8. The Little Flying Girl
After his fight with Devolo, Onkai continued journeying west around the wall to find a gate which would lead him to a place of rest and recovery.And so he found the perfect place to do so.ELMOR TOWNThere was a large scraped-dirty sign that read these words.The town appeared to be abandoned. Lifeless. It was a town of rock and stone, grey and dull.There was a stone fence caging the town away from the city, where beyond you could see society as normal.But this was exactly what Onkai needed. Not too many people. Not any people.He decided to explore the town further to find the most appropriate place for his needs.He walked into the nearest house, a small, single-story, stone hut where it seemed rats had taken shelter.There were no beds and no sources of food, so Onkai decided to go to the next.However, he was met with the same fate. Again, again and again.No food, no bed, some broken rooftops and rats.He scanned around to see any other structures, because clearly the huts were doing him no good, and in the corner of the town he could see a large, fat tower, not exactly tall or anything bit bigger than all the other structures in the town.He journeyed his way towards it and welcomed himself in through what used to be a door, now really just an open entrance.On the left of the passage he entered there were stairs, and on the right a single large room, full of strangely-deadly looking weapons, including a tiny mace about the size of his forearm.He scanned around and ,to his luck, found food, and lots of it. From meat to vegetables to even a warm pot of soup.He sat down on a stone chair and placed the soup he saw on a table.He swallowed it away and devoured all else he could see which was edible.There was also a little, torn-up sofa in one corner as well.He jumped onto it and decided this is where he would rest up.STAMINA {88/100}HP {92/100}"Finally." He sighed as he shut his eyes.But then the realization came to him."How was the soup warm?" He thought to himself.STEP!Someone was there and they were upstairs this whole time, now coming down."Poor soul." Onkai thought to himself, grinning over how they would shortly meet their doom.Onkai confidently charged out the room to quickly end whoever it was in the tower."Oi! Who is it?" It was a girl's voice. She was now just about to step foot onto the ground floor.BOOM!A large rock blasted out of the wall and pushed Onkai back.He picked himself up and ran out, waiting for her to come at him.The girl arrived at the entrance, she was tiny, very tiny yet also very angry for some reason. A grey armor wrapped around her and grey cloak over it.It was Hinami.Onkai created a blue ice ball on his hands and fired it at Hinami, who smashed it away from her using a mace."So you're the Mad Player, huh! Glad you saved me the effort of having to go and look for you myself." She exclaimed."Is there some sort of bounty on my head?" Onkai sighed as he upholstered his sword. "Tell me, are you with that ugly reptile?" He asked."Devolo you mean? What, he found you or something?" She asked in return."I'm not really familiar with a Devolo, but if it's an ugly, reptile-like man, then yeah that's who I'm talking about?""Did you kill him?""No, but I wi-"SMASH!Onkai was interrupted with a smash to his ribs.ONKAI -30 HP {62/100}"You killed Devolo!" She cried with a rage. "I'll have your head for this!"She leapt into the sky and Onkai could barely see her anymore.CRASH!She landed onto Onkai's chest, the impact further tearing his ribs and even making him cough up blood. The armor made her heavy and she dove down at a bullet-like pace.It was a evident she was a Valkyrie. ONKAI -42 HP {20/100}RAGE BAR {84/100}"Oww! That really hurt!" He barely managed to say as he coughed up more blood.ICE SLIDEHe slid towards Hinami and grabbed her neck, making her struggle to breathe.He swung his sword back and as he was about to swing forwards, Hinami jumped to the sky, taking him with her.