Chapter 36. Literally have no Words

Vas Allen nodded slowly, hesitant even but he knows that he couldn't keep quiet about it, he took a deep breath, inhaled all the air and breathe out. There he opened his mouth, "Kim, what happen was—"


Vas Allen and the other ran as fast as they could into the woods, following the "Night Dreamer" as Kim got ahold of it.

For a moment they were lost, it was pitch black out in the woods but a sudden loud rustling was heard which catches the group attentions.

They run toward the direction where they heard the rustling noise wondering where it was coming from and when they reach it… they were shocked.

Vas Allen stare at the "Night Dreamer" standing on top of Kim sleeping body or rather unconscious body… the "Night Dreamer" got off of Kim unconscious body and started running away.

With no time wasted, Luc Mugen put up a barrier before Vas Allen could ask him to, trapping it from escaping and went to check on Kim, Luc Mugen sees that Kim wasn't breathing.

Vas Allen with dark expression look at Uma Micheal. "Uma…" he called out her name, "You have enchantment magic right?"

"How did you- nevermind, yes." She said. "How many time can you enchant something?" Vas Allen asked of her.

"Unfortunately as of right now… only two." Vas Allen patted Uma Micheal head and told her to enchant Luc Mugen barriers.

"Luc… could you form a cube with your barriers?" Luc Mugen looked at Vas Allen with surprised, "I could but I can't alter them as of right now and it would take too long…"

Vas Allen shakes his head, "No, what I meant was to ask if you could create five barriers and trap the "Night Dreamer."

"Vas… if I create more barrier, it'll get weaker…" Luc Mugen looked at Vas Allen for a moment, "Don't worry, please trust me with this…" Vas Allen said, hearing this, Luc Mugen reluctantly nodded and create the five barriers as Vas Allen intended.

Vas Allen looked at Uma Micheal, he pointed at the two barrier which needed to be enchanted.

The "Night Dreamer" gnaw on Luc Mugen barriers but it couldn't break it, it could only budge it a little. It repeatedly start striking at it but it still wouldn't break.

"Luc… your magic barriers is way stronger than mine…" Luc Mugen looked at Vas Allen, "Uma, enchanted magic is very rare yet you possesses it…" Catching Uma Micheal attention.

"Where are you going with this?" Uma Micheal ask, Vas Allen simply smile and thank the both of them for being here.

"If you guys weren't here by now, I would've have "destroyed" this whole forest by now…" Uma Micheal ask Vas Allen what he meant by that but Vas Allen didn't say anything else afterwards.

He raised one hand up and created a barrier of his own, he place it on top of Luc Mugen barriers which haven't been enchanted.

"Luc… my barrier magic isn't strong like your as it is hard for me to put up but I think this will do…" Luc Mugen could see Vas Allen was doing something, something that was out of his character.

The "Night Dreamer" stop gnawing on Luc Mugen barriers, it looked at the three standing in front of it.

"W-wait…" the "Night Dreamer" cried out, shocking both Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal but Vas Allen simply looked at it with a dark expression.

Before the "Night Dreamer" could speak anymore, powerful fire magics came beaming out of the grounds, burning the "Night Dreamer" it was powerful enough to hurt it but not kill it.

The "Night Dreamer" screamed out in pain, watching itself get burn, after a while the fire stop… it though that it was finally over.

"Pl—" it couldn't even let out a single word before fire start beaming out of the ground once again, burning it.

"You have the ability to speak huh?" Vas Allen said to the burning "Night Dreamer".

"Then you must understand me. Have you ever heard of a phoenix? A bird that burned itself but yet rose alive from the ashes of the fire…" Vas Allen slowly raise his hand and pointed at the burning "Night Dreamer".

With a smile, he said. "Don't worry, unlike with the bird rosing alive from his ashes, there won't even be a speck of atom of you ever existing!"

Hearing this, the "Night Dreamer" squealed out in fear, sending uneasy feeling down it spine.

"Please—" The fire start blasting out of the ground once again, powerful enough where it can only hurt it but yet kept it alive. "I called this move "Phoenix neglect" Vas Allen said with grin.

Luc Mugen and Uma Micheal were standing on the sidelines, they watch in horror as the "Night Dreamer" burn for all of eternity, its scream sounded like it was coming from hell itself.

Uma Micheal took a step foward, "Vas! Are you sure this is the right way? It can speak!" Vas Allen slowly turn his head to Uma Micheal, with a heartfelt smile, he said, "I'm positive." Afterward he turn his head back at the monster, his heartfelt smile turn back to a dark expression.

