Some of the students were trembling now, desperation setting in.
Arthur could hear them whispering—
"Damn it! Why can't I get this?"
"I know how to control mana, I swear! But this… this is different!"
"I keep tearing the leaf! How the hell does this make sense?!"
A few even glanced toward the instructor, eyes pleading.
The instructor remained silent.
His arms were crossed, his expression blank.
He was waiting.
Not for them to succeed—but for the time to run out.
Arthur exhaled.
They don't get it.
They were trying to force the mana, trying to shape it through sheer will. But mana wasn't something to be dominated. It had to be guided. He had understood that from the many skills he had comprehended through the skill books, whilst also engaging in combat.
One student—one of the more impatient ones—snapped.