
A quiet walk home...

"Oh... I see, so you already know your Martial Affinity then." The old man said with a sly smile.

Chase nodded slowly as he watched the reflection of the sunset on the water. "Your final exams are in two days, perhaps you might be able to score high enough to attend a top tier school." Mr. Dane said with a curious look on his face.

Chase has already thought about what school he wanted to attend so it wasn't really a question. He wasn't stupid, so his grades were actually pretty impressive considering he never paid attention in class. 

"I want to attend Phoenix Academy..." Chase said while still looking at the lake.

Silence was all that came from his teacher, until he suddenly chuckled with his back turned to the boy. 

"it makes sense, I don't even know why I am surprised." 

The elder man silently waited a few seconds and then spoke again. "Perhaps, if you pass I can put in a good word for you."

Mr. Dane thought for a few more seconds. "However, The Rider Empire is very far north, are you sure you would be fine with leaving your father and friends?" 

Chase did not hesitate to nod, he did not like his father, and they never got along. Chase also did not have many friends other then Kade and Cloudy, and Kade would be attending the Academy as well because of his house. 

"I see then..." The teacher nodded and turned around to leave.


Chase's teacher walked him home because it was quite late, by the time that they were finished talking.

He got home around what would be 9 O' clock at night if Chase had to guess. He walked past the gate closing it behind him and began to slowly walk through the garden. 

Until Chase spotted someone sitting on a bench next to a small frog pond in the back of the garden.

Chase walked over slowly, not saying anything or even making much noise for that matter. 

"Good, your home. I have been waiting to have a chance to talk with you, come sit." The man with bright braided orange hair patted the spot on the bench next to him.

"Your home..." Chase was quite mad that his father decided to show up this late at night, when he hasn't been home in nearly two months, when he left without even saying anything.

"I am." The man said with a genuine smile.

Chase bit the inside of his lip trying not to get mad at his dad. He sat down on a rock next to the bench and waited for his father to speak.

Chase's father was by no means an ugly man, however he did not look good at all. His normally smooth lightly tanned skin looked pale and dry, and his eyes had dark bags under them.

He also looked like he had lost at least twenty pounds of weight since the last time they spoke. 

Now the two looked more similar then ever, with Chase's pale skin and boney body he always thought that since he did not even know his mother, that he was possibly adopted.

But now it was quite eerie how similar they looked. 

Chase's father's sad bright orange eyes met Chase's emerald green eyes for a split second, causing The orange haired man to let out a sigh.

"Please forgive me for never being home." Immediately after speaking He started to cough violently as he tried to cover his mouth with his withered and pale hand.

Chase looked away, it was quite a disturbing sight to see his own father, no matter how he felt about him, in this condition.

"it's whatever." Chase said while looking at the dark tree line far off past the grasslands.

He shook his head responding to his sons answer. "No, its not whatever, if I could I would be here everyday." He paused for a second. "I have no excuses to never being with my own son."

"If your mother seen me now, she would have locked me up with the demons." Chase's father said before letting out a soft chuckle.

"Who was she?" Chase quickly said trying to finally get his father to not avoid the question.

He paused for a moment as if stunned by the question that has been asked countless times.

His father laughed before he spoke, "Would you even believe me if I told you?" 

He shook his head and looked away from Chase, who was now waiting patiently for a real answer. 

"Eh, Whatever." Chase's dad said yawning. 

Chase's heart skipped a beat and sat back excited to finally get an answer. 

"Your mother, She had Raven black hair, and eyes that were a beautiful jade green, but not nearly as green as yours." Blaze smiled and continued to speak.

"She had a truly godly presence, as close as you could get without being a true god. However, your mother even though she loved you more then anything in this world, or any world for that matter..."

"She what?" Chase said knowing where this was most likely going.

"Your mother had to go home, to help her people and to keep the person who was after he away from us."

Chase who was now getting irritated spoke up. "Where is home?"

Blaze was caught off guard by Chase's tone, nearly fell off the bench, and began to cough. 

"Sorry..." Chase said getting up, turning his back to his dad and walking back to the house.