29 Jan 2025

Today I thought Ren was going to get his ass kicked. Because we had to show our documentry to our English teacher she told us to put the pendrive in and keep it open. This is what happened.

Shifau and Lisa came in and were trying to close the whiteboard that was open on the smartboard installed in the class. Shifu closed it and Y**tube opened.

"Hey! What do you think you are doing? Stop messing with the board!" Ren said rudely.

"What does that have anything do with you " Shifu said angrily.

" I will be the one to get scolded" Ren said.

"You could've said thet nicely too." Shifyu said.

Then they started fighting over it.

I meanhis friends and Preeti's friends also use it but he never says anything to them. And it wasn't even thier fault when y*utube opened it was already like that.

Then Preeti and her friends used it, then did he came to realise hos duty of 'class representative' and he said that to them too, I mean if he had not we would've told our homeroom teacher about it and he and is friends wouldn've gotten a good scolding for sure.

"Hey please don't mess with it and get away." Ren said to Preeti polietly. And I scoffed 'So now our representative is saying no to one of the queen bees' I thought.

Preeti got worked up and shouted "What ,this is not only your class,we are also students of this class, we can also use it , we will do whatever we want. "

Then he again said it but instead of getting away with it she worte her name on it. Hah.

Then our teacher came and she finally saw our documentry that she has been avoiding for months .

Wellthats a different story that I might tell you later


For now, BYE.