
A Trial of Knowledge.


Chase could hear the graphite scraping against paper throughout the classroom as he read the next question on the test.

'What is the Elemental Affinity of your family House?'

Chase squeezed the small wooden pencil in his right hand.

'Could have at least told me that much, Dad...' Chase thought to himself as he tried to recall what his fathers affinity was, but Chase truly did not know.

His Father never spoke of his past or even what he did when he wasn't home, which just so happened to be most of the boy's life.

The golden haired boy cursed as he remembered the color of his father's hair. That memory alone sparked many others. Times when Chase was little and accidently brushed his hand against the stove, or even touch a fire directly.

He had burned himself countless times as a child, curious and reckless, yet the pain never lasted. His skin had always healed too quickly, too perfectly, as if fire itself refused to leave a mark.

Chase had not been immune to fire; however, there have been times when He would heal rapidly after having his skin burnt, even feeling an intense pain, only to look down and see nothing, just plain uninjured skin.

He was going to have to guess on this question, which he wasn't entirely against, considering that he did not even know the correct answer. 

It still did not sit right, knowing that he had quickly breezed through the previous questions, just to have to resort to guessing, risking his chances even if ever so slightly, at attending a high level academy. 

'Screw it...' Chase said as he quickly jotted down "Fire Affinity." 

Elemental Energy, was one of, if not the most important class of energy. It was the cornerstone of all "magic". 

Your Elemental Affinity; however, is One's connection, to one of the many elements in the world. There are the simple but powerful elements such as, Fire or Water, and etc. Then there are the less known elements: like Sound, Metal, or even ones like Nature. 

The problem wasn't the fact that Chase did not have one, in fact it was quite normal for most people not to have one, Elemental Energy was not the strongest form of energy, but it was the point at which most mages and soldiers hit a wall, and stopped progressing at, that is, if they even reached that point.

Chase's Father definitely had an Elemental Affinity, which he was completely sure of. But the problem was that his Father had never revealed it around Chase, or even mentioned it, and the point of the question on the test, was to mark down your potential Elemental Energy.

Most students at top tier academies usually had two parents who both had an Affinity, but Chase neither knew his Father's, let alone knew his mothers own name. 


Chase casually marked off his answer, assuming that he had a fire based element. 

He then moved onto question two, which read: 'Which element is the most effective against Lightning due to its grounding properties?'

Chase quickly wrote down "Earth" as it was pretty much the only element that could counter lightning. 

There are six Main Elements with all of them having nearly hundreds of of their own subclasses. 

There is Fire, Which was probably the most common affinity; however, it was certainly not the weakest. Fire is known as the most destructive of the elements, as sub class elements like Explosion, Ember, and Smoke based affinities, are under the Fire category. 

Then there is Lightning, which is known as the most deadly of the six, as it is commonly used by any class of fighter, be it Mage, Knight, Archer, or even Healers. 

Water, is the outcast of the six major elements, not because it was thought to be weak. In fact the reason is quite the opposite...

If someone strong enough had a water based Elemental Energy, then they would most likely have the power to end humankind. 

They would have multiple ways of doing it, as well. There are things like liquid manipulation which could result, in simply removing the blood from someone's body, which unless they were an undead or something like that, they would be instantly killed. 

Then there were natural disaster-based abilities, which in this case: Someone could simply create a massive title wave big enough to wipe out "at least" half of The Continent.

Water is the only element with so many types of sub classes, meaning it is feared in many places. 

Most of the time; however, Water is genuinely a weak ability compared to the other six, as it usually just results in things like: water breathing or being able to move faster in water. 

Earth... the immovable wall of the six. Most users couldn't keep up with its heavy costs on mobility, but maybe that was the price of the absolute defense.

The payoff though for some of the most Defensive abilities known to mankind, was none other then the speed of the user.

Not to say that you cannot have mobility or attack based earth abilities; however, it is just more common to get low mobility but heavy defense with earth. 

Chase wrote down the answer to the next question as he attempted to recall information about the ice affinity. 

Ice could be used in the most creative of ways, as it could have many different forms, and take the shape of plenty of different objects, like swords, large spikes, etc. 

It could even be used to build massive creations and architecture, if Chase was not mistaken then he also recalled that the kingdoms of the north were entirely built of ice from the Elemental Energy. 

Last but not least, was the Wind Affinity, which was certainly the most limited of the six, it was similar to both water, and Ice. As Wind required the user to be creative and immensely powerful in order for it to be a genuinely strong Elemental Energy. 

Most Wind Users ended up just using the affinity as a utility based Element; however, there were some Imperial warriors who had wind abilities capable of even reaching ten star potential, which would be the most powerful level of ability a human being can reach.

Chase finally answered the last question on his test, as he raised his hand tiredly for Mr. Dane, to collect the papers. 

The other students in the class, looked over at Chase as he handed his teacher the five testing papers with an exhausted expression on his face.

Chase noticed that kids were scowling at him, and was positive he saw someone clench his fist at him in the corner of his eye, but the golden haired boy paid it no mind and put his head down to sleep.

Knowing that he was the first to complete the test, with putting in the work that he had, a small smirk found it's way creeping onto Chase's face hidden by his arms...

'That was easier then I thought...'