
A Goal To Strive For...

After one or two more fights, Barren ended the class without much formality. He stepped into the doors of his private office, as he dismissed the students.

Equan was carted off to the infirmary, by several of the Academy's healers. 

Chase was going to leave, his head was down, and his thoughts were painfully quiet. 

He held a vibrant topaz dagger in his bruised hands, the blade covered in a silver sheath. 

'I really wish I could make this a Lumen.'

He hated the fact that he had to carry around his father's dagger, everywhere he went.

Granted, the blade brought him a strange comfort, when he had it with him.

Shaking his head, he tied his sheathed dagger to his waist, and turned around as he was nearing the exit of the classroom.

Walking slowly, across the shattered arena floor. 

Memories of his loss, flooded his mind. 

The thought of losing to "that" girl drove him crazy. It ate at his very being knowing that Poppy of House Aries could have killed him on the night they had originally met. 

But, what pained him the most, was the expression that she wore when she had beaten him.

It was frustration, she had expected more. Quite frankly, so had he.

'I killed the Naga for god's sake.' 

With his fists clenched at his sides, and his teeth gritting violently against each other. 

He steeled his nerves, and brought his hand up to knock on the door of his teacher's office.

Before his fist met the door; however, a stern voice could be heard from the other side of it.

"Just come in."

Professor Barren had called out from the opposing side. 

Opening the door slowly, Chase was greeted with the sight of his teacher, sitting patiently behind his desk.

"I am quite bothered by the fact, that only one first year went and sought me out after the duels, this year."

He said with a wistful tone.

Before Chase could respond, Barren spoke again. This time with a much more somber voice.

"I'll cut the formalities. I already know who you are, and you know everything that you need to know about me... So, what is it that you seek, Chase the nameless?"

Taking a deep breath, he figured that he might as well be honest.


He answered, in an emotionless and empty tone.

Barren raised an eyebrow, but waited a moment before responding to the boy.

"Surely, not against Poppy? No, if anything the daughter of The Grand Paladin would seek revenge on you first, for that pathetic display."

Chase grit his teeth, as Barren let out a chuckle, before speaking again.

"No no, you seek a much grander revenge, perhaps on the kingdom of Frostfang?"

Chase's eyes narrowed, and his expression began to show visible anger, at the mention of the kingdom who had raided his small village. 

"How do I kill- How do I get stronger?"

This time, instead of a slight Chuckle, Barren thundered with laughter, as he slammed a fist on his desk.

Chase squeezed his fists even harder at his sides, deciding to just ignore the mockery. 

After a moment, Barren calmed himself.

"Ah, you're serious... Well, for starters, stop thinking about getting stronger, and start thinking about getting better. I won't say that you have some hidden potential or something stupid like that."

He took a deep breath, and studied the student in his office before continuing.

"Although, I won't say that you don't either, anyone can master the blade. After all, that's what my class is about, is it not?"

Chase nodded, and his expression softened. 

"Then how do I get better? Not just better, I want to be the best."

Vivian's father stood slowly, slightly intimidating the frail boy that stood on the other side of his desk.

However, Barren just turned around, and stepped toward a collection of bookshelves behind him.

"My daughter told me you were clever, as well as the fact that you sought out several books, about many things in the grand library."

Chase sighed.

"I did."

Barren nodded slowly, looking down at one of the books he had flipped opened the pages of.

"Well, you aren't going to find anything in those books. Nor are you going to learn much from me, or any of your other teachers at that... This place is a strange one Chase, raw talent overpowers any skill or hard work. Trust me, I have seen many students try."

He let out a deep exhale, as he placed the book back on the shelf, and grabbed another.

"You use a hand, and a half sword, correct?"

Looking at his academy branded shoes, he nodded.

"Yes sir."

"Good, you're already ahead of half of the grade, many students don't find the weapon that fits them best, until about the halfway mark of their first year."

He said, looking at the boy out of the corner of his eyes.

Eventually, he closed the book, and handed it to Chase. 

"You were completely outclassed in your duel, in every single aspect. Can you tell me why?"

Barren asked the boy, as he held the book back before he could grasp it. 

"Because, She's better than me?"

With a slight smirk, the professor set the book on the desk, and sat back down in his chair.

"You're not entirely wrong. Poppy is a special talent, being the bastard daughter of the continent's queen can certainly bring out the hidden potential in someone."

He paused, and began to tap his fingers on the desk in a melodic rhythm. 

"Although, your loss wouldn't have been so one sided if you didn't think about every single movement the both of you made during your duel."

Chase's eyes scanned the room, studying the many pieces of old furniture in the man's office. 

"So, I shouldn't think when fighting?"

Barren chuckled.

"Then you would just die. You would miss a parry, and get your head taken off... No, you should think, but not in the way that your used to."

He took a deep breath, as the teacher looked up at the ceiling of the small office. 

"Have you ever heard of a man who sleeps with his eyes open?"

Chase answered flatly.

"Good, because that would be quite weird; however, when fighting there is a similar term used. Your body, and your mind are separate functions, and the only thing I can truly teach you, is to learn to use them at the same time."

He paused again, and picked the book up, this time genuinely offering it to the boy.

As Chase slowly took the book from the professor, he spoke again.

"Later this week, we will be going over the creation of a form, otherwise known as a combat style. You will have your worst disadvantage during these classes, as you have no house to base your form off of."

He paused, and motioned for Chase to leave his office. 

"Watch your peers closely. In the world we live in, thieves and criminals tend to last longer then good men."

With that, he waved the boy off, as the door shut behind him from some unknown force. 

Chase stood silently, as he held a torn leather book underneath his soar shoulder. 

Chase exhaled, staring up at the high ceiling. He shut his eyes.

'A combat style...'