's Fang.
"You aren't late today."
Poppy said, with a hint of annoyance in her voice.
Chase just sighed, and put his head on the table, with his face buried in his book.
"If you're going to put a knife in my back, can you please make it fatal this time."
He said behind gritted teeth.
Poppy; however, just stepped away, casually walking to the front of the room.
She opened a small closet on the far side of the classroom, that was hidden behind professor Luke's desk.
Pulling out a broom, Chase watched out of the corner of the small gap between his head, and the book.
She was wearing a simple academy uniform, with a black skirt, that had orange lining down the sides of it.
Her hair was tied into two simple, yet long brains, that kept her ivory hair out of her crimson-red eyes.
She began to quietly, clean the classroom- ignoring Chase whenever he would say something out of pure annoyance.
The beautiful royal, with the duel swords engraved into the collar of her uniform- truly did make the boy angry.
Something about her, seemed to just strike a nerve inside of him.
Maybe, it was the fact that she was royalty- the daughter of The Grand Paladin, be it blood related or not. Or maybe, it was that she had tried to kill him the first time they had met.
No, it was the feeling that she could have killed him effortlessly, if she had wanted to.
Chase grit his teeth even harder, deciding to just ignore the girl's presence.
Eventually, other students began to pour into the classroom. Equan took a seat next to Chase, still covered in his bandages, and looked as if he didn't sleep a single wink the night before.
A boy with jet-black hair, and a larger frame walked into the room after everyone else, and ended up getting his own scolding from the ivory princess herself.
He walked over, and took a seat in front of Chase, Looking down at his desk in embarrassment.
He wore a much baggier school uniform than most other students, and had bangs that covered his eyes from being barely visible, if at all.
The thing that stood out the most about him, was the sigil engraved into his collar.
It was a swirling, purple vertex of some sort. His house's emblem seemed to resemble some sort of black hole, or at least something similar.
Chase tried to recall his name from the previous day, but ended up not able to remember it.
He leaned over to Equan, and whispered into his ear, with a slight gesture to the boy in front of them.
"What's his name."
He asked quietly.
Equan tilted his head slightly, letting his locks fall to his side.
"That's Gideon, of House Voidborn."
He paused.
"He's kind of the laughing stock of the academy. Somehow, only second to you. No offense though."
He said, with a nervous half-smile.
"None taking."
Chase said, with a frown resting on his face.
Professor Luke then walked into the classroom, and clapped his hands.
"Who is ready to learn!"
He exclaimed proudly, as he gave the class a proud smile.
Silence, was the only thing that met him, and even a boo could be heard on the other side of the classroom.
A couple of students let out some stifled laughs, as Luke's face turned a bright shade of red.
Chase turned to Equan again.
"We have Primis Insight classes today, right?"
Equan nodded, a genuine grin curling from the corners of his mouth.
"Yeah, I heard that the teacher is supposed to be one of the greatest Primis user's of the second generation."
He said quietly, sounding a little excited himself.
Chase looked around, and spoke in a low tone.
"Do you know what were going to be doing in that class today?"
Equan scratched his cheek, and pondered for a moment.
"I heard something about, using empty energy crystals in order to determine everyone's Primis affinities."
Chase smirked at the thought of finally knowing for sure, just what his true affinity was exactly.
'Finally, I know these flames aren't just normal ones.'
He thought, remembering the beautiful flames that his father had used on the last day they had seen each other.