Kai Everett’s life takes an unexpected twist when he stumbles upon a mysterious, unmarked smartphone. Unlike any other device, this phone can connect him to beings from other realms, each with unique abilities and knowledge from their worlds. Appointed as the Admin of this powerful "God-Tier Group Chat," Kai must now manage a team of extraordinary members, each one with secrets, skills, and agendas of their own.
With guidance from an enigmatic AI, Kai faces tasks that test his wit, courage, and heart. Each quest brings high-stakes challenges and magical rewards, but also attracts attention from entities that seek the phone’s divine powers for themselves. As Kai juggles his role as Admin with his own real-world ambitions, he embarks on a journey that could reshape not only his destiny but the fates of every realm connected through the chat.
In a story filled with supernatural conflicts, hidden rivalries, and cosmic mysteries, Kai Everett will have to decide just how far he’s willing to go to protect his newfound power—and the friends he's made along the way.