Chapter 24. Goodbyes…

A couple of days has went by since the incident… so many people have lost their loved one's while there was some that was in critical condition.

This incident somehow spread across the globe's and people begins started to call this incident, [The Day Where Andra's Bleed].

The people had called it that, because Andra was known to the the most safest of them all, it have no enemies, nor any conflict with any other countries…

It was just that… that man wreak havoc on this country in hopes to kill one of the ten noble family members, in which he had unfortunately succeeded in.

The aftermath of the incident has cause many rubbles and debris to pile up within the country.

The people of Andra's spent countless hours fixing and rebuilding the buildings that have been destroyed, due to the lack of man power, the people of Andra's refused to rest while some of the people haven't slept in days…

There was a ceremony held for the one that lost their lives during this incident… a monument was built to memorial those that have die in this tragic incident.

Uma Micheal stand in front of Filo Noa grave… she stares at it for a while, her stares was blank, she didn't know why this was happening to her.

She stay quiet for a few more seconds, so quiet that breeze could be heard forming a song, there she finally opened her mouth, "You said that… I shouldn't leave you… So- why did you leave me?"

Uma Micheal didn't cry, there was no tears, only a sad tone and expression on her face.

"You were my only family left… now that you're gone… who will be my family?" Uma Micheal dropped to her knees, shaking by the incident, not wanting to accept that her sister is now gone… "Why did you leave me?" She asked once again to the grave that couldn't respond back.

"Who will be my family's now? Will I have to live by myself alone?" Uma Micheal muttered under her breath looking away from her sister grave.

Uma Micheal felt a hand placed on her right shoulder, she look over to see who it was and it was Kim.

Kim overheard what Uma Micheal said and he told her, "We can be your family…" trying to comfort Uma Micheal but she shakes her head, with a sharp and angrly looked toward Kim, she said to him, "You're the reason why she died…" Kim looked at her in guilt, taking the words of what Uma Micheal have just said to him deeply.

Uma Micheal froze for a bit, there was no tears but Kim could hear that her voice was trembling, she continued, "If only you could've do something…" These harsh words was aimed toward Kim, who have an expression of guilt all platter onto his face.

"[Andra Hero's] What a joke…" Kim couldn't say anything, all he could do was stares at the little girl who was mourning her sister death…

Kim stared at her blankly, he was reluctantly to said something but found a courage to said it, "You know… she told me to tell you that… she loved you!" Kim said as the harsh words of Uma Micheal deepen inside him, even his voice begin to tremble but he didn't stutter, he continued on with his speech.

"You already know how much you meant to her… though you guys weren't blood related, you guys were considered family…"

Uma Micheal looked up at Kim, she could see that Kim haven't slept in days. Dark eyebags was easily noticeable but Uma Micheal could see that he was trying to hide it from her… and the people's of Andra.

"I know I don't know Filo Noa that well… and that I was probably the reason for her death… but I just want to let you know that she cared about you… she want you to live life to the fullest… even when she's gone…" Kim voice begins to crack, "At least that's what I think…" Guilt begin to show on Kim face but before he could express it, Uma Micheal ran up to him and hugged him, she began repeatly to apologized to him, apologize for blaming him for her sister death…

"I know it wasn't your fault… I'm just pushing my anger out on you because during that time… I was useless… all I did was watch… while you shoulder the pain, and continue to try and save her… all I did was watch her die in front of me… that's the only thing I was able to do!"

Kim could hear that Uma Micheal voice was shaking but she didn't cry. Kim hugged her back, the two of them stood there hugging one another.

They could hear the breeze passing by them, Kim slowly open his eye, though it was blurry, he could see the gust of air blowing around the leaves near Filo Noa grave. He was probably mistaken but the breeze sounded like it was saying, "Don't worry… I'm watching you and Uma Micheal from above!" But Kim knew that it was all in his imagination…

Kim held Uma Micheal hand as they were walking toward Vas Allen and Luc Mugen, Uma Micheal stop and froze, hesitated for awhile, not wanting to take the next steps but Kim comforted her and reassured her that, they could wait til she want to go with them but Uma Micheal shakes her head.

"But what if I lose you guys? What then?" She said in a low sad tone, Kim slowly stared at her. He give her a comfort hug and tell her that "Don't worry.. I promise you that we won't leave you…"

Uma Micheal reluctantly by his words look at Kim and said "How would you know? I.. I might be bad luck… everyone I consider family's… has died" Kim didn't know what to say until Vas Allen and Luc Mugen came to them.

Vas Allen told Uma Micheal that they are going to be fine "Uma Micheal, right?" She nodded her head at Vas Allen calling out her name, "I'm promise you… I'm going to get stronger to protect all of you… so that you will be safe!" Kim heard what Vas Allen said, agrees with him and reassured Uma Micheal that he will also get stronger.

Uma Micheal feel a warm hand rubbing against her, she looked to see it was Luc Mugen. He held up her hand and promise her that.

"I will create a barrier so strong, it won't be able to be shattered or crack! A barrier so strong, not even all of humanity emotions, action, sins, and problems would make a dent to it, a barrier so strong, not even the cosmos and Gods could shatter it. A barrier so strong it will protect you and the lives whom you considered family until the very end of time!"

Kim and Vas Allen look at Luc Mugen with surprise, they couldn't believe Luc Mugen said all of that but they smile and patted his head. Uma Micheal hearing this… was somewhat relieved, she stares at Luc Mugen then toward Vas Allen then finally toward Kim and there she nodded…

She could feel that her sad vibes was bringing down the moods so she started to be energetic. Uma Micheal has a great smile on her face, she looks as if she was starting to get better.

Kim asked her if she want to visits Filo Noa grave one more time but she refused, "…I shouldn't make her worry anymore… I shouldn't let my tears flood her afterlife while looking down at me… I should smile for all the memories I'd made with her!" Kim let out a heartfelt smile while staring at her… but deep down he know that…

Kim and his grouped tried to rent a carriage but forgot that they have no money, they were devastated at first but the people of Andra's gifted them a horse and a carriage for their traveling, a set of new clothes, some foods and water…

At first they refused the gifts but the citizens strongly insisted that they should keep it.

"No worries! You save Andra!" came from one of the citizens in the crowd.

"Anything for our Hero's!" come from another.

Kim and his friends could hear the citizens of Andra cheering out their name as they begins preparing to leave.

Before they prepare to go on the road. Kim asked Uma Micheal if she wanted to see her sister grave one more time… but she shake her head and told them that she will be fine, "I have my sister looking at me from above!" she said with a smile, she then excused herself to the back of the carriage but deep down… Kim knows that she was putting on a strong face… because a second later after she gone to the back Vas Allen and Kim could hear her crying… mourning her sister death…

Luc Mugen tried to follow her but Kim stop him and tell him that she need some time alone with herself…

Kim and Vas Allen looked at eachother, they sightly nodded at one another and prepare to leave the country of Andra. There, they stay quiet, not saying a word. Kim pray that Filo Noa would be looking down at Uma Micheal, not in a sad way but in a way she could comfort Uma Micheal by assuring her that she will always be there for her and will still look after her even when she's gone…