"The beast ladder of 12 the ladder of politians!" The man said with a booming voice that reach the thousands of cadets, and especially Null.
Null winced as he was shaken by the reality of beast tiers above the sovereign, because he had experienced a beast attack in the past he felt absolute fear I stared at the beast and it was just a basic tier, he blacked out, he assumed he fainted but he did have a head injury.
That was when he met the owner of the white turtle neck, but his pushed back his thoughts as he brought his attention back to the man.
"The tenth tier Duke." The man said, the class was silent and Null could smell sweat he turned his head to...Lumina he had a shrinked and erratic pupils, he had a sweat going down his forehead and a grin.
'Is he a emotional Chameleon, he keeps changing his emotions and more, and now he is excited... wait is he a adrenaline junkie?, no wonder his strong' Null thought as he pulled his attention to the man.
"The Duke tier is the first of the family type beast as they have a family hierarchy the strongest is the family head or shorter version of a family head a alpha. Duke take control or dominate a sovereign and make it's social group a army of sorts taken over the Sovereign to the Noble tier's pack that were under the sovereign to its control it would only take half a month to lay waste upon a third of a continent."
The man said his voice untrembling, something that was not able to be said by the other student's, people were shaking and sweating, Null assumed they were people who have experienced a beast attack, but one who did not really have the exact same expression but it was fear, yet there was a smile on the face of the blonde,blue eyed girl who tired to stop me and he heard her whisper, "I will overcome you brother." She said, he was vaccinated but he was not too nosey to ease drop on family problem's so he focused on the man.
"The eleventh tier Grand Duke, now this is where the family hierarchy is put into practice as the Grand duke would not defeat the Duke, rather the Duke would willingly follow the Grand duke, reason being that after the Sovereign tier the gaps of over all strength between every rank increased, the Grand Duke would treat does of duke as there children and if there was another Grand Duke they would fight till the other lost and the winner would take over or keep there family, Grand Dukes would take a week to lay waste to a third of a continent." The man
The cadets were quiet and it was disturbing to think in a second that there home's can be easily destroyed and the responsibility that they have to be strong enough to protect there home.
"The twelveth tier Arch Duke, had the same attributes as the last one for example the Grand Duke would willingly follow the Archduke as well the duke making a family hierarchy and if so there were to be another Arch Duke they both would fight till one die's or submits so the Army Bringer is one of the last things to worry about." The man said with a grin and just a happy feeling around him.
Obviously the group of 16 year old's were not going to last long, reason being that a sovereign took 5 S rank ability users to take down and unranker's had no chance.
The man began to speak again "Do not worry, because 'Where monsters arise, there are always something that bare the hand to slay it', you all know the lowest rank to the highest S-rank, there are ranks above such as SS-rank and SSS-rank and there are rankings in between and two average SS-ranker are able to handle a Sovereign and duke not at the same time though and a Triple S-rank would be able to handle them both at the same time though other rankers would be needed to handle the army and three Triple S-ranks would be able to handle a Archduke so don't worry were not defenseless, so smile you fools." The man said as he continued own for the whole day about how to differentiate between tiers weak spots and the history of the world from the war to now.
Our only class ended everyone had an optimistic expression, Null heard one person say "If S-rank is not the limit than i could even reach A or maybe S-rank.", Null was about to leave last and looked to the man and asked "What rank are you?"
"Kid, get out of here.." the man said but he was not heard.
"How strong are you?" Null said having no fear on his face just a plain canvas. I already tried to inspect him but it just gave a error notification so..'
Before Null could have finished his thought his vision became red from the unknown pressure, he felt a wet feeling going down his neck.
He raised his hand to the wet feeling and saw red oozing on his fingers, it was blood. Then the surroundings and the blood on his fingers and neck disappeared.
Null fell to the floor and gasped and he felt beads of sweat and he looked up and saw the man walk up the stairs to him a red energy that was not leaving him rather compressed around him. Null stood up and with a smile first, 'i asked first out of curiosity, but this system is fun.'
[You have endured mental strain]
[Fruits of your hardship will be rewarded after rest]
[The longer you endure the more sweet the fruit is]
"Why do you stand are you not scared." The man said with a inquisitive expression.
"You still have not answered my question so how strong are you?" He asked and regretted it as the feeling of pressure came back he still had his senses unrestricted so it was worse then what a normal person would feel, till remembering the system prompt 'The longer you endure the more sweet the fruit is'.
"Kid you caught me on a awful day, just drop on the floor and sleep." The man said with a menacing tone at the end.
Null looked at the man and he coughed red oozing from his mouth than he gagged and his eyes became hazy and fell unconsciousness.
The man walk passed Null's unconsciousness body, before he left he said "i expected you to last longer guess i overestimated you" and walked out the door as he closed the entrance and a figure was standing there.
"Your, Lumina am i correct." The man said not phrasing it as a question.
"Now why would you do that to my friend?" Lumina said gazing into him, As he said that pressure slammed into and he did not flinch one bit.
"Oh, interesting my mood got way better kid come the class at midnight I see good potential in you." He said with a smirk and carried to where ever, as Lumina went back to the class room picking Null up.