Hank's Thoughts.

Curious, Arthur decided to check out Hank's thoughts.

"I love my master! He's so amazing! So tall, so cool, so… shiny. Look at him walk, striding like the king he is. Swoosh, swoosh, with that awesome cape—okay, fine, he doesn't have a cape, but I can imagine it! A majestic, flowing cape flapping in the wind! Oh, Master is such a gentleman! Remember that time he fed me that extra plump rabbit? What a provider! Truly the best human alive. Wait... is it normal to adore your master this much? Maybe not, but who cares? Master is the greatest!"

Arthur froze mid-step, his eyes widening in disbelief.

'What in the world?'

He glanced at Hank perched on his shoulder.

Arthur blinked rapidly, trying to process the flurry of admiration flooding his mind. 'What in the—this hawk has a fan club?!'

He stared at Hank, who was now preening his feathers proudly. Hank let out a chirp, and in Arthur's mind, the thoughts resumed.