So today we went to my late grandmother's place. She passed away recently. And her eldest son and his wife are living there, since the house would be empty. He is my father's eldest brother, we had meal there, and left at 9 pm. It wasn't late and the drive to my home was like 45 min. We had father's said-uncle to drive since father had so some issues in his back. So we were going to drop him at his home and it wouldn't be difficult from there. On the way they was talking about his son, that he was 19 Yr old, one year older than me and that he was my classmate in playschool and all the things. And I was pretty much surprised. Like I don't even remember that, it's been like 14 years if we see it that way, I went to a different school and I didn't really see him after that, so I don't even remember him . So when we reached at his house, his son was talking with someone outside, so he looked at my father and smiled when he called out his name, and that caught my attention, so I looked up from my phone, then he looked at me. I mean, normally when you look at someone you know , you only look at them if , but he looked at me too, but I still ignored him even if he knew who I was,but I swear I was awkward all that time . Then when we were leaving I greeted his father, so he was looking at me first then he bent ,greeted and said goodbye to my mother. I noticed that and turned to my phone without any care. Since his father is Shifu's grandfather's younger or youngest brother, that makes him her uncle. And I vaguely remember a classmate or a friend of his name. Along with him another boy who I haven't met since kindergarten, I remember Shifu and I playing with those two in the playschool's play ground, but I don't remember their faces.I will ask Shifu about him later, on a call since tomorrow's no class and Mayne never again, and if I wait for exams, I will definitely forget it, so tomorrow's the day .
It was a brief encounter bur enough to make my imagination a story
IN my stupid imagination, I am meeting him at Shifu's family function(since her family's too big, a joint one, most of her realtives live near her house, in it , or near the town), he's asking me "Do you remember me or recognized me?"
I am like "No...?"
He says "Its okay, since we met a long time ago" smilingly.
We are talking and somewhere bear Ren is standing burning with jealousy. I mean whenever I imagine another boy, I always think that he likes me, we are talking frankly and Ren is standing somewhere near and getting jealous. Even after knowing that he has a crush on someone else and he still looks at me , and getting angry I still maybe have a crush on him.
Ah , I remembered a conversation of mine and my cousin's
I climbed down the stairs after talking with Anu of call, and then my cousin said teasingly "Mhmm.. someone is there ~"
I was like "Nope , no one just my friend. "
"Yeah yeah I know"
I said "No, I don't have that kind of luck."
She said "Yeah, same here " disappointedly
It was an awkward one since I don't usually talked like that 😅.