Chapter 25. Two Side

While in the voided room. If the {white text} could see, {it} would stare at Mugen Bewildered for a long time by what he had done…

Mugen could feel a presence looking at him depite {it} being the {white text} which have no forms.

"What? You know we don't like eachother, so why strike up a conversation? Leave me alone!" The {white text} know that Mugen was speaking to {it} in a harsh tone but {it} couldn't feel or comprehend it.

That was your doing… right?

The {white text} asked Mugen a question but he didn't answer, so {it} begin to keep on bugging him until he give out an answer… {it} annoys and annoys and annoy Mugen until he finally give in and give a answer to {it} question.

"Yeah! So what of it?" Mugen said to the {white text} in annoyance, but that doesn't matter. {it} doesn't like Mugen anyway.

"You know… I can hear you right?" Of course he can hear {it} speaking. {It} was the {white text} after all… but anyway {it} was getting sidetracked…

"You know… I don't have to answer you!" But the {white text} shrugged it up and scoffed at his response.

Why did you save Kim? I thought you didn't like him?

Mugen reluctant to answer but answer it anyways because he doesnt't want the {white text} to talk to him anymore, he just want to get this done and over with. Mugen told the {white text} that he save Kim because he didn't want Kim to die…

Did you save him because you wanted to? Or was it just for your own benefit?

"Take a guess, you smarta**!" He said it with a grin toward the {white text}. The {white text} already know what Mugen answer is…

A answer in which {it} didn't like…

"So what if you don't like it? It doesn't concern you!" Before the {white text} could reply to Mugen… {it} know that Mugen will no longer going to speak to {it} anymore… What a bastard…


A few days passes by while Kim and his friends were traveling on the roads. The atmosphere in the carriage was dim with sadness due to the sudden incident that had happen. Kim wanted to cheer everyone up by bring up what Ulyss Thym has said to them but when he uttered his name, they all look at him with intense stare.

Kim realizing this apology, "Sorry I didn't mean to said his name… it was just that when he freed Uma and Luc, he had told them to run to us. He then refer to us as their parent… I think that's pretty funny…" Kim could be seen losing confidence with every words spoken trying to bring up his friends mood's but it was going as planned.

Vas Allen seeing this, engages with Kim "Sigh… you know what Kim, I don't know how to say this but you would make a not so good parents." Kim knowing that Vas Allen was striking a joke, replied back with his own.

"I don't know… I think I would make a good father and you would made a good mother!" He said with a grin.

"Wait! Why am I the mother? Shouldn't I be the father?" Shocked at what Kim had said about him.

"I mean… you look more like a mother than a father!" Kim was bringing up Vas Allen majestic and feminine looks. Luc Mugen that was in the same carriage with them look at them bickering at one another. He then got their attention by pointing at Kim and saying "Father!" And then he pointed at Vas Allen and said to him "Mother!"

Kim was holding in his chuckles while Vas Allen was baffled by this ,"I'll had you know that I would be a good father," he continued "I know how to raise a child!" But Kim wasn't fully listening to Vas Allen, he was too busy holding in his laugh and was also patting Luc Mugen for his response.

Uma Micheal overheard the conversation and wanted to tune in, "You guys would both make bad parents!" Kim and Vas Allen were shocked. Uma Micheal who has been hiding herself in the back of the carriage so seeing her being fine was refreshing for the both of them.

Kim followed up with, "How dare you! We would both be a good parent figure" Vas Allen nodded along side what Kim had said, agreeing with him, "And to top it off, I would be way better than Kim!" Hearing this, Kim disagreed with Vas Allen and said that he would be the better one.

Uma Micheal and Luc Mugen see the two bickering about who would make a better parent. Uma Micheal realizing that it's about to turn night, reminded Vas Allen, "Oh, it look like it's about to be night in a few hours.. very well, let's set up camp!"

Kim and his crew set up camp on the open grassfield. Vas Allen pick up a bunch of rocks and order it in a circle. He try casting a light fire spell but it abrupt into a huge flame. Vas Allen shocked by this, casted wind magic to not burned away the surrounding area. After a while, the fire settled down to a slimmer state.

Kim and the kids stared at Vas Allen who refuses to speak about it. He excused his action and act like nothing had happen.

Vas Allen asked Kim to get the food at the back of the carriage.

Uma Micheal scooted over to Luc Mugen and told him that she was going to show him the difference in parenting of Kim and Vas Allen. "Here, watch this!" She look toward Vas Allen and Kim "Hey Kim! Can we explore the forest for a while?"

