Chapter 26. I should’ve listen to Kim

A few minutes ago when Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal enter the forest.

*Krrrtkk…* The sticks snap into two every time Uma Micheal and Luc Mugen explore the area.

"See I told you, they would make a bad parent!" Uma Micheal said while she's was jumping onto a pile a leaves.

Luc Mugen didn't know what she meant by that. He think that Vas Allen and Kim would make a good parents.

"You fool… did you not see what they just did? Kim was acting overprotective of us while Vas Allen was chill about it… kinda thought it would be the other way around…"

Luc Mugen couldn't agree with her, he look at her with confusion. "Being overprotective of your child is bad?"

Uma Micheal stop the leaves jumping for a moment looking at Luc Mugen. "I mean not necessarily… I think I'd worded it wrong." She continued,

"They won't make bad parents… more like I would be the bad child that would be annoyed by Kim overprotectiveiness while also creating too much problems with Vas Allen chill attitude…"

"I don't think that's bad… I mean there's no such thing as a perfect parents or child's. Being bad is normal sometime…" Luc Mugen said.

Uma Micheal stare at Luc Mugen, trying to figure out where he's going with this. "As a baby, I got left in the wilderness. At least, that what they told me…"

Uma Micheal asked, "Who?"

"The villiager that had find me… they told me that my parents hid me in the bush while they lured something away from me… They told me they didn't make it and the last thing I saw was their faces…"

Uma Micheal give out a sad expression, but Luc Mugen continued, "Sadly because of this… I never told anyone about this but I can't see people faces… even yours."

Uma Micheal look away from Luc Mugen, he couldn't see her sad expression toward him. "I'm sorry." She said. Luc Mugen shake his head and assured her that she don't need to.

"That's why I'm happy to be with Kim and Vas Allen… they feel like a parent figure to me!" He said with a smile, Uma Micheal closely look at Luc Mugen. She never noticed any detail about him, how he got sharp white teeth, mean yet wholesome eyes and hair for horn.

"How old are you?" Uma Micheal asked Luc Mugen. He told her that he don't know but the other people him that he's 11 year old. "By chance, do you know your birthday?" Uma Micheal already know what his answer was by judging his eyebrows rise, "What's a birthday?" He ask.

Uma Micheal didn't know what to said to him, she didn't know how to respond. "Ern… it's a day where people celebrate the day you were born!" Luc Mugen eyes lit up, a day where he was born?

"That's sound so cool!" But his smile didn't last, "I'm sorry but I don't when I was born…"

Uma Micheal reassured him that he don't need to keep on apologizing. It's not his fault.

"Oh Uma.. Micheal-." Uma Micheal interrupted him, "Just call me Uma!" Luc Mugen nodded, "When's your birthday and what your age?"

Uma Micheal smile, "Well my birthday will be a secret for now but I can tell you my age…" Luc Mugen waited for her to tell him her age. "Well… let's just say, I'm older than you" she said with a smirk.

"How much older?" Luc Mugen asked of her, "Heh, one whole year older than you!" This woah Luc Mugen. But before She could brag about her being older.

*Krrrtkk…* They heard a stick snap into two, they realized that they weren't alone. "What was that?" Uma Micheal whisper to Luc Mugen, He shrugged at Uma Micheal question.

Uma Micheal don't know if they should check it out or if they should run, Luc Mugen insisted that they should run away but Uma Micheal didn't listen and ran to check it out. Luc Mugen followed behind her.

They hid behind a bush, waiting to see what it was. A dark figure standing on all fours could be seen wandering the area. They couldn't make out a gist of what it was until it got closer to them.

Uma Micheal could tell what it was, "It was a "Unibear." Her eyes lit in excitement, she never seen it before because it was a mythical creature! She stare all happily toward Luc Mugen who don't know what it was, he asked her and she told him what it was.

"I can't believe it!!! It's a bear that's look like a unicorn! They got horn on its head, hoof as paws, wings with fur, and a nasty sharp tail." Uma Micheal murmured but Luc Mugen have no idea what's she talking about.

"But…" Uma Micheal said stretching of her words, "…They do have a bad reputation…"

Luc Mugen look at her bewildered, "What you mean bad reputation?"

Uma Micheal let out a little chuckled, "Well it's look cool but uh… it kill those that's know what it look like… which is why it is a mythical creature that people don't really know much about…"

The unibear could felt their gaze looking at it. It slowly and sneaky snuck up on Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal, who was busy explaining what it was.

