Chase's eyes slowly drifted open, as he was thrown off by the amount of scattered thoughts that rested in his consciousness.
"Where am I?"
He spoke dazed, as the familiar white lights, and soft blue curtains came into view.
"You're going to die at this rate, ya know?"
"Healer Lady?"
Chase couldn't bother trying to remember her name in the state he was in, but he did recognize the girl.
'Gods, I hope this isn't going to be a recurring thing.'
Anna sighed, and rubbed her tired eyes.
"I need a raise."
Before Chase could make a comment, she spoke again.
"Impaled by a Manticore, two fractured arms, multiple deep wounds of all variety, and somehow a sprained ankle. I mean, how do you even get into that situation?!"
She yelled, but he had decided to ignore her tantrum entirely.
Chase attempted to sit up, and immediately fell back into the soft hospital bed.
Pain completely overpowered his body, causing him to bite down extremely hard on his own lip.
With a groan, he shut his eyes.
"Just wake me up when I'm fully healed please..."
He said, his voice trailing off, as he tried to recall his recent battle.
'Oh right!'
He had remembered, that not only was Sparky alive, but Chase felt extremely close to learning how to summon him once more.
The damned wolf had left without any warning, while also leaving a painful reminder in the form of a black rune that rested on the front of his shoulder.
He probably won't even be mad about it, by the time he gets to see his canine companion once more.
Plus, the healing factor would come in handy right about now.
'I defeated a Manticore...'
He thought, a small smile appearing on his tired face.
Not only did he bring the Manticore down, but got it to willingly bow before him in front of his classmates.
That! was no small feat. Well, compared to his time in The Dark Forest, it was child's play, but it was nothing scoff at either, and would have hopefully showed fellow students that he isn't just a damned Stray.
"Chase, some people are here to see you..."
He slowly opened his eyes, and tilted his head in confusion.
'Must be Michael, and them.'
He thought, wondering why they would even be worried about him in the first place, if they knew that he was alive.
A familiar and quiet voice said, peaking out from behind the blue curtains.
A boy with messy black hair, and deep blue eyes, walked into the small room, as Anna walked passed him, leaving them alone.
Chase was going to give him a small wave, but remembered he had nearly broken every single bone in the both of his arms.
He said flatly, as just gave the boy a short nod.
"You look like hell."
Gabriel said, looking at Chase's current state.
His entire body was wrapped together in bandages, and his head was also wrapped with some sort of headband-like artifact.
"Nah, really?"
He replied sarcastically.
Gabriel sighed, and took a seat on one of the visitor chairs.
"Well, you were right, I'm not you."
He paused.
"Never in a million eternities, would I have even thought about doing what you did."
The corner of Chase's lips curled into a satisfied grin.
"Maybe, now I won't be known as the worthless Stray?"
He said, with a hint of honesty within the intended sarcasm.
Gabriel's expression hardened.
"About that..."
Chase frowned.
"Gods damnit.... What is it?"
Gabriel closed his eyes, and exhaled.
"I'm here for two reasons, one: is to tell you that anyone involved in the incident was told directly by Leander to not share any of the details on what had happened."
Chase's frown deepened.
"However, the odds of the student's keeping quiet are pretty low, so at least there is that."
He shrugged, and continued.
"Second: My sister, Diana of House Envixity, has come with an offer for a part time job with the Merchant's Guild..."
Chase's gaze was now fixated on the open section of curtain at the far end of the small room, as a shorter girl with black hair, and deep blue eyes just like her brother, walked in.
He looked at Gabriel for a split second, and spoke tiredly.
"I'm intrigued, continue."
Gabriel nodded, then looked at his sister, whom Chase had assumed was the older of the two- She nodded at her younger brother, letting him know that he could say the offer.
"it will only be until you're of age to graduate, but you can take a couple of hours every week, and deliver items for the Merchant Guild."
He paused.
"You would be working along side me, and be paid thirty silver coins, for a month's work."
Chase would have jumped out of his bed, if his body wasn't completely destroyed.
He said, full of excitement, knowing that in just two months he could buy something he had his eyes on for the last week or so.
Gabriel looked as if a smile was trying to make his way onto his usually saddened face, and his sister set some paperwork on the bed next to Chase.
"Sign these, and give them to my brother when you're ready."
She said, with a satisfied half-smile.
The two left the room, and he was alone once again.
Chase was going to save his money, and buy an Energy Vox.
A small wristband that carried a powerful set of runes, that could show the user their output energy, and even their star potential...
A twisted grin made its way onto the boy's face, as he let his mind wander for the remaining time he was going to be in that hospital bed.