7. Devolo
POSION ARROWDevolo summoned an arrow and shot ahead at the already weakened Onkai, piercing through his silver armor and then absorbed into his body.ONKAI{-2 HP PER SECOND FOR 15 SECONDS}{HP 76/100}"Ahh" Onkai grunted. He tried to escape the swampy trees that encaged him but it was no use, his powers weren't allowing him.RAGE BAR {82/100}"There's no escape for you, Mad Player. I heard so much about you back in Hightower Castle, of how you single-handedly massacred a village, looks like those stories were an injustice to you, you're really just a coward." Devolo stated, as he created portals scattered around the ground.Onkai, drew his sword and dashed at Devolo in a fury.In response, Devolo drew two tiny green daggers and pointed them at OnkaiCLASH!Onkai smashed his sword against Devolo where he was blocked and pushed back.ICE SLIDEAs he fell backwards he used his ice slide to push himself forwards and change momentum and jumped on top of Devolo, freezing him in his place as he did so."You disappoint me, snake." He laughed as he was about to snap his finger.CRACKDevolo melted the ice as a green substance secreted from his infested-looking wounds.He spit a green poison onto Onkai's face as he did so, blinding him."You filth!" Onkai screamed in pain as he tried to rub the poison out of his eyes.Just as Devolo was about to fire rocks at Onkai again, Onkai created a barrier of ice around himself for protection.He cooled his eyes using a blue mist from his hands and now he could see again, he waited a bit to let himself regenerate from before.He broke through his barrier, but Devolo was nowhere to be found, despite his repaired visionUp, down, left, right. Nowhere."He can't have just disappeared." Onkai thought to himself.KICK!Devolo emerged from a portal he had previously created and kicked Onkai right in the face, and then he vanished into another portal.ONKAI -6 HP {63/100}Again, Devolo shot up from a portal and kicked Onkai, this time in his leg which had a hole in it.Devolo kept going like this, not allowing Onkai to have a single moment to breathe. He had effectively hurt every single part of Onkai's body and had tired him out.Onkai could barely make out his moves as he was being attacked at such a rapid pace, making him feel powerless."Over here Onkai!" He laughed as he repeatedly smashed his legs against him.ONKAI -32 HP {41/100}RAGE BAR {96/100}Onkai felt a fire brewing in him, he couldn't take this level of disrespect, this level of embarrassment. He was getting destroyed.SNATCH!As Devolo appeared out of a portal yet again, he spun his leg towards Onkai at a furious pace, but this time Onkai had grabbed onto his leg.He spun Devolo around in the air and smashed him against the floor at such force that tiny cracks had emerged.He grabbed hold of his greasy, greenly-striped hair and kept smashing him into the floor.As Onkai kept furiously smashing Devolo's face in, his features became almost unrecognizable.His jagged teeth had all fallen out, his pointy nose now faced inwards, one eye of had popped out and his long tongue had fallen out.DEVOLO -74 HP {26/100}ACID RAINSomehow, Devolo gathered the strength to rain acid on top of Onkai, forcing him backwards.SKIN SHEDDINGDEVOLO +65 HP {91/100}"I'll give it to you Mad Player! You almost got me there." Devolo confessed as he picked himself up. His face started to grow back and he licked his new teeth with his new tongue.He reached his hands out and his daggers came flying back into his hands as if they were magnetic.Devolo sprung up into the air and aimed his landing towards Onkai.SMASH!Onkai held up his sword to defend himself but it snapped in the process.Devolo swung his daggers towards Onkai's head, but he jumped backwards and his sword regenerated just in time.They kept swinging at each other ,clashing each of their weapons into the others until the metal could no longer withstand it and broke off.Onkai worked his way around the portals on the floor, knowing one mistake would all it would take to end the duel.ICICLE STORMOnkai rained icicles down at Devolo who managed to break and dodge every single one of them with ease, that is until he left an opening for Onkai.Now that Devolo was distracted Onkai aimed his sword at Devolo and swung at his head.From the corner of his eye, Devolo saw Onkai's lunge and lifted his arm to shield himself as fast as he could.The sword managed to cut through Devolo's arm but it couldn't get to his head.He swept Onkai's foot, dropping him to the ground."Tut. You just got lucky this time. Mark my words Mad Player, the next time we meet again, it will end with your head in this hand." Devolo stated as he summoned a portal underneath him, teleporting him away from Onkai's sights.The trees around Onkai melted down to the ground and he could finally see the sunlight after an everlasting fight." I really need a rest." Onkai said to himself as he gasped for air exhaustedly.