"-But, maybe he can release the curse off of Kim!" Uma Micheal shouted, Vas Allen pay no attention, with a flick of his finger to amber the fire.

He said, "That or maybe we can just force it to, better yet, let smear it ashes all over the feces of wild animals… if there any atom left…"

Uma Micheal stood in disbelief but she herself didn't want to intervene, the monster attack Kim and many people, why should she care for it life?

Uma Micheal slowly breathe in and walked back to the sideline, she sat on the ground and patiently waited there, for the monster to die.

"Welp! Not like we can trust the monster." She said while laying down. Luc Mugen was still frighten, the fire magic coming from Vas Allen was fierce and bright, bright enough to engulf any flame, possibly even the sun.

Luc Mugen looked toward Uma Micheal, with a frightening voice, he said, "Uma… are you sure this is the way?"

"Well, we can't exactly stop Vas Allen even if we wanted to but why? This monster kill many people." Luc Mugen stare at her in awe, he was shock by her respond.

"But what if the curse still stay on Kim even after it death?" He said, Uma Micheal simply shrug her shoulders.

"That's what I'm worry about…" Uma Micheal looked at Vas Allen, "Though, I'm sure Vas already thought about that and yet he continue to torture the monster."

Uma Micheal pointed at the cube of barriers Luc Mugen and Vas Allen made, Luc Mugen look at the direction of her finger.

"Vas isn't letting the monster escaping nor is he planning to give it a easy death… he's planning to burn it alive, torture it, until it no longer got the will to do anything nor the will to keep on putting the curse on Kim." Uma Micheal said, Luc Mugen look at with shocked.

"Do you think it will really work?" He asked, Uma Micheal looked at him for a few second, she let out a smirk and said, "Well I don't know much about this monster but… it's "Vas" he could basically do almost "anything."

Luc Mugen have no words and Uma Micheal continued to speak. "During the [Andras Incident] I was mad at both Kim and Vas, how they couldn't save my sister…"

Luc Mugen eye soften as well as his expression, he stare at Uma Micheal while she continued to speak.

"Back then, I instantly know how powerful Vas was just by looking at him, I thought with him here, he and Kim wouldn't let anyone else die but I was wrong…" Uma Micheal stop for a bit, Luc Mugen was now looking at the ground and at Vas Allen.

"Uma..." Luc Mugen quietly said, Uma Micheal look at him and continue what she was saying.

"Vas Allen and Kim failed to save my sister… no rather, if we weren't there, if Vas Allen didn't have to protect anyone… he would've won against that b*stard of a sin." She said while clenching her fist.

Luc Mugen saw this and grab her hand, he told her that it's going to be okay. Uma Micheal looked at Luc Mugen and smile, "Yea, you're right!" She said while patting his head.

Vas Allen stared at the monster, what used to be a touch rough skin is nothing more than a mushy goo, it screamed out in terror but it won't die… rather it couldn't die yet.

"Please… just kill me…" the "Night Dreamer" cried out, Vas Allen simply stare at it with a dark expression, his bonfire raging even more after hearing what it said to him.

"You are pathetic…" Vas Allen said to the burning monster, its figure was almost recognizable. He continued, "What make you think you could take away someone life's?"

The "Night Dreamer" looked at him, "And what about you? Why should you be able to take my life?"

Vas Allen expression went blank for a second, he shooks his head and said, "Because the moment you took away someone lives, is the moment you were willing to die!"

"What nonsense is that?" The monster shouted out, it screams was loud, gusting away the trees. Vas Allen looked at this pitifull creature, with no remorse, he raised his hand.

"Take the curse off of Kim and everyone you have curse…" Vas Allen said, his voice implied the monster that he wasn't asking but instead demanding.

The monster for the second time felt a chill running down its spine, one was from the traveler and now it was from the man that was standing in front of it.

"A-and if I don't?" It said with a hesitant voice, Vas Allen slowly walked toward the monster. He placed his finger on the barrier and smile at it.

"Seeing as you're already going to hell, why not make this the final moment where you could do one good thing…" the "Night Dreamer" looked in terror as Vas Allen raised his hand further, he snap his finger and the fire raged uncontrollable putting the "Night Dreamer" in unbearable pain.

It screeched out in pain, the voice could be heard all the way from the town. Vas Allen snaps his finger again and again and again… each one of his snaps make the fire hotter and hotter making the pain more and more unbearable.

