A bridge connecting our worlds.

The lady wiped her tears and gently smiled at Ella while welcoming her in the house. The house was made out of wood which reminded her of her orphanage. "The doctor said you would be visiting soon but I couldn't believe it. Oh! And my name is Jade, Anne's mother." said the woman showing her the way to the hall. Ella introduced herself and met all the other family members. Ella grew closer to the family, it it had been a long times since she last talked for hours with someone. When Ella was about to leave Jade called her and handed her a diary and said "This is Anne's. I know that you wanted to know more about her but never asked but we want to remember her even if she is no more. She told 'remember Mrs Jade, don't forget to talk about me even if I die, I don't want my existence to be forgotten'." Ella's heart sank when she heard this.Jude asked if she could hug her, Ella then gave a soft smile and pulled Jade in for a tight hug. Ella then got on to a bus, she couldn't wait until she reached home and start reading the diary.

After four long hours of bus journey, Ella reached her house. She switched right into pajamas and started reading the diary.