
I Would Never Challenge Someone To a Duel.

Standing in front of one of the many dorm-room doors, Chase and Equan took a long look at each other, and shrugged simultaneously. 

Chase brought his fist up to the door, and knocked, sending a slight jolt of pain through his numb knuckles.

Ignoring it, he waited in front of the door for at least a minute or two.

As he was about to try knocking again, the door finally swung open, revealing a terrible looking boy, with messy, yet short black hair, and an oversized pair of pajamas.

"Can I not nap peacefully, after a long day of school?"

He said, following with a loud, and dramatic yawn.

Chase blinked a couple of times, and shook his head.

"Can you do me a really big favor."

Michael tilted his head, and rubbed his eyes.

"Uh, first tell me why you stole one of professor Barren's duel swords, and why you're carrying a really old book."

Chase smiled casually.

"It has to do with the really big favor."

Without warning, Michael shut the door slowly on the two boys.

"I don't think he likes favors."

Equan said, as he flinched from the loud snap, of the door shutting.

Chase grit his teeth, and knocked on the door again.

From the other side of the door Michael yelled.

"Leave me out of it!"

Still knocking on the door, Chase grinned and turned his head to the younger boy.

"Just so you know, we are forcefully taking him with us."

Equan nodded.

"Then I have an idea."

Kneeling to the ground, very slowly and awkwardly because of his recent injuries- He placed his right hand, that was covered in bandages on the ground, and shut his eyes.

"You might want to jump when I say three."

Without warning he began to count.


Chase's eyes widened.

"Wait, what?"


Chase readied himself, and bent his knees preparing to get off of the ground in time.


Chase jumped into the air, and immediately an ungodly amount of visible electricity shot across the floor, and underneath Michael's door. 

With a rough landing, he fell onto his knees, and looked at Equan with a bewildered expression.

Just seconds later a scream came from the other side of the door.


"You coming now?"

Chase called out, interrupting the boy's screaming. 

Swinging the door open, Michael had a visible look of rage on his face, as his hair was even more wild then the expression he was wearing.

He was now wearing a messy pair of Phoenix Academy casual wear. 

A white tee-shirt, and a pair of black pants, with orange lining that went down the sides, as well as a pair of socks and sandals. 

"I was going to come with you, if you just gave me a damn minute..."

He said, fully annoyed and looking directly at the younger boy with darker skin, and flowing black locks.

The breeze of the dorm room halls had seemed to pick up, as Chase and Michael's hair began to flow with the wind as well. 

"The headmaster is somewhere in the halls right now, if he finds out you were using primis without a teacher's guidance you're gonna get lectured."

He said to Equan, offering him a hand.

The younger boy nodded, and winced as he let Michael help him up.

Chase began to walk down the stairs, and eventually after about fifteen minutes of silent walking, they reached the Academy's courtyard. 

"What do you need me for anyways?"

Equan glanced at Chase who was walking in front of the two of them, and then answered for him.

"He needs a sparring partner, since I am well, incapable at the moment."

Michael frowned.

"So, you're challenging me to a duel?"

Chase just shrugged, and continued on his way, walking along the stone pathway, and through the beautiful gardens.

"I would never challenge someone to a duel willingly."

He said sarcastically, as he pointed to the small bench near the grass clearing.

"Equan will sit, and spectate while I try my best to disarm you."

The youngest boy nodded, and took a seat on the wooden bench, as Chase offered him to hold the leather book, he had been carrying this whole time.

Michael just shrugged and stepped into the clearing.

"Wait shit, I forgot you don't even have a weapon."

Chase said, rubbing his face with both hands, as he realized how stupid he was for forgetting such a thing.

"Nah, it's not a big deal."

Michael said, outstretching his arm, and closing his eyes.

Suddenly, Chase's eyes widened, as the air of the courtyard suddenly grew much much colder. 

His breath became visible, as his skin began to grow goosebumps.

The air around Michael began to grow tinted, by a bright blue haze, and then beautiful snowflakes began to take shape around his very arm.

To the other two boy's amazement, physical ice began to take the shape of a simple, dull sword that's freshly made hilt rested within the boy's hand.

"See, all good."

Chase and Equan, just looked at the eldest boy of the three in stunned silence.

"So, you're telling us that you can just make a weapon whenever you feel like it?"

Michael just shrugged.

"Kinda, although it takes up a lot of reserved energy, and it's not as strong as an actual Lumen, but it still is pretty durable."

Chase shook his head out of pure amazement. 

'I really do have a long way too go.'

He readied his blade, and got into the base form of his new combat style.

With his knees slightly bent, and his upper body leaned forward, he began to count in his head.

Michael's style was simple, he held his ice blade at the ready, but in a simple matter. 

His wasn't complicated in anyway, but Chase made sure too note every little detail, remembering the simple phrase that professor Barren had told him in his office.

"It's thieves and criminals who tend to live longer than good men, in this world..."