Beyond Death follows the story of Atreya Kerwin, a 14-year-old boy who is reincarnated into a fantasy world as the heir to a noble family. Living in a floating city of wonders, Atreya is unaware of his own untapped powers and the dark forces gathering around his family. As the kingdom is torn apart by a brutal civil war, Atreya’s life shatters when his parents sacrifice themselves to protect him from a deadly assassination plot. Fleeing through a hidden waterway, Atreya barely escapes with his life, only to be saved by a mysterious 12-year-old princess from a rival kingdom at war with his own.
Thrown into a world of conflict and betrayal, Atreya must unlock the secrets of his powers while struggling to survive in a realm that once seemed like a dream. As the story unfolds, Atreya begins to uncover the truth behind his mysterious reincarnation and the dark purple aura tied to his abilities, hinting at a far greater purpose. But with enemies on all sides, including the enigmatic woman who seems to know him, and the sealed sword that holds a terrifying power, Atreya’s journey is only beginning. Will he rise from the ashes of his family’s downfall or fall to the shadows threatening to consume everything he holds dear?