
The Leader Of The Pack

Chase was angered by the sight of the beast that he did even really know more then a stranger- getting eaten alive by the ugly monster.

He wanted to rip it's limbs off himself for some odd reason...

However, after surviving in the forest for this long, Chase knew better then to purposely put himself in danger, especially for some beast that he had thought had been trying to hunt him before. 

As he was occupied by his thoughts the fight somehow shifted, it was not an obvious shift, or one you could spot by just watching the battle unfold- Instead, it was perhaps a mental sort of shift.

The leader of the pack let out a beastly roar as it stood about fifteen meters or so in front of the Hollow.

It was a violent roar, filled with a very simple emotion- in fact Chase could somehow understand the roar...

It was one of anger and hatred: The wolf was furious at the death of it's family...

Chase understood it well, as the other wolves (except for the one that stood guard by his side) began to circle it, with the head of the pack at the beast's front.

The wolf then let out a pained growl as something started to rip itself free from the wolf's back. 

Terrible, crimson-demonic wings began to brutally tear through the wolf's back as it released an almost whining-sounding noise.

Another wolf rapidly pounced onto the Hollow's leg- biting into it with it's long and twisted fangs. 

The Hollow screamed from the pain, resulting in the cavern roof creaking from the eardrum-rattling screech. 

As the leader of the pack was taking a second to let it's wings sprout from it's back: it barked at the other wolf, as if it had defied an order of some sort.

Suddenly, the Hollow swept it's own leg with one of its sharp spike-like arms- cutting off it's own leg. Steam filled the air from the severed limb, as a hissing sound could be heard from the wound.

However, not even a couple seconds later- another leg had grown and tore itself free from the tangled mess of limbs. 

The Hollow immediately stomped on top of the wolf that had attacked prematurely...

A crimson liquid splattered across the floor around the the Hollow. Causing the other wolves to rapidly begin to send an onslaught of flame and claws at the monster, as they pounced in unison.

The leader of the pack however- stayed back and continued to prepare itself.

The wolves were not going to beat the Hollow on their own, at least unless they had any other tricks up their sleeves. It was too obvious that they would eventually lose, even to someone with as little battle experience as Chase.

Suddenly, a very bad idea popped into his head as the biggest of the hell hounds finally launched itself at the Hollow- resulting in a fury of attacks, impossible to see exactly what was going on with the human eye. 

He tapped the young wolf's back, as the beasts fought violently at the center of the cave. 

The wolf looked up to meet his eyes curiously. 

Chase pointed at a small ledge on the wall of the cavern, near the battlefield.

"Can you take me there, I think I can save your friends."

It tilted it's head for a second, and then let out a loud bark that startled Chase- causing him to flinch slightly from the unexpected loud noise.

A piercing burn began to overtake his confidence as he accidently shifted his weight to his injured leg. 

Suddenly, the wolf quickly positioned itself under him: picking the boy up onto his back- Chase let out a surprised yelp as the wolf began to swiftly gallop to the ledge with him on it's back.

They crossed the cavern ground quickly, dodging projectiles from the battle of beasts as they drew near.

The smallest of the wolves around twice the size of the boy, so it was quite easy for him to ride the tame beast of the underworld.

Chase was able to get quick glances at the fight as they covered ground with incredible speed. 

He spotted the head of the pack in the air- spitting an immense amount of red flames from it's maw, at the Hollow. He also seen another wolf creating projectiles of flame that shot toward the monstrous creature that had killed it's brothers and sisters cruelly. 

Chase wondered how many beings they beasts have killed in their time in the forest. He also silently questioned why the beasts had helped him, and even went as far as to follow him into the den of a beast as powerful as a Hollow.

If it were just Chase down here, even if he wasn't injured: The great monster would have been able to kill him within seconds. 

Hollows were strong creatures even compared to the strongest warriors of the capitol, so of course he would have stood zero chance at even escaping the beast. 

Which made Chase question the odd actions of the hell hounds more then he already did. 

He tried his hardest to watch the savage fight that took place in front of his very eyes, attempting to pick up some kind of revelation about his own powers. 

However, all he gained was even more questions then he already had...


Chase climbed off of the young wolf's back, and leaned against the hell hound as he waited patiently. 

Two more wolves had already died, as he could see that there were only five of them left- fighting their hardest in order to avenge their fallen packmates and slay the monster of the cavern. 

The battle had only gotten worse as the leader of the pack looked to have many more gruesome wounds then the Hollow.

Suddenly, the flying hell hound shot itself toward the Hollow at blinding speeds, ripping off a chunk of black flesh from the back of the monster's neck with it's fangs. 

Just at that moment, Chase began to reach deep within his elemental core- attempting to summon more flames then he had ever hoped to have to use.

A terrible grinding noise could be heard from his back. The young wolf gave him a side eyed look but did not interrupt the horrid process. 

Suddenly a ball of bright orange flames began to appear on Chase's mud and blood stained palm.

He winced from the pain as his body protests his actions heavily.

However, he did not stop. He continued to draw even more flames from his already tired core, until the flames started to flicker out here and there.

The young wolf noticed Chase struggling to keep the flames tangible and moved in close to the boy's hand. 

It put it's nuzzle next to the wavering ball of wild flames and let out a slight huff...

Chase's eyes widened as the ball of fire seemed to no longer draw from his own body and appeared to grow much more vibrant and pure in his hand.

Suddenly, the leader of the pack was on the opposite side of the Hollow from the wolf pack. 

The monster reeled its weaponized arm back about to land a finishing blow on the ragged beast of fire...

Just before the Hollow could take the life of another hell hound- Chase screamed with all of his remaining energy.

"Hey Ugly!" 

Chase yelled- causing an echo to reverberate through the large cavern, as he reached back and hurled the ball of flames at the monstrous being.

The flames hit the monster in the face as sparks flew across its black rubbery skin. 

Of course, his attack did no damage to terrible beast.

However, his mission had been complete...

The Large winged wolf flew through the smoke from the fire, and ripped into the Hollow's face with it's bare fangs. 

Crimson flames irradiated from the beast's maw as it tore at the head of the monster with everything it had. 

After not even a minute of the barrage of hellfire, the head of the Hollow was ripped from it's own neck and violently fell to the ground with a large splat.

It was by no means a clean cut, as jagged skin still remained on the edges of the severed body, from the savage attack; however, the hollow had been slain.

Chase was about to make an arrogant remark as his good leg buckled from exhaustion. 

The young wolf quickly caught the boy, but he was already losing consciousness as he fell into the soft mane of the beast. 

Before Chase could even come up with another thought, his vision had already went pitch black.