Testing New Powers

Back in his apartment, Kai could still feel the energy from the Celestial Shard resonating within him. The excitement from their success lingered, but so did an unfamiliar weight. He was responsible not just for himself but for an entire group of extraordinary beings who looked to him for leadership. And now, with the power of skill-sharing unlocked, they had even more potential.


[Admin Kai Everett, new abilities are now accessible for testing. Skill-sharing is enabled, allowing group members to temporarily exchange powers.]

Kai's curiosity surged as he tapped the screen to view more details. A menu popped up, listing each member and their available skills. Just seeing the options made his mind reel—abilities that once seemed like fantasy were now within his reach.

Kai: "All right, everyone. It looks like we've unlocked some new skills we can share. I'm thinking we should test it out."

Ilyria: "Oh, I'd love to see you try my enchantment magic, Kai. But be warned—it's a bit tricky!"

Kaelen: "Or take a swing with my blade skills. It'll be interesting to see what an Admin can do with a sword in hand."

Zarael: "Skill-sharing could give us an edge in future quests. But remember, some skills require practice."

Lysandra: "Or, if you want something more hands-on, I can lend you control over my golems. They're surprisingly versatile."

Kai considered his options carefully. Each ability offered a unique advantage, but for now, he decided to start simple, choosing Zarael's healing and protection magic. It was the most practical, especially for supporting the team in battles.

Kai closed his eyes and focused. A warm, golden light spread from his hands, tingling as it surrounded him. The sensation was calming yet powerful.

Kai: "This...feels incredible. It's like having a shield around me."

Zarael: "Healing and protection magic is fundamental but powerful. Use it wisely, and you'll be able to protect yourself and others from harm."

Kai nodded, practicing conjuring and dissipating the shield until he could summon it instantly. Testing out his teammates' skills gave him a better understanding of their capabilities, and more importantly, it showed him the potential of what they could accomplish as a team.

Next, he turned to Ilyria's enchantment magic. With her guidance, he began casting a simple enchantment on an ordinary pen. His hands wove intricate patterns in the air, sparks of silver light dancing at his fingertips.

Kai: "Enchanting is...complex. But I think I'm getting the hang of it."

Ilyria: "Focus on the intent. Magic flows from purpose as much as power."

The pen glowed momentarily before returning to normal. Ilyria grinned, clapping her hands in approval.

Ilyria: "Not bad, Kai. You've got potential!"

As the practice session continued, each member shared insights into their abilities, giving Kai a crash course in their respective strengths. By the end, he'd tried a little of everything—Kaelen's martial skills, Lysandra's golem summoning, and even Raine's intuitive sensing abilities.

When they finished, Kai was exhausted but exhilarated. He'd barely scratched the surface of what the group could do together, yet he could already feel their combined strength growing.

Kai: "This is incredible. With skill-sharing, our versatility just went through the roof. We can cover for each other's weaknesses, adapt to different challenges...the possibilities are endless."


[Notice: Due to the Celestial Shard, skill-sharing duration and efficiency have increased. However, overuse may lead to exhaustion.]

Raine: "With this new power, our challenges will only grow. There's bound to be a balance—a cost."

Kaelen: "True. We can't afford to get overconfident just because we've got new toys. Let's use them wisely."

A sudden notification flashed across Kai's screen, pulling him from the excitement of skill-testing.


[New Quest: Uncover the Source of Disturbance

Location: Silent Peaks

Objective: Investigate the rise of energy fluctuations and strange phenomena reported by local inhabitants.

Reward: Increased power for Admin and members, along with a special item.]

Kai glanced at the details, feeling a surge of apprehension. The Silent Peaks were known to be perilous even to seasoned adventurers. This quest would likely demand more than just a basic understanding of each other's skills.

Kai: "Looks like we've got a new mission. And judging by the location, it's going to be a tough one."

Ilyria: "The Silent Peaks, huh? That place has a reputation for messing with your mind. And the energy fluctuations could mean we're not alone."

Zarael: "We should prepare for this carefully. Rest, gear up, and strategize. This isn't a place to take lightly."

Kai nodded. The excitement of skill-sharing was real, but it was clear they'd need more than raw power to face what lay ahead.

Kai: "All right, team. Let's rest and regroup. Tomorrow, we head out for the Silent Peaks."

As the team logged off one by one, Kai sat back, contemplating the journey ahead. With each quest, he was growing—not just in power but in understanding of his role as Admin. And with his team by his side, he felt ready to face whatever the Silent Peaks had in store for them.