As the duo sat next to there roommate, Lumina greeted Ezzie. Ezzie sat at the top right corner and Lumina sat next to her and Null next to him, minutes gone past as the class got filled.
When the class was full and seated, the man that was comfortable sitting in his chair behind the desk, he stood up and walk forward on the evenly wood styled floor his boots that were up to the knee's and black he had a baggy pants that filled into the boots he had a long black fur coat with long sleeves and shaved hair that was low but still brush able and a mustache and goatee he had fingerless black gloves, a white shirt.
The man raised his head and looked at the ascending rows a spoke " Uhh~" the man sighed in satisfaction, "Fresh, wonderful green horns listen i have to qualms against any of you but many of you are pathetic but both hands full I see potential." The man said in a heavy Russian accent.
Few students didn't take him serious and snorted chuckled and few mocked him but non to serious.
"Hahaha" the man laughed boisterously and it resonated, "Except those i see potential, non of you would be able to take a low grade intermediate tier beast!" The man mocked with a toothed filled grin.
Now some students began to speak, there pride hurt.
"How'd you except a bunch of teenagers to be able to take care of the third beast tier in the ladder of 9 beast tiers!" One student shouted at the man still having a toothy grin.
The man laughed like a madman and no one felt comfortable now as the man's eyes gazed at all of us in his left was a green emerald colour and the right a very gold and bronze colour.
"That ladder was used to ease the public but there is a true ladder given to all government personal and the ladder of politians."
The man said.
The student that spoke out was laughing,"Ya right ya gotta be joking, because we're 'green horns' does not mean we're that gullible..." The boy said as he stopped speaking as he waited for the man to tell the truth or even say something but he didn't answer.
Null was unsettled as the beast ladder of nobility, known as having nine tiers, this was taught in school before he was sent to the military base.
The weakest the elementary tier but only the untrained average human would be indanger.
The basic tier where the weakest of Meta-Humans are going to be in a small bit of danger and would cause a problem in a neighborhood.
The intermediate tier are strong enough to cause a problem for a village to a town no destroy a town given time, and every student or most of the students were not a friend with fighting, especially beasts that are able decimate a town in an hour and it has happened before.
The advanced tier are strong enough to the down a group of F to F+ rank hounds or hunters with ease and it would look like it was playing, and that's of the weakest of the Advanced tier.
The noble tier are strong beast that has once damaged and endangered a whole island civilization due to it having enough time because of authorities arriving late this is where the beasts began to be strong even for Beast's as from the advanced to the Noble tier there was a leap of strength that made the advanced tier look pathetic. The naming of this tier came from a noble tier leading a pack of its same variants yet they were at the advanced tier the noble tier being the first social class.
Baron tier is aswell a social class but it would be a problem for a island civilization as time wasn't a variable as a baron tier would devast a small island with no effort.
The viscount tier another social beast is a worry to cities even cities with mid ranked meta ability users they have been appearances of cities with low ranked metas being brought down. And not recovering to its former state.
The Earl tier were just horrific as from the Earl tier the beasts become absolutely not recognizable to earth's animal, but some plants. And this tier would kill there own variant that were below there tier as other beast below there tier would beat there variants close to death to start making a pack, but the Earl tier would kill potential members at random but aswell integrate them in the pack randomly, the most unpredictable and this tier feared for being the tier of the first humanoid beast.
So the Earl tier was given the nickname "the jackpot" that are a threat to a small state.
The sovereign tier just like the Earl tier they choose to be solitary or a leader of a pack of lesser tiers yet it's more common for the sovereign tier to have a pack of lesser tiers with them but made the sovereign keep even military on constant fear and guard was it's hierarchy the lesser tiers under the sovereign tier made there own pack and those under them made packs down to the Noble tier. So the sovereign tier was nicknamed the"Army Bringer"
So the reason why Null was horrified was if there were beast stronger than a sovereign then it would be a multi country threat and he doubted there would be a S-rank meta's equal to a sovereign thatbof a sovereign would need to team up with other S ranks, because for every tier the one above made the one below look pathetic compared to there power.
"No, i am not." the man said "i assume you know the beast tier ladder of nobility, elementary, basic, intermediate, advanced, noble, baron, viscount, Earl and sovereign?" The man said as a smile began to crank fast once again and this unsettled every one.
"The beast ladder of 12 the ladder of politians!" With a crazed smile as he enjoyed the moment where he'll see those with will's of steels.