I’d been given a punch when it was all I asked for when they asked if I'd like anything to drink.
It was sitting right before me, untouched, a pink straw innocently hanging out of it. The fruity aroma that wafted from it was not enticing a bit.
I might be a Bastion of great power but I was not yet immune to poison or sedatives. I didn't have the right combination of powers to do that. The best I could do was heal myself so quickly it looked like super regeneration.
I guess I could also use the Power of Motion to also boost how my body fights toxins and foreign agents but I didn't know how that would affect me.
I could mess up and erase the antibodies and bacterias in me that contributed to my health and biological balance.
I had no information to back up how the use of that particular power would affect me if I did more with it than use it to accelerate my healing time.