[One Fat Digger, One Flying Man Eater, Eight Ghouls Lower Ranked Were Slain, Granting One Thousand Eight Hundred Fifty Gold]
[Current Gold Coins: Seventeen Thousand Four Hundred Fifty Gold Coins]
With the attack coming to an end, Quagmire breathed in a large amount of air and breathed it out, effectively decreasing the fatigue he was currently experiencing. He glanced from side to side, and to his body. Everything is messy, including his uniform, as he had to roll to the ground multiple times.
With that in mind, it seemed like he needed a new set of uniforms. Rather than a new set of uniforms, a fresh bath should suffice. Unfortunately, he needs to get the base up and running first in order for that to happen.
With the central power beacon up and running, he wondered if the manufacturing plant and the cloning facility would be summoned in the same way. Or would it have to be built up by the construction droids first?