
That's Not Supposed To Happen

Another long, and boring day of classes passed. Chase was quietly walking by himself through the academy halls. 

He had two classes left now, one was Primis Insight, and his last class was Runic Enchantments. 

The former was where he was heading at the moment; however, it had taken him a very long time to find the exact room that the class took place in.

Luckily, he had a free period before, so he got to start searching for the room a little early.

He had climbed higher and higher throughout the academy floors. He had assumed that he would eventually reach the top floor at the rate he was going.

Scanning each and every room's sigil, none of them were the one that he was looking for.

The paper described a four swirling masses of energy, that moved in a counter-clockwise manner. 

It was room seven-hundred-and-4. Of course, there were no actual numbers on the signs, or doors. So, Chase just had to guess the numbers based off of what level of the academy he was on.

"Hey, Stray!"

Someone called out from behind him. They had sounded extremely out of breath.

Chase felt a vein pop out of his forehead after hearing the name "Stray" again.

He did not turn to meet that and instead kept walking at a leisurely pace.

Eventually, the other boy was walking beside him.

"You're heading to Primis Insight, right?"

Chase looked at the boy out of the corner of his eyes.

One feature stood out, above all the rest. It was the blueish-purple trident engraved into the collar of his school uniform.

This was the boy who had defeated Equan in the previous day's duel.

Chase nodded, having forgot the boy's name.

"I can't find the classroom, I was wondering if I could tag along?"

With a deadpanned expression, he continued walking, completely ignoring the boy.

The boy had the looks of someone that you would just simply bump into, and forget they existed a second later. An unassuming face, and a frail body, perhaps even more frailer then Chase's.

His eyes were a dark shade of blue, and his hair was black and messy.

Chase continued on his way, scanning the multitude of doors that lined the walls of the many hallways.

Eventually, the two stumbled onto a door that's sign had some sort of animated sigil on it.

Four swirling energy cores, each based off of their own element.

One was a fiery ball of destruction, that leaved nothing but chaos on its wake. The second, was made of Ice, and froze any particles of the other elements that happened to fly too close. 

The third, was made of rocks, and many other minerals, and was constantly shifting into other forms. Some were peaceful creations, like waterfalls that hung from the top of a mighty mountain; however, the next creation was at least fifty or so, swords that were stained with some sort of red liquid.

The final, was hard to completely understand. A ball of raw energy, that sparked and flickered into different colors. The only way Chase figured out what it was, was because it was the same element that Equan used constantly. 


With that, Chase and the other boy stepped into the room, lightly pushing passed the marble door.

Behind, was a vast room with circular rows surrounding a stage-like center. Each row climbed higher and higher, kind of like the alchemy classroom's seating area.

Except this room, only had one long table for each row, that spanned across the entire circular surfaces of the platforms. 

Standing quietly at the center, was a women of immense beauty, not the kind that could be found in a royal house, but a more godly and euphoric kind. 

She leaked raw natural energy, that couldn't even be described through words. She wore a dark green robe, and had long black hair, with silver highlights.

On her arm, was a single crow, that seemed to give Chase a terribly intimidating look the moment he had walked into the room.

"Good Afternoon students... My name is Professor Madanna, and I am your Primis Insight teacher."

She paused petting the beak of the silent crow.

"Please, sit where you like."

Chase nodded, and made his way up to the highest row of seating, toward the back.

Sitting down, he opened one of his many books, and set it to his right, on the abnormally long table.

He quietly set his head down on the desk, and let himself enter a state of day dreaming.

After what felt like an unknown amount of time, someone poked his shoulder. 

"Chase, wake up dude."

Equan was frantically jabbing him in the shoulder, as he yawned and sat up.

Michael was sitting in the seat to his left, and Gemini had found a seat on his left.

The quiet trident boy, had moved seats, and was now sitting on Equan's right.

This class was somehow much larger, than the combat training class. Unless, many of the students had skipped the first day, than this class had about triple the amount of students, as its opposite.

Eventually, the teacher began to call out.

"Today, we will be using empty energy crystals, in order to evaluate everyone's true elemental affinities."

She began to chant in a low and inaudible tone, as small white crystals began to fly swiftly through the air of the classroom.

Some students looked up in astonishment, while other's wore proud, or smug expressions.

Chase simply waited, for his crystal to be dropped onto his desk.

Eventually, it did. With a quiet clatter, several white crystals landed in front of the five students who sat in the back.

"All you need to do, is pour a small amount of your primis into the crystals."

She paused, taking a collected, yet deep breath.

"Begin when you are ready."

Chase waited a moment, letting the other students go first, so that he could watch, and have a vague idea of what to expect. 

Equan poured his energy into the small crystal in his hands.

Of course, within the crystal, powerful bolts of blue electricity began to thunder.

Michael's crystal began to freeze, as hundreds of elegant snowflakes started to from on the interior walls. 

Gemini's was different, instead of a normal element, a powerful flow of lava started to drain into his crystal. 

Heat could be felt from where Chase was sitting, from the raw energy of the dwarf's crystal. 


The boy, who's name Chase had remembered after hearing Equan say it, held his crystal gently. 

Gabriel began to syphon a vast amount of energy into his crystal. 

Chase watched quietly, as the crystal became flooded with waves of water.

Holding his own crystal in his hands. Chase decided now was probably a good time for him to test his affinity.

After nearly fourteen years, he was finally going to learn the true extent of his real affinity.

Filled with anticipation, he envisioned his energy circulating throughout the empty crystal. 

Hues of green, red, and purple began to light up the walls of the crystal.

Then, nothing happened for a moment.

'Come on, please work...'

He thought, his breath shaky.

Suddenly something happened...


The crystal had shattered in his hand. The shards turning black, as several punctured his own skin, leaving trails of blood flowing down his sleeves.


Everything stopped, as most of the students in the classroom looked in the direction of the five boys.

Someone then yelled.

"The Stray doesn't have an affinity."

He laughed.

"Are you good?"

Equan asked, his voice drowned out from the laughter filling the room.


Immediately, another shatter could be heard from the far-front row of the classroom.

This one, unlike Chase's was nearly un-hearable from the amount of students that were mocking him.

However, He did hear it. On the other side of the room, a girl with ivory-white hair, and crimson eyes, hid her shattered crystal underneath her desk.

'What the hell...'

He thought, making eye contact with Poppy, who's expression had hardened.