Chapter 28. Ghost Town

Kim and his crew have been on the road for a few days, the road was empty yet the scenery the road show is beautiful.

"When will we reach the next town?" I asked Vas Allen. He told me that we will get there in a few minutes, I nodded as I looked out the carriage admiring the views.

I noticed something in the corner of my eye as I peered ahead on the road, I stare at it intensely. "Is that a man?" I mutter to myself but Vas Allen starting to see the man lying on the road unconscious.

Vas Allen sped up the carriage a little bit while I told Luc and Uma to stay in the carriage while we check something out.

Kim got out the carriage while Vas Allen was already standing in front of man unconscious body wondering what had happen to him.

I looked over Vas Allen shoulder that was in the way of the unconscious man, "Vas, what you think happen?" Vas Allen looked at Kim and shrugged his shoulder.

"Is he dead?" I asked but Vas Allen shake his head, "He's alive, but his breathing is slow." Vas Allen started grabbing the arm of the man and lifted him to his shoulder, "Could you help me?" He said while looking at me.

I nodded and placed the other arm on my shoulder. We steady walked toward the carriage but I noticed that the man leg was slowly walking.

Is he awake? No… a unconscious body shouldn't be able to walk… their muscle isn't active… but why is this man able to walk?

I looked over at Vas and he had the same looks as mine.

We put the man unconscious body in the carriage, Uma and Luc were surprised.

Vas Allen give a verbal clue for the horse to start walking and fast. He wanted to get to the next town and fast.

"Couldn't you heal him?" I asked him but he shake his head. "It don't look like he physically hurt or injured." I looked at the man who was surrounded by Uma and Luc.

They poked his unconscious body and asked me, "Kim, don't tell me we have to carry him like we did with you…" I frantically said no while shaking my head.

Kim and his crew finally reach the next town but there was spikes on the fence that was surrounding the town.

The town was basically empty, almost like a ghost town. Upon closer look, I saw that every house was barricaded with woods. Their windows couldn't be seen from the outside but the doors was able to be open from the inside atleast I think so.

I knocked on one of the barricaded house but no answers, I could hear sudden movement and shuffling inside the house. I know that they're people inside but it almost like they were hiding…

I looked over at Vas Allen who was at the house next to me, he looked at me with the same reaction I had.

I sigh, going back to carriage until I see a girl in the middle of this ghost town. She looks as if she is looking for something or someone.

She glanced at me, there we locked eyes with eachother and she headed up to me.

"Have you see my husband?" She asked me, "What does he look like?"

She grab something out of her pocket and show me a picture of her husband. Dark hair, sharp chin, and face full of mustache.

I didn't say anything for while, I looked back at the carriage and look at her, "Uhhh… I think I may have…" The girl expression changes, what seem to be concerned change to relief.

"Really?" I nodded at her and signal Vas Allen to come back to the carriage. I told the girl to wait outside for a bit, later we came back holding up the unconscious man.

Her face dropped, "Rumo Jacki…" she cried out his name, she tried to talk to her husband but he didn't answer. Kim told the girl if they can stay at her house for a bit and tell them what happen to him.

She nods at my offer, while walking to her house. I asked her why this town was a ghost town? Why is every house barricaded to the top and bottom?

She told me about the "Night Dreamer" A monster who marked it victims which then traps them into eternal nightmares.

"Originally I was supposed to be marked but my husband taken my place…" I asked the girl when did the monster came to the town.

She told me that there was once this traveler that came to the town, upon from learning about the "Night Dreamer" on how it keep on visiting the town. The traveler scared it out of town, we thought the monster won't ever come back but after the traveler left… it left us alone with peace for a few days and started coming back.

I don't know what to say but stay quiet, I then asked about the traveler. "Oh the traveler huh? She was energetic and fierce, her vibes was free!" I looked at her with confusion, "Free?"

"Oh, like everything about her is her own choice, she did what she wanted to do. She look as if she wasn't shackled down tot he ground by what others think of her!" I could tell that the girl look up to the traveler. She continued to talk about the traveler.

"She looks scary and was harsh but she saved us, give us advice how we shouldn't waste our time. She was actually a really nice person, heroic, and every kids like her. She was the definition of [Freedom]."

I was intrigued about the traveler and I wanted to ask more about her but before I could. We have reach the girl house.

Vas Allen thanks the girl for allowing them to stay at her house but he realized that they haven't inteoduce eachother yet.

"Oh we haven't introduced ourselves yet. I am Vas Allen!" He pointed at me, "That is Kim…" he was reluctant to say my last name but I signal him it's ok. "Kim Mugen!"

I could hear him holding in his chuckle, what a child he is…

Vas Allen pointed his finger at Uma Micheal and Luc Mugen and introduced them to her. "Hey! We could've introduce her ourselves…"

The girl let out a giggle at this sight. She stared at them and forgot to introduce herself.

"Oh! I forgot to introduce myself… I am Grae Jane, I am 37 year olds and as you can see, I live with my husband who's unwell right now…" Vas Allen assured her that they will do something about it.

"When do the monster usually come visit this town?" Vas Allen ask her, "At night… the "Night Dreamer" comes at night!" Vas Allen nodded.

Grae Jane continued, "I think it will come to claim my husband life this night… this has happen before. Those who has been marked will live one more day then at night… they died by the hand of the monster…"

Grae Jane apologized to them for telling her problems but Vas Allen assured her. She then asked Kim and his crew if they need anything.

Kim told her that Uma Micheal and Luc Mugen need to get clean up and if she allow them to take a shower. She nod, nods her head. "No need to ask, make yourself at home… I can't thank you enough for finding my husband, this the least I can do."

Uma Micheal asked Luc Mugen is she can go first and he nodded. After she done with showering, it was now Luc Mugen turn.

After the two was done showering, they asked Grae Jane if they can explore her house which she let them do wholeheartedly.

While Kim was in the shower, Vas Allen and Grae Jane talked about the "Night Dreamer".

"The "Night Dreamer" I think origin from the [Demon King]. Vas Allen said, Grae Jane nodded. Vas Allen continued, "It was made for the sole purpose to agonized someone for all of eternity without them resting… and kill them without them knowing that the nightmare was real… the nightmare they last see was their own death…"

Grae Jane hide her mouth with her right hand. Vas Allen could tell that see was going to cry… cry at what's going to happen to her husband.

"The monster have taken many people loved one before… we can't do nothing but watch… we are powerless against it." Grae Jane stop saying anything for a moment, she looked at Vas Allen, the looks on her face was someone pleased to save them. Vas Allen nods, Kim hearing their last conversation when getting out of the shower.

I told Vas that it was his turn and he slowly get up and patted my backs. I head over to Grae Jane, seeing as she was on verge of crying.

I ask her, "Could you tell me more about that traveler?" I could see her expression filled with surprise but she smiled and told me story's about the traveler.

How she fight. How she scared off the monster. Every little detail she told me about the traveler had me more and more interested in her.

We talked until the sun fall and the night begin to rise…

A snarls could be heard approaching the town, it mark the ground with its claws. Drools falls as it created a mini puddle, there… the monster started walking toward the town…