Without a second to react, it lunges his body toward Uma Micheal and Luc Mugen. Luc Mugen barely was able to set up a barrier, protecting them from being squished.

The mythical beast rapidly strikes it paws onto the barrier, it also delivers a powerful bite to the barrier, cracking it a little. Luc Mugen seeing this was scared, but Uma Micheal was quick in her feet, she grab Luc Mugen arm and ran.

The mythical beast shoot out a laser beam out of it horn, shattering Luc Mugen barrier instantly. The Unibear chases after Uma Micheal and Luc Mugen.

"Krrrtk!" Sticks could be heard snapping in two as the two of them run away from the mythical beast.

They could only run for so long before the beast reach them. So Uma Micheal ran behind tree while Luc Mugen follow her.

"Shoot! Shoot! What do we do?" Luc Mugen panicking, Uma Micheal told him to calm down and she thinks to her self for a moment, "We can't outrun it… it will catch us by flying. Our only options is to beat it…"

Luc Mugen tugged on Uma Micheal arm, she looked at him "Why don't we run to Kim and Vas Allen?" He suggested but Uma Micheal shake her head.

"If we run to them… We won't ever see the light of days! Quite literally and metaphorically !"

"What you mean?" Luc Mugen look at her in confusion. "I mean that Kim will be nagging at us for the rest of our lives, so no!" Before Luc Mugen could say anything else. The mythical beast shot out a laser beam almost hitting them.

The rocks that got hit by the laser beam turned to charcoal, so they know what would happen if they get hit by it.

"Run!!!" Uma Micheal shouted out. Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal barely succeeded in dodging the laser beam. "Pew." the laser noise could be heard from a distance.

"Ok we got a few minutes before it found us, we need to think up of a plan to beat it!" Luc Mugen shocked by Uma Micheal suggestion, "How are we going to do that?" He asked.

Uma Micheal thinks for a second and something came to her mind. "Luc, could you by chance make your barriers sharp as a sword?" Uma Micheal was going to stab the heart of the beast… if she could find it.

"I don't know…but I could try it." Luc Mugen told her and she nodded. She stood there to see if Luc Mugen could alter his barriers to be as sharp as a sword. Luc Mugen brings out his barrier and there he struggles to change its shape. *Roar!* The mythical beast could be heard charging at them from a distance, it send out a loud roar, loud enough to shake the entire human bodies.

"Hurry up!" Uma Micheal trying to rush Luc Mugen, "I'm trying!" He said.

"It's harder to do then what it sound." Just as the mythical beast was charging in on them, Luc Mugen successfully was able to alter the shape. The barriers was no longer a protection magic but now an offensive magic , it was sharp like a sword, maybe even sharper.

"What now?!" Luc Mugen shouted to Uma Micheal waiting for her next moves, "Aim it at the beast!!!" She shouted back, Luc Mugen nodded and send the sword toward the mythical beast but upon getting in contact with the beast. It's rough skin shatter the barrier sword into thousands of pieces. "It's too weak!" Luc Mugen shouted at Uma Micheal.

Uma Micheal had a look of hesitation for a bit which then turn to confidence. "Luc! Could you make two more of those sword?" Luc Mugen tried to explain to her that it would make the sword even weaker but she doesn't care, "Just do it!" All Luc Mugen could do was listen to her.

Luc Mugen told Uma Micheal that he would need to some time to form it. Uma Micheal nodded and lured the mythical beast away from Luc Mugen. "Hey over here!" She shouted, getting the beast attention.

The mythical beast launch toward her at full speed but Uma Micheal barely dodge it and casted out some spells, it wasn't strong but it will be able to poke the beast a little she thought.

The mythical beast strikes it paws toward Uma Micheal but with each strike, she dodges the strikes, missing her by an inch.

Using her fire magics, she set the beast on fire but its rough skin just harden away the fire, exhausting it.

The beast shoot out the laser beam, hitting only a string of Uma Micheal hair. "I got to cut that one off after this."

Uma Micheal slide under the beast and attack it stomach with her spells but it only did minimal damage to it. "When will Luc be done with the sword?" She thought to herself.

She heard Luc Mugen shouted out for her name, "Uma! I'm done. What do we do now?" Uma Micheal told him that he just have to wait there until she get to him.

Now the only problem was how to get the beast aggro off of her. "Dammit… I should've listen to Kim!" She sighed as she thought to herself.