"Plea— stop!" The monster continued to cried out in pain. Luc Mugen gasp in horror, watching from the side, his body shake. "Uma… isn't this-" before he could finish, Uma Micheal answered what he was going to say.

"Yes… it may be cruel but Vas is trying to make the monster lift its curse off of Kim subconsciously." Luc Mugen looked at her, "What do you mean?" He said.

"Vas is going to break the monster will… if it even have one." She replied. "Will that even work?" Luc Mugen asked her.

For a moment Uma Micheal stay quiet, she looked at him and raised her shoulder. "I don't think it will work but… it's Vas, spending a couple of days with him, I could tell he can do it."

Vas Allen continued to repeatedly snaps his finger, the fire grew and grew, little bits of flame escape trough the tiny cracks of the barriers. Despite the fire growing stronger, the two barriers that have been enchanted by Uma Micheal still hold its own.

"Why can't I die? When will I die?" the "Night Dreamer" thought to itself. It looks was unrecognizable, it skin was mushy and burnt, it nerves have died a long time ago. It struggles to move and struggle to even breathe.

The "Night Dreamer" looked at Vas Allen dark expression, it stared up and down at Vas Allen waiting for it death. "Should I plead once more? No…" it stopped screaming, it couldn't feel its nerves but could still feel the pain.

"Why should I die? Just because I killed many people, doesn't mean I deserve to die… it's just how the world work and yet I'm punished for it?" the "Night Dreamer" said.

Vas Allen just stared at it, he didn't say anything, instead he stopped burning the monster. The monster was in awe but a second after, water slowly came out of the ground.

"W-what's this?" It said.

"It's water…" Vas Allen said. "I know that, what are you doing?" The monster shouted.

"Ending it… giving you the punishment you deserve…" Vas Allen looked at Luc Mugen, he asked Luc Mugen if he could shrink his barriers.

Luc Mugen could see the pain in Vas Allen expression and slowly nodded his head, "I could."

Vas Allen could tell Luc Mugen was scared, "Please do… and if you don't like this unpleasant view… please go over there where you can't see it." Vas Allen pointed back at where the town was but Luc Mugen shakes his head.

"I'm fine." He said.

He felt a hand patting his back, turning his head around, he saw that it was Uma Micheal trying to make him feel better.

Luc Mugen slowly began shrinking his barriers, water slowly begin to fill up the cube. Drowning the monster in its own flesh.

Upon the monster facing death, Vas Allen would create little air bubble for it to breathe in. The monster would gasp for air in for it to drown again. He did that over and over and over again til the monster lost the will to live.

Each time the monster tried speak, the others would only hear it gargling before gasping for air only to drown again.

Uma Micheal looks away in terror, she looked at Kim unconscious body and realized that he was breathing. "Vas! Luc! Kim is breathing!" She said with relief running to him.

Vas Allen heard this, his dark expression was no more, it was now relaxed and relieved. He stared at the "Night Dreamer" who is currently at the face of death.

"I don't know if you lift the curse or if your will have finally been broken… but apologize to those you have killed, apologize in your next life and maybe then, you'll feel peace instead of feeling murderous." Vas Allen finally killed the "Night Dreamer", it lifeless body floats inside the cube.

Vas Allen turn around to looked at Kim but refuses to take a step toward him. His eyes looked like he had enough. Luc Mugen ran up to Vas Allen and grabbed his hand, dragging him along as they both walked toward Kim.

"You're scared… huh?" Luc Mugen asked Vas Allen, all Vas Allen could do was nodded his head.

"Vas… seeing you today, I'd admit I was scared of you… but it didn't lasted for long, instead I was concern for you." Luc Mugen froze for a moment, he stood there, holding Vas Allen hand.

Vas Allen could feel Luc Mugen clenching his hand tightly. "W-why must you bear that weight alone?" Luc Mugen said, his voice was trembling and little tear drop slowly beam down his face.

Vas Allen stared up at the sky and back at Luc Mugen. "Because if someone have to get their hands bloody, then that someone should be me…" he said.

Vas Allen patted Luc Mugen head and said to him. "Though, I'd admit I was a bit rash and let my emotions control me but if it scare you, then next time, will you and Uma help me control my emotions?"

Luc Mugen hearing this smile and wipes away his tear, "We would be happy too." He said. Vas Allen smile back and said, "C'mon, let's bring Kim back to the house…"


"And that's what had happen… any question?" Vas Allen said nonchalantly. Kim hearing what he just heard said.

"…I- Wha- I literally have no words to say to that because, WHAT THE F-" And that is all folks! This is the {white text} speaking and we are out!