Chapter 27. Yeah, It was Fun!

Uma Micheal ran away while dodging all of the beast attacks. *Swishhh!* She could hear the beast paws almost scratching her.

She paced herself carefully with every steps she takes. She couldn't afford to trip now she thought. The beast tired of chasing her, lunges in front of her, blocking her way.

The beast then proceeded to throw out a devastating bites toward her but she slid under the beast and continued running. The beast missed it attack and turned it body around to look at Uma Micheal.

The mythical beast spread it tough rough wing. It flew up into the air with such speed force. The beast soared through the skies looking for Uma Micheal from above.

"Dam, now that's beast is flying… why did it stop chasing me? Did it get tired?" Uma Micheal trying to figure out why the beast was now in the air. She heard a voice calling out her name in a bush, upon closer inspection, it was Luc Mugen.

"Uma! Over here!" Uma Micheal headed over to where Luc Mugen was, "I did it, I made the two sword out of barriers!" Uma Micheal was smiling and thanking Luc Mugen but he ask her why she needed the two sword, it's even weaker than the first sword he had made.

"Don't worry!" She told him. She begin holding the two blades and starting to say something to it. It wasn't long but the beast have found the both of them huddled up. It soared in that direction with full speed.

"Uma! The beast is coming toward us!" He shouted but Uma Micheal was still mumbling some words while holding the two sword.

"Shoot. She can't hear me… I don't know what she's doing but I must stop the beast from interfering with her." Luc Mugen ran out of the hiding spot waving his hand at the beast, the beast focus was now on Luc Mugen.

It dives at him with tremendous speed, Luc Mugen put up barriers trying to stop it but it didn't even slow it down even for a second.

It shattered his barriers as it was glass. "Shoot!" He thought, "I have to avoid getting hit by it!" He ran, creating barriers not for the beast but for himself. He created little steps of stair that was made out of his barriers that lead up to a mountain cliff.

Luc Mugen ran at full speed up the stairs. He reached the top before the beast had slammed into him, it had instead slammed headfirst into the mountain, causing the mountain to shake a little. The beast cause the mountain to have a silhouette of itself on the side of the mountain.

"Uma! Please hurry up! I don't know what to do now… I'm trapped up here!" Luc Mugen didn't think he would reach a dead end. Once the beast got out of the crater it had created, he would be meat!

Suddenly Luc Mugen heard a name shouting out for him, "Luc! I had one more favor for you!" It was Uma Micheal, he was happy to see her but he asked her what the favor.

"Could you create many barriers for the beast?" Luc Mugen was confused, if he create so many barriers at once, it would be useless. But he saw the looks on Uma Micheal eyes and didn't question it. He nodded at her request.

The beast emerged out of the crater, shooting laser beam toward Uma Micheal but she swiftly dodges it. It still had its eyes on Luc Mugen who was stuck at a dead end. It growl at him with firce sound. Luc Mugen couldn't froze up now. He begins to surround the area with barriers.

The beast was confused but snap out of it completely. It run toward Luc Mugen opening it mouth, showing it sharp teeth's at Luc Mugen. "It's going to bite me!" Luc Mugen thought but he hear Uma Micheal shouting to him to slide under the beast.

With no hesitation and time wasted, he ran toward the beast. They were running toward eachother, Luc Mugen was scared while the beast was hungry. Before the beast could take a bite of Luc Mugen body, he slid under the beast and continued running, the beast wasted no time turning around and started to chase the boy.

"What now?" He shouted at Uma Micheal but she just smile. While holding both of the sword that was made out of barriers, she casted wind magic under her foot launching her up into the air.

There she jumped onto Luc Mugen barriers, she kicked the barriers toward the beast as she's jumping from one barriers to another.

The barriers shattered easily upon getting in contact with the beast. But the little shards from the barriers combined with Uma Micheal wind magic which she casted out a huge gust of wind toward the beast.

The little shards spread onto the beast eyes like sand dust, blinding it for a while.

There, Uma Micheal whiling holding the two sword that was now glowing, stabs it into the beast wings, causing it to scream out in pain. The beast frantically started running around, it went in every direction until it blindly run off the cliff where it can't no longer fly to avoid the fall.

The fall from the beast echoed throughout the whole forest. Luc Mugen asked if it was dead but Uma Micheal told him that they don't have time to check up on it, "We gotta leave before it come for us again!" She grabs Luc Mugen arms tightly and ran In the direction where they originally enter the forest.


Kim and Vas Allen finally got done making the food for the crew. "Uma! Luc! Dinner is ready!" Kim shouted out their name but they was no one coming out of the forest.

"Vas! I'm starting to get worry…" Vas Allen assured Kim that they were probably having too much fun and that they would come out of the forest in a second. Kim nodded but he told Vas Allen that if they don't come out of the forest in the next ten second, he will starts to look for them.

Vas Allen reluctantly nodded at Kim with a smile. "One, two, three…" No one still haven't gotten out of the forest, "four, five…" before Kim could count to six, he heard a voice calling out to him and Vas Allen from a distance.

"Wait!!!" Uma Micheal shouted. She was still holding Luc Mugen arm, dragging his body.

"Luc and Uma! Where have you guys been?" Kim said to the exhausted Uma Micheal gasping for air. "Uhhh… we lost tracks of time while exploring…"

Vas Allen went over to Kim and said to him, "See, I told you to not worry about them. You just need to have trust in them." Kim sighed and nodded at what Vas Allen was saying.

"Yea… you're right." He looked toward them and asked them if they had fun.

Luc Mugen was about to tell Kim what had happen during their exploration but Uma Micheal shut him up by covering his mouths, "Yeah, it was load of fun!" She let out a smile as she continued to speak, "Infact, it was soooooooo- fun, that next time, we want to invite the both of y'all to join in!"

Luc Mugen nodded looking at Uma Micheal, he could feel her smile disguised as a huge smirk. Kim patted the both of them on the head and upon closer looks. Kim noticed how dirty the two kids was.

Uma Micheal clothes was scuffed with dirt and dust. Her hair was messy and there was a few sticks tangle to it.

Luc Mugen was a little bit cleaner than Uma Micheal but only his clothes was dirty.

"You guys are dirty!" He said with a shock, "The next town we visit, we will have you guys all clean up!" Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal nodded.

Uma Micheal grab Luc Mugen arm and head edto the log where they prepared for dinner. Vas Allen patted Kim shoulder telling him that, he need to trust them more. "Kim, you won't alway be able to look out for them but what you can do is, place your trust on them. That way, you'll know they will be safe on their own."

I nodded. I guess Vas Allen was right, I need to place more trust into them. I won't always be there for them so that's the least I can do.

"You're right." I looked at the Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal then back at Vas Allen, "C'mon, the foods is getting cold!" Vas Allen let out a chuckle and headed toward the fire, I followed behind him.

Kim and his crew sits at camp telling interesting story. Kim told them some scary story from his world but only Luc Mugen was scared by it which he give out a cute wholesome reaction.

I guess times like this is precious, Uma Micheal is feeling happier, same goes for Luc Mugen. Vas Allen is also… uhhh I don't know how to compliment him, he just chill.

Kim smile looking at his friends as they enjoy their time with each other sitting around the fire, looking up at the starry glowing night skies.