6. Wilhart District

[Wilhart District]

STAMINA {27/100}


The sun had risen after a long night of journey. Though he had the ability to summon a horse, Onkai had been exhausted through his travels under the scorching and merciless heat of the vast desert he voyaged ,and killed, through.

He had finally entered the walls of Highmaria Central, where merchants tiresomely opened their stalls and equipped themselves with what they would sell, placing it on the stalls as they yawned and rubbed their eyes, every now and then dozing off back to sleep for a minute or two.

"Wilhart District ay." He read the sign on an enormous welcoming board that greeted those entering the walls. He scanned around to see the Adonis' flowers blooming on the tall grassy fields and birds chirping on fat but healthy green trees. Farms were everywhere and with them slumbering cattle, which you could just about see under that gigantic grass. A few clock towers spread about the place and small tiny huts encircled them, all covered with large vines, which harmonized with the atmosphere.

Though all of this was contrasted by a tall, grey, thin tower that menacingly stood over the entire city.

Onkai had spotted a tiny stable in one of the farms, where he decided he would rest and recover.

He climbed over the fence that kept him out and quietly crouched down to make his way there, not wanting to alert anyone as he was too weak to fight in his current state.

As he made his way a nasty odor had shot up his nose.

"Ewww." He whispered as he clenched his nose with his fingers.

As he walked further, the stench worsened, until he had found a lamb, half dead and half alive, that was being feasted on by a wolf.

Though in his hungry state, not once did he think about food. Instead a single tear had emerged in his right eye, falling down his cheek ever so slowly.

"Why am I crying?" He questioned in both frustration and a deep sadness. He recollected his memories of massacring Lanshire village, he felt nothing when he killed all those people, including the children, if anything he felt slightly joyous when he did that, so why was he feeling like this now?

RAGE BAR {98/100}


He was now full of fury and he didn't know why, Onkai's eyes had turned bright red and he was now breathing fast too, he choked the wolf with his bare hands and froze its neck eventually then destroyed it, decapitating it in the process.

The feeling of sadness had returned, and now he felt a deep sense of isolation

He continued crouching forward and dropped his hand from his nose.

He had finally arrived at the stable and covered himself in the hay as he craved warmth, and after a few blinks, he had fallen into a deep sleep like the cattle around him.

"AHHHH!" Onkai yelled at the top of his lungs as he jumped out of the hay. He was dripping in sweat and his skin felt like it was burning.

"What was that dream?" He questioned to himself gasping for air, the last thing he could remember was a person falling to the ground, covered in blood and chewed to bits. But this person had a sense of familiarity to them.

He cooled himself by slightly freezing his skin.

"What the hell was that!?" He heard a voice shout from outside.

STAMINA {63/100}

He sprinted out of the stable and saw an angry farmer marching over to him with a rifle.

Onkai, tried to calm himself and piece himself together again. He had to quickly take him down or else other players would hear and come for him.


-24 HP, {76/100}

"Shit!" The farmer shot at Onkai's leg, piercing it and opening a gaping hole in it.


He rained icicles onto the farmer, cutting him into pieces, staining the green grassy fields with blood.

Merchants on the streets sprinted back into their homes and farmers locked themselves into barns. Military police had heard the shot and, from the distance, Onkai could see that they started to run towards him. The cattle had gone wild and started to run in all different directions.

He had already gained to much attention, he needed to get out of there quickly or else players would catch on to him and kill him.


Onkai decided to escape the town as fast as he could, not wanting to battle too many players at once as he was right in the capital of Highmaria, he knew he would stand no chance if it came to that, especially with his new injury.

He slid back to the gate in the wall he came from and made his way westwards, trying to find another opening to the city where he could rest up a bit more and eat, so he could continue the killing spree he started in Lanshire Village.

As he did so, a green portal opened up in the ground, and with it, Devolo rose up.

He shot out rocks from his hand, repeatedly striking Onkai until he fell to the ground.

"Looks like I found you first." He said, his eyes wide open and his tongue slightly out of his mouth. He breathed heavily and shook quite a lot. His appearance was extremely uncanny, he was very much alive, but looked dead at the same time, he carried skulls around his belt and had holes in his clothing, he was also burnt in some areas, but the burns were green, and from them a poison-like green ooze seeped out.

He lifted his hands up and swampy trees arose from the ground, creating a cage for the two to fight in.

"For too long have I been looked down upon. Your blood will prove my worth, Mad Player!" He declared excitedly and licked his dead-blue lips, blood lusted.

"You are one pitiful sight. I'll end this quickly so I don't have to keep looking at you." Onkai exclaimed tauntingly as he struggled to pick himself up, the hole in his leg didn't help either. "Ahh!" He gasped in pain.

"I hate people like you, people who are so full of themselves and so quick to judge others." Devolo responded, annoyed. "I'll teach you the importance of speaking through your actions, not just your tongue."