5. The King's Armor


"Listen up boys! And well uhh... girl." Xavier demanded, melting about a hundred zombie like figures in an instant with his wand that a group of about 5 people were fighting against.

"The King has ordered the death of a so called "mad player" named Onkai. He has given me the orders directly but I figure its time you put your useless asses to work and get some real training done. You have the responsibility to protect the King and you do shit-all, for once you have the chance to prove yourselves worthy to be my students and protectors of the Kingdom. You call yourselves the King's Armor, so you should have no problem defeating Onkai. He is an ice berserker at about Level 18 or so I believe, he is quite powerful for a new player, but you all are much higher in power and rank. Kill him, and you will be rewarded greatly by me. That's all. Now piss off." Xavier exclaimed as the group hurdled around him.


Xavier exited the room and shut the doors behind him."

God help them." He whispered to himself as walked away.

"Damn! A mad player." A boy with flame colored armor cheered joyfully as he holstered a beautiful yet enormous red sword on his back.

"He's mine!" Shouted the only girl in the group. The boys had to look down to see the tiny yet fierce-looking girl. She had her hair braided in black and grey stripes and was equipped with heavy armor and a long grey cloak with a slightly grey repeating circular patterns on it.

"Okay Hinami. Whatever you say." A blonde haired boy in a blue cloak chuckled. He had white and yellow zig zag stripes all over him and wore an uncomfortably sharp chest plate that looked like it pierced into his lungs. He had two small blue scythes attached to both sides of his chest plate that looked like they could be potentially impaled into his arms as he rested them, though he showed no sign of discomfort on his face, in fact it was the complete opposite. He wore an annoyingly composed smug on his face that would irritate anyone who took a look at him.

"I don't know why you're laughing, Fasily. Does this seem like a joke to you. Lord Xavier has entrusted us to put an end to this man, and you're giggling about it." Another boy in a grey and green cloak stated rapidly in a frustrated tone as he approached Fasily until they were face to face.

"Do you remember that one time we had an assassin infiltrate the castle. Who was it that got his ass beat by him? Oh yeah! It was you Devolo. How could I be so foolish to forget." He exclaimed as he pushed Devolo out of his sight.

"Whoa! Whoa! Whoa! Calm down guys, we're all friends here." The boy in the flame-like armor interrupted as Devolo picked himself up, creating a bubble of water from his hands as he did so.

"How about you Zero, what do you think of this?" He continued, evidently trying to diffuse the tension.

He looked at another boy crouching in the corner of the room, he was covered in black rags and his long hair covered his entire face, hence his eyes were barely visible.

The boy looked up until you could see a tiny glimpse of white shining from his eyes."Aren, you guys can't work together at all, it's best we go separately otherwise we're just gonna burden each other as always... At least I know I'm going alone." He responded quietly and depressingly.

He stood and left the room in a horribly slouched posture without uttering another word.

"I hate to say it but he's right you guys, we really are an awful team. I think it's best we go separately from here, once that Onkai's dealt with we should meet back here and try practice fighting as a team, or we're really not gonna be able to protect the King if there's a major issue." The other three looked attentively at Aren as he spoke.

They each nodded their heads, agreeing with Aren's words.

"I guess it will be good practice for our own individual selves." Hinami added, slightly cheering everyone in the room up.

They sat down on chairs scattered around the training room, and one by one, they each left without any farewells.