"No, it's a little late for that… why not play on the open grass field over there?" Kim said acting overprotective of the two.

"Kim, let them explore the forest for a while, it's pretty safe and quiet around here" Vas Allen said to Kim but he didn't say anything for a second then look toward Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal "Yeah…no, why not play on the open field where we could see you guys?"

I don't want them to run into anything dangerous during the night… also what if they get lost? I'm worry for their safety

"Cmon Kim, let the kids explore the forest for a while while we finish setting up our camp!" Seeing Uma Micheal uplifted mood, he couldn't say no to that. Uma Micheal drag Luc Mugen hand to the forests, "Thank you Vas!" She shouted out as she enter the forest with Luc Mugen.

The last thing they heard before getting out of sight was from Kim. "FINE! But don't get hurt and if you're lost, shout out for us! If you guys don't come out when we call out your name, we will look for yall!!" Uma Micheal shouted back at Kim reassuring him that they were going to be safe.

Kim watches the kids anxiously as they went off to explore the forest. Vas Allen patted his shoulder and reassured him that they were going to be fine and that Uma Micheal is smart, cunning at that… Kim hearing what Vas Allen say calms down a bit and help him in finishing setting up the camp.

After they finish setting up, they sat down on the log that was acted like a bench. Kim asked Vas Allen where they were going.

"Where we going huh?" Vas Allen think for a moment, "We're heading toward [The Fortress That Lies On the Cloud].

Kim confused by the name, asked Vas Allen what he meant, "You didn't know? It's a city way up in the sky inhabited by dragons!" Kim nodded his head, he didn't hear the word dragons until thinking about it more for a second.

"D-Dragons?!?!" I shouted out, bewildered for a second until I remembered that I'm in a whole new world, I may have gotten transported in a book but this is still a "Fantasy" world nevertheless.

Vas Allen followed up with, "Well that's what we've been calling it. We don't really know much about it… but all we do know is that they exist!"

They don't know much about it? Why do we even need to go there? Kim wanted to know from Vas Allen why they need to head there, "Well… We got to tell the [Council of The Sky] about what we have been encountering…"

I muttered, "The Seven Sin of Awakening" under my breath and Vas Allen nodded his head. I asked Vas how we going to find it if he don't know much about it?

"I was really hoping that you didn't asked that… but I don't know.." Looking away from my stare, "What you mean you don't know?" I asked him.

"What I heard is that… the fortress don't exactly stayed in one spot…" I looked at him with confusion "They don't stay at one spot?" Vas Allen nodded, he continued "What I mean is that, the fortress move in different locations… which is why the human call it [The Fortress That Lies on The Clouds] indicating that it moved along with the clouds."

Kim followed up with a question, "Why exactly do we need to tell the [Council of The Sky] about this?"

"Because they probably know a answer to this…" I stared at him in awe, "Dragons are known as beings that live for a long time… meaning they have answer to both the past and the future!"

"Future?" That word has caught me off guard as I shouted that out. Vas Allen nodded "The future… they know what to do in this situations, about the "Sins" and about the "Light beam."

I had completely forgotten about the "Light beam" incident, I also wanted to know more about that and what happen during that time.

Though is it possible that Vas Allen is exaggerating about the "Futures." The dragons seen.

Kim could see that Vas Allen had a question for him so he bring it up "It look like you have a question for me also, why don't you ask away?"

Vas Allen was reluctant for a moment but said what he wanted to said, "Kim, during that time when the spells were heading toward you… how did you not die by that?"

I didn't say anything, he continued, "A spells so strong… it would even hurt a strong mages with layers of protection magic cast upon itself… so how are you alive?"

I knew this question would get brought up, I just don't know when. I sighed and told Vas Allen that I don't really know what had happen.

"As the spells were coming headed towards me, it suddenly got sucked into my left arm.." I told Vas Allen that I had absorbed his magic spells but I don't know anything about it.

Vas Allen looked at me for a moment and asked me if I can shoot it back out? But I told him I have no idea. I also told him that I tried to do that during the "Sins" incident. I could hear him muttering something under his breath "Absorbing magic? I had never heard of such thing before…"

I asked him if the dragons would know anything about this, he told me that it a possibility that they would know something about this strange power of mine. "Maybe we should test it out?" He jokely said but I turn it down, "I don't want to risk it… during that time, it was only probably because of the adrenaline that were rushing all inside of me."


While Kim and Vas Allen was talking to one another, meanwhile inside the forest. Uma Micheal and Luc Mugen were running from something, they hid behind a tree and gasped for air. Uma Micheal look at Luc Mugen and said,

"Just what was that?!?!"