
Well, I don't really have anything to talk about right now, so what should we talk about now? Mm... yeah how about I tell you about my dreams? How about Ren in them?

Like there was a dream in which he and I were getting married, everyone was at my house, including him preparing for it, and one of my relative who was, I don't know why, jealous of me ruined my name on the sign board ,with our names on it. I didn't pay a heed to it and walked out.

Then after the wedding ,there was a child, I don't know whose, either it was his nephew or his son since I couldn't figure out either one's age( and it felt like either he didn'thad parents or a mother ), at his house and he was asking me "Go and change", I said "Why?" teasingly since I know I rarely go out , he looked at me with a 'don't mess around' look, and I surprisingly agreed. Then I woke up 😅 .

In another one, now it's a different one- ah I remember Shifu told me about her dreams recently, and I was so embarrassed, like in it, she ,I and Ren were standing on a bridge and I was confessing to him, and I was the one who told her to be there with me. And when I asked her what was his answer, she said her mother woke her up for school. I was disappointed as hell!

I mean don't judge me okay, they say 'Your dreams have hidden meanings', I mean I have seen him so many times in my dreams,that I might believe he's the one.

Then one was like- I was at a maternal-side family gathering with everyone my parents and my sister, and we met our uncle's family (in actual they have a son older than me and a daughter I don't know how many years younger than me and he's my grandmother's brother's son) so I took his other 'son' ( thats definitely not in real life )who was attending the gathering or party whatsoever, and when I put him down and the my loose- thread was stuck on his clothes, then it broke and everyone left, only the uncle and I were left behind, then , he grabbed me, hugged me from behind and asked "Where do you think you're going without meeting me?" While nuzzling his nose on the crook of my neck, I felt a shiver down my spine ( yeah, in the dream), then I shrugged him off of me and walked away annoyed yet flustered. And he stomped angrily. Next day when we reached home, it was already destroyed and I had a feeling it was his doing(maybe bcoz he was angry?). And do we were going to his house for the meantime. On the way another uncle (his younger brother, though I don't know if he's really there) was playing with a child and the road suddenly turned bumpy, he protected the child and I was staring at them for the whole time, and in that I could feel the uncle staring at me from behind.

Then the scene changed, and now I was asking one of his workers to teach me piano, that he rudely refused leaving me with a feeling of disappointment that of a student, he was there the whole time staring at me knowing that I wasn't happy about the fact that I had to stay at his house forcefully.

Then now we are sitting in the drawing room,and everyone is talking about something, and someone said something that made me laugh (I felt that I didn' teven smile for a long time in that dream), he noticed and tried to laugh harder thinking that it would make me laugh more, to which I turned sad again, making him disappointed.

And then scene chamged again, now I am in school, in the classroom ,at the back sitting together with Ren (that can't happen in real life since boys and girls sit separately) and I am getting happy that we both are committed now, and that fact is known by everyone and all the boys are celebrating.

Then I don't remember the rest of the dream. It was weird for sure, but then again dreams are like that, you know that, scenes and places change on their own and it doesn't even feel weird since it's a dream.


Bye :)