Embrace of conflict-part 2

Ella then mustered up her courage to confront that group of people with red hair who are staring at her for three straight days but she no longer came across them, days passed and she totally forgot about them. One day when she was in her way to the hospital to get her heart check up, she came across that group of people leaving from the hospital doors with tears,holding and supporting eachother , she tried to follow them but they vanished in thin air. She was quite confused but she headed straight to the hospital and found out from her doctor that they were related to the girl who had donated her heart to Ella. " Her name is Anne, she gave me the strength to live on however hard life gets even though she was just 14 when we first met and the last. " said the doctor to Ella with his face crumbling.

Ella didn't wish to ask further questions to the doctor but she wanted to know the story of Anne, a teen who she supposed to be the answer to her life. She then queried from her doctor for the address of Anne's family in search of finding answers.

Anne was from a downtown which was resided by few people. When Ella asked for the address to Anne's residence to the locals, they showed her the way but were wary of her. Ella knocked on the door as there was no door bell, she heard a person walking towards the door. A beautiful woman who was in her forties with bright red hair opened the door. The woman was shocked to see Ella but tears rolled down her eyes even before Ella could utter